During the past two days, my Murderati mates have been commenting on their most positive experiences with the last Book Expo (http://www.murderati.com).
So I wanted to hear from the larger crimespace community: tell us your Book Expo stories, either just recently or in the past.

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This past BEA was my first. Met up with several Crimespacers for far too brief a period - Jennifer Jordan said "Hey! It's Steven Torres!" then seconds later she was gone never to be seen again. Met Jeff Markowitz in the seat next to me during my signing time and Rosemary Harris, Reed Farrel Coleman, Charles Ardai and Johnny Temple. Got a free copy of a book I've been waiting several years for (a WW II history) and walked right past Elton John - since he wasn't wearing sequins, I didn't notice him until a few steps later...

Pushed my way past LL Cool J. And was struck by the sight of Harlen Coben and Mike Lupica standing side by side sharing jokes.

Spent a lot of time in the wake of my agent and shook hands with everyone she asked me to. Very exhausting. Not sure I'd do it again though if Elton John can...
Well, it sounded like it was a bit overwhelming for you, Steven. So it wasn't quite worth it? Or perhaps difficult for folks who don't like big crowds. (The L.A. Times Festival of Books can be quite a circus as well.) I hear the BEAs in other cities are not as crazy. We will see next year.
I came, sweated, picked up too many books, saw too many people all too briefly, talked with all my publishers past and maybe future, went. Just another BEA. And hello to all those I missed...
Been there, done that, huh, Maxim?
Oh, and I met Maxim. How could I forget? Of course, I've forgotten others on Crimspace. Forgive me. I am no more than human...
I met some wonderful writers, including Steve Torres, who was impressively busy signing books. I signed a few myself and came home with a summer's worth of reading and a few new friends.
Jambo from Tanzania.
Just found a computer that works..so this is not exactly latebreaking news..I had a great time at BEA. Of course, my book isn't out yet, so I had no pressure, no responsibilities, etc., it was mostly meet and greet for me. Friday was a zoo and very hot, but Saturday was much calmer (and cooler.) The library panels were a real education - esp. for newbie. Also enjoyed stopping by the MWA and SinC booths to say hello to a few new pals (Stephen) and a few old ones, Hank Phillipi Ryan, Jessica Speart, Jane Cleland, Mary-Ann Tirone Smith. I tried to pace myself with picking up freebies, but so glad i took Mary-Ann's memoir Girls of Tender Age. The flight to Dubai was almost fast because i couldn't put it down. It's the story of her childhood in a small New England town that doesn't (couldn't) realize it's on a collison course with a serial rapist/killer. Way to go, Mary-Ann. (Who I've only met twice, so this isn't a total shameless plug for a pal - which I'm not opposed to, but just thought I'd clarify.) ;-)
How exciting, Rosemary! Much success on your project.
This is what I posted on Murderati, for those who are not inclined to follow Naomi's link ;)

I’ve been to a LOT of conferences, workshops, and conventions this year and it’s my impression that the two most useful/important for debut authors are ALA (the American Library Association Conference) and BEA. I

BEA and ALA have a tremendous lot in common (well, I say this mostly because of their size and because they’re both trade shows.) These shows are huge. HUGE - I heard 30,000 attendees for BEA this year. Publishers and distributors set up corporate booths in rows of aisles and aisles and aisles and aisles across a massive convention hall (there were 4500 distinct booths in one hall alone, which gives you some idea), and booksellers and librarians and authors wander the aisles doing business, taking meetings and grabbing bagload after bagload of free books, ARCs and SWAG.

This was my second BEA – I signed ARCs of THE HARROWING last year, and this year I could sign actual books. I remember my first impression of BEA last year as total overwhelm - so many people you could barely get around in the aisles, so many booksellers and librarians to talk to, so many authors to meet. I wasn't the only one with a completely glazed look in my eyes within an hour. And this year, the first day (Friday) was even more insane, as Toni and JT can attest. There was something seriously wrong with the air conditioning and the wall-to-wall people in each aisle turned the whole place into a tropical nightmare. Luckily I knew to layer and instantly stripped down to bare arms and sandals, but other people were really suffering and I think the next two days were much lighter than they would have been because so many people weren’t up for a repeat of Friday (plus, you know, all of New York was out there singing its siren song...)

But (atomospheric conditions aside) Book Expo America is self-billed as "The Premier Event Serving the Book Publishing Industry". And this year bestselling author Heather Graham told some new authors bluntly that BEA is the most important thing you can do all year for your career.

So what does a new author do there, exactly?

Well, first of all, if you’re lucky, your publisher takes you and you do signings in the publisher’s booth. Not every debut author gets to go – not by a long shot. For one thing, BEA is mostly to introduce the fall line of books, so if you’re coming out in a different season, you’re not necessarily going to be on the list.

But that’s not the only way to do signings and appearances at BEA. JT said yesterday how essential it is to join an authors’ group, and I’d like to second that in spades. One of the greatest things that Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and Romance Writers of America do for their authors is sponsor booths at BEA and ALA (and PLA, the Public Library Association conference, held every other year). You can sign up to sign (you or your publisher have to provide the books, which are given away – there’s no selling on the convention floor). You can also in some cases volunteer to staff the booth, which is a fabulous way to meet hundreds of librarians and booksellers. These book professionals know and love Sisters in Crime and MWA and RWA and go out of their way to find these booths and see what’s new in the genre.

I’m new to RWA and didn’t do a signing there this time, but Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America made me and all of their other author charges feel completely at home and looked after. Sisters in Crime runs an always-hopping booth that acts like a combination lounge and oasis for members and dazed convention-goers alike.

The MWA booth is as organized and professional as it is inviting, thanks to the amazing Margery Flax, Executive Director, without whom the organization would collapse within a half hour.

These booths are home base - I could venture out into the fray, journey the miles of booths and always find safe haven back with SinC and MWA.

And this year, I have to say, the Harlequin booth (booth doesn’t really begin to describe it – it was more like a posh club) was another haven. I know so many HQ/Mira authors now that it was a great place to stop by and find friends and actual chairs when my legs were giving out.

THE PRICE isn’t out until January, so this year I signed THE HARROWING in two different sessions, with Sisters in Crime and MWA, and the rest of the time I just wandered the floor, meeting and chatting with literally hundreds of great booksellers and librarians and reviewers (I’m starting to recognize a lot of people now, booksellers I’ve done signings for, librarians I’ve met at other conferences, reviewers who have been very supportive – it’s really fun.) I had meetings with my agent, with various people from St. Martin’s – you do a tremendous amount of business in those three days. And then of course there are the parties afterward (thank you, Harlequin!!).

BEA is huge, but it’s essentially like any other conference in terms of working it - all you have to do is relax and walk around and just run into the people you need to run into. Really, it works. Reviewers, booksellers, your publishers, extraordinary friends you haven't seen in ten years - they're all there in a very contained space and you will drift into them if you just go with the flow.

In the end you have dozens and dozens of buyers reading your books. You get dozens of requests for bookstore and festival appearances and can get a much clearer picture of where you want to tour, and in what order. You make new friends, and get reunited with very dear old ones. And let’s not forget the SWAG. Remember – no selling on the floor – it’s all giveaways!.

I really think, bottom line, it’s invaluable and unmissable.


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