

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am the author of more than 70 published novels and novellas, and almost 900 published stories in various genres and sub-genres. My best works are private-eye mysteries under my own name mysteries set in various historical periods. New issues and reprints will be out shortly from Pageturneditions.com

As all writers, I am also a reader.

This updated on 9-8-2011
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
http://Jackbludis.com But crimespace tells you what you need.
Books And Authors I Like:
Chandler, Hammett, Ed McBain, Hemingway, Faulkner, Joyce, James Lee Burke, Cormac McCarthy; the Moe Prager series and the latest two Robert B. Parker's by Reed Farrel Coleman, and Richard Helms (the novelist not the spy), Laura Lippman, Vicki Hendricks, Megan Abbot--and indispensable for a writer, "Strunk and White's, The Elements of Style." And how did I forget Will Shakespeare the first time around? Him too. And may I also add Steig Larsson of "The Girl who ..." Series, may he rest in peace.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Big Bang Theory, Casablanca, Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, Murder My Sweet, the Godfather I, Chinatown, LA Confidential. I never tire of seeing and dissecting Casablanca.

Saturday Night Live--although I don't get all the humor anymore, it's an age thing. This show for 40 years has kept up with what 20-somethings are laughing at. It has also turned out some damn good actors as well as comedians. The constant reruns are a drag because topical material out of date is stale.

Favorite Networks AMC, TCM, TNT, and USA.

Letterman, yes. Leno, no. The Daily Show, and some things on the History Channels (The first time I see them.)

Comment Wall:

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  • Dianne Day

    Hey Jack. As promised on 4MA, I'm here on your page. Enjoyed the current blog. Keep procrastinating, and I'm sorry you lost your parrot.
  • Rosie Contreras

    Hi Jack! Thank you for the invite! I look forward to getting to know you and the others on this space. - Rose
  • Shirley Wells

    Hi, Jack, and thanks for the invite.
    Hey, at least you have the luxury of thinking "This is terrific". For weeks, all I've had is the "This is crap" line of thinking.
  • Penny Rudolph

    Hey Jack, I'm out of town, so slow to respond. You sound like one heck of an interesting guy. Do you know Warren Murphy? (Destroyer series and much more) He's a good friend of mine and you sound a bit like him. Thanks for the invite and I'll write a little more when I get back to town.
  • TJ Perkins

    Thanks for adding me to your friend list.
  • Angela Wilson

    LUV the post "Confessions of a Hack."

    It's amazing how many writers I've heard talk about their best work never getting anywhere. I wonder, is it like when you have this really great sentence or graph in a story/novel and you are just SO in love with it you can never part with it? The kind of phrase I've heard editors say you must immediately cut from the novel because you love it a little too much?

    I don't know. I'm still in awe that you get your first draft done in a month. I feel like a dope now. I'm working a novel that's about six months in the making - with sporadic breaks for a move and a new job. That's totally awesome that you produce so quickly.

    Thanks for the friend add, too. =0) Get in touch with me via email if you'd like to get your stuff reviewed at Pop Syndicate.

  • Angela Wilson

    HAHA. YES, the world is wrong every time. I agree. =0)
  • Dave Zeltserman

    hey Jack, fancy meeting you here. Thanks for the invite. Still learning the ins and outs of this place...--Dave
  • Tess G

    Thanks for the add, Jack. I too either love a book or hate it. Usually no middle ground.
  • Shirley Wells

    "Yes, Cracker, one of the best crimes series ever."

    Not sure about "one of the best", Jack. Hm. I'll try and think of a better one. A difficult task.
  • Nikki Leigh

    I'm up for a trip to the beach almost any time. One day I'll be at Hatteras when its snowing, although that doesn't seem to happen a lot :) I've been there several times in the winter, actually four wheeling up the beach to the lighthouse a few times and searching for shells with a jacket :)

    Nikki Leigh
  • TJ Perkins

    Yup, way out there, but I'm looking to get even further away from the crowd. I like the quiet.
  • Dave Zeltserman

    Hey Jack, wouldn't know how to build something like this for RARA AVIS--I develop morte of the guts of systems--thinks like network management systems, as opposed to web applications--but then again, it would be a hell of a lot of work to have endless discussions about the definition of noir and whether the movie The Long Goodbye sucks or is a classic.
  • Theo Gangi

    Yes, you have great taste. you might just like Bang Bang. I also like Cormac McCarthy. I haven't read the Road-- my favorite is Blood Meridian.
  • JusticeSquad

    I like your style, Jack. Enjoyed your hack confessions very much. Thanks for blogging.
  • Joan Conwell

    Thanks for the invite, Jack. You have a great first name for thriller hero. Oh, wait a minute, it's been used already. So many times. But he's been called Jack in my head for so long....
  • JackBludis

    Interesting that Jack has made a big comeback as a hero's name.
  • Billie A Williams

    Thanks for the invite Jack - sounds like you are a prolific writer - can't wait to read more.
  • PulpStar

    Thanks for the friendly request, Jack. Here's pulp in your eye!
  • Burl Barer

    I also have a new free short story on line at Crimeandsuspense.com entitled The Short Story. The Thrilling Detective debuted a sample chapter of my book HEADLOCK a few years back, bless their hearts.
    HA! I love that you crank stuff out so fast. I wrote STEALTH (novelization of screenplay for Japan) in three weeks after having a heart attack -- I didn't tell SONY, who hired me, about the heart attack until months and months later. Heck, if they had known I would have lost the gig!
  • Brenda Chapman

    Hi Jack,
    Good to meet you - I hope this book you've been working on for so long is now complete and picked up. I'll check out your website later today.
  • sue neale

