Other than this forum (which is great), what are some your favorite blogs or websites to promote your books?  I'm new to ebooks and I'm still learning ebook marketing.  I've spent hours on Google and have some ideas, like Kindle Forums, but that doesn't seem like enough.

I'm getting a little panicked because my first book will be available next month and I want to have great launch and a great follow up.  Also, I want to promote it without irritating people.

My website is almost done. 

Thanks for you ideas.

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I haven't encountered too many ill-tempered writers on Kindleboards, but I have at Mobile Read forums. Seems like the only people there are pseudo-intellectual Brits who try to one-up each other and bad-mouth everyone else. I left and haven't been back for months. 

But here's a link to a newsletter article you might find interesting. Mike Shatzkin, the author, appears to have his finger on the pulse of what's happening ...

Thanks for the link.  His explanations are a tad mind-boggling, but unless you're a best-selling author they don't mean a whole lot.  In my case, Penguin has a strangle-hold on the e-books of four of my titles.  They pay me 15 % of their share and set the price at 12.99, which means they don't sell many but get a neat little chunk for each of the sparse sales.  This hurts me two ways: I don't get many new readers, and the royalties are too small to decrease the owed advance on the books.  Midlist authors had better hold on to their e-rights.
Sorry to hear about your Penguin problem (geez that sounds like a movie, doesn't it Batman?) But seriously, it seems like Penguin is cutting off their nose to spite their face. They'd get more sales and a bigger cut if the price was 9.99. Is there any hope you, or your agent, could convince them to lower the price?


I have an article on file with all sorts of tips on how to promote ebooks. Contact me at sunny69@comcast.net and I'll send it to you privately. 


I also lead a group of hard-charging marketers called "The Posse." It's free and we swap info on interview sites and review sites. I can help you get dialed in. 


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