I mean of having an online blog, being on Facebook, etc. I know, I know, it's part of publicizing oneself, but I feel like I spend more time keeping up with those things than writing, some days, and after reading this post on Janet Reid's site, I'm honestly wondering if the various places I have put myself online are doing more harm than good. When I Google myself (that always sounds dirty), I get lots of different stuff, not all of it self-flattering. Damn it, I started my blog because I wanted to bitch and moan and also celebrate the process of writing my book, not as some sort of publicity front. Now I'm seriously considering taking my true thoughts and feelings off line. Thoughts?


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I think if you approach social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter as opportunities for self-promotion, you'll get found out pretty quickly. If you're going to do them, do them because you enjoy them. If you're going to blog - as opposed to doing news updates - do it because you're talkative, and let your personality shine through. The golden rule for most of these things is that if you wouldn't be doing them anyway, think very carefully about doing them purely for promotional purposes. They are opportunities for networking, but, like all networking, it has to happen naturally for it to be effective.

If you want to bitch and moan on your blog - if it's what you'd naturally do - then just do it. The various aspects of online social media start to give the reader a feel for you and your personality. Which is what this kind of promotion should be. If you're worried about failing to 'keep up' with something, my suggestion is you shouldn't be doing it.
This has certainly been my approach. I don't do overt promotion on FB or my blog, although I do brag a little when something good happens--just because bragging is fun, not because I expect it to convince any of my friends to buy my book. My problem, when I've had one, is that I have a tendency to drink too much coffee (or too many martinis) and write something scathing (but funny!) about whatever's pissing me off in that moment. You'd think, at fifty, I'd have better impulse control--but no. Partly I think it's because I've gotten use to the internet rant as a literary form--but it's a whole different ballgame when you're not posting anonymously on DKos or wherever.
I agree with Steve, and I generally ignore tweets or posts by the people who are all about BSP. I use them as a way of keeping up with my pals. Knowing when Steve has a curry that passes through his system at the speed of light for example :o) I#ve only started blogging properly in the last few months, and discovered that I can keep up quite well, and that I really love doing it. If it was all about BSP I would hate it, and it would be boring for me and the (few) people who read my blog. I'm just myself, warts and all.
Someone tell Corporate America about BSP. I was filling up the Honda today and saw a digital sign above Pump 3 flash "Follow Us on Twitter." Because I'd like nothing more than to follow the musings of a gas station. Yee haw, where do I sign up?

BSP is ineffective for a reason: It doesn't pass the Who Cares Test. Give the audience something that keeps them coming back. Witty writing. Punny prose. Interesting insights. Posting a link with a quick "Check me out" doesn't accomplish any of these things.
P.S. Agent Janet Reid writes one hell of a blog. Google Query Shark, too. She critiques queries unlike any other (in a good way).

Now that's BOP (blatant other promotion).
I pretty much agree with what everybody else has said. Post if you enjoy posting and in places where you feel comfortable doing it. I have only one blog, the one here. I couldn't possible keep a blog going by myself, though I might manage shared labor.
As for the dangers of the internet: most people don't have time to google everyone else, but I would avoid using information that is easily googled (names and titles).
I am not too thrilled w/ so many people knowing so much about my personal life like Siobhan & it does take away from my writing because I am a bit "hooked" but will now set limits or enter twitters anonymous!
I must say I LOVE my blog & am hooked. I will be hosting a Cleo Coyle Coffeehouse Mystery week next month & will dedicate a segment for the late Phil Craig.
With every passing day I see the internet as something detrimental to writing. I look at writers like Daniel Silva and Michael Connelly - guys who sell a lot of books without blogging, FBing, ot tweeting and I say: See, you can sell books without doing an online promotions other than having a website.
Yes, but their publishers promote the crap out of them. And probably did from the get-go.


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