A real toughie this, but if you had to name only one writer (of crime fiction) that you think was the best--who would you name?

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Cormac McCarthy ... I see how he does it, but no one is likely to successfully copy it. Hammet and Elmore Leonard are pretty good too.
i feel so ignorant! I haven't read him. but I will. From what you say it sounds as though his writing is different. avant garde?
Yeah Jack,
I like them too, along with Chandler. A couple of the old radio writers were pretty good too. I don't see how they did it pumping script after script out week after week. I always loved the cheesy dialogue in "Richard Diamond". I think that was Blake Edwards' work.
Dick Francis. Love him more than life.
thanks for that. are you interested in racing, it's mostly racing isn't it. not my forte.
You know, I don't know why I love him so much. I'm not into racing (although it's much more interesting now). I seem to lean toward English writers for some reason--maybe it's the language.
Probably. I know what you mean though. Ever read any of Ruth Rendell (NOT Inspector Wexfor) although they're good. No, her other books. The new novels--where she writes all this dark psychological stuff. INTERESTING characters, boy. I was on a ruth rendell kick, these kinds of books for months! then switched when I started wrting seriously. At that point I plunged into hardboiled American stuff.
I haven't read her before but I should. I think I would enjoy Inspector Wexfor.
Mark Billingham.
thanks i'll have to check him out. just reserved the book he wrote, BURIED. thanks again, lookng forward to reading it.
you know i hear that lately. i'm ashamed to say i haven't read her, but i will. thanks for that douglas! do you tgink she was better than agatha c.?
i can't believe i never read her. but to be fair to myself, it wasn't because i was unaware of British writers. i was, until so recently, a horror novel addict. as a matter of fact i always thought james herbert the superior writer to stephen king. anyway, thanks for that.


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