    Hi thanks for the invite. I liked your personal details and will look at your story on thrilling detective. I have been so busy with life, kids etc and crime fiction that I have not had time to write - something that I keep itching to do. I love writing critical articles, talking about crime fiction (esp European at the moment) but I should take my writing off the back burner. Youngest child goes off to Australia and New Zealand for a year soon and then I will have time in buckets. I keep going back to Chandler, Hammett, Simenon etc but there is so much good new stuff out now (and lots of rubbish with more gore than I like). Going to the brilliant Old Peculier crime fiction festival in Yorkshire, UK on 19 - 22 July so hope to do lots of networking.
  • Kathryn Lilley

    Oh, Jack, I'm so sorry about the departure of your bird-friend! If it's any consolation, the wild parrots that roost in my hometown's palm trees look magnificently happy, and wild. Sometimes I think that's the way birds are meant to be.
  • Joan Merrill

    I’m looking forward to sharing writing experiences with you.
    I have “finished” a mystery novel, still needing some fact checking and editing. My plan is to hire an editor and then put it on a print and demand website such as lulu.com.
    Reason: I don’t want the hassle of trying to sell and promote it. Yet don’t want it to land in a drawer, as some kind of hobby product.
    Any thoughts? Any suggestions for an editor? Your opinions are welcomed.
    (My icon has no meaning; it was the only graphic I had stored in my computer.)
  • Sheri Fresonke Harper

    Hey, with advice like your confessions, it's worth being a friend. I keep going because I amuse myself, I wish it amused others a little better. Thanks for the invite, Sheri
  • Declan Burke

    Hi Jack- Thanks for the invite, I really appreciate the welcome ... as soon as I find my feet on Crime Space, I'll drop back again to say hi ... Cheers, Dec - PS ... I have a 'Flick Lit' post about Altman's The Long Goodbye on my blog from last week ... it's a definite Yea, I think it's a wonderful film ...
  • Ken Isaacson

    Hi Jack:

    Thanks for finding me here on Crimespace. I've only just arrived, so am feeling my way around...

    Ken Delete Comment
  • Burl Barer

    if it is still functioning the URL for Crime and Suspense is http://www.crimeandsuspense.com
  • carole gill

    Hi! I INSIST on being your friend. Just read a review of your novel, SHADOW OF THE DAHLIA--you sure don't sound like hack to me! Or don't they just call writer's hacks who can write quickly (and good) and don't pretend to suffer from "creative angst?!"
    I just ordered ELEMENTS OF STYLE and it's only 8:30 am here in rainy old Yorkshire! I already tried to order SHADOW OF THE DAHLIA -- but will have to wait I understand. That sounds like one good novel to me. EXACTLY what I read and like. I'm new to hardboiled, even though I have always loved it in film. I just finished the Black Dahlia by Ellroy and, frankly, yours sounds more appealing. I got bored with all the boxing stuff in Ellroy's book! I think it's a guy book really.
    I've written all my life really, but never actually sent anything in. Geez, I don't have too many years left for rejection. Scary! all the best.
  • carole gill

    oops just re read my comments. writer's should be writers (no appos.) and I used "really" too much--i REALLY did! Guess I need that grammar book!
  • James R. Benn

    Jack - thanks for the invite. Nice site, interesting material!

  • JackBludis


    Never get upset about grammar in e-mails or on things like crime space. Do the best you can, look it over, but don't obssess.

    You were very clear.

  • Patricia

    Jack..no I had no idea about the Raven's name but it makes sense! Those pictures were taken on quick tript to Baltimore in preparation for Bouchercon 2008..and it is within walking distance to the hotel and my guess it will be a popular destination for those who have never been there...glad you liked the photos.
  • JackBludis


    A side note about the name of the Baltimore Ravens name. Incidentlally, it was the Baltimore fans's insistence that the name *Browns* and its history remain in Cleveland.

    In a fan survey, the fans were given choices of *Bombers* after the WWII manufacture of the B-24 during WWII in Baltimore and *The Americans,* after the penning of the the National Anthem at Fort McHenry, another great tourist site. Someone suggested *Ravens* and it became an overwhelming write-in favorite.

  • Regina Williams

    Thank you for the invite. Sorry I didn't back to you sooner. Just got home after two weeks away.
  • Camilla Trinchieri

    Hi Jack. I have trouble with Roth. I realize he's an excellent writer but he's so full of himself and a mysogonist. Ciao camilla
  • JackBludis

    I don't know enough about him personally. I just like his early writing, especially his stories. He gets you "in" as an old writing professor of mine used to call it.
  • joe miller

    Thanks for the Invite
  • Kelli Stanley

    Hey, Jack, thanks for the invitation ... I see we've got a lot of likes in common.

    I'm going to find a copy of "Shadow of the Dahlia." Sounds magnificent, all right. And I've never considered hack a derogatory term when used of hardboiled writers. More of a description of the ease with which the words--and the bourbon--flow.

    Have you heard about the LA Confidential sequel? Supposedly Crowe, Basinger and Pierce are signed, along with Curtis Hanson. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I never hold my breath for Hollywood.

    Thanks again for the invite ... I look forward to some drinks together!

  • Sara Mills

    I just posted Chapter One of Miss Fortune, the 1947 Female PI story if you're interested.

    I am definitely going to find one of your books asap.
  • Harry Shannon

    Howdy, Jack
  • Kelli Stanley

    Yup, Jack, glad to hear you subscribe to Shakespeare was Shakespeare. So do I. He wasn't Bacon, de Vere, or (as much as I revere the woman) Elizabeth I. He was a middle-class genius whose father was a glover.

    I haven't seen the latest Lehane, but I'll cruise around and look for it. Thanks for the tip! ;)

    BTW, saw a great silent film a few weeks ago at the Silent Film Festival in SF--a "proto-noir" called A Cottage on Dartmoor. Splendid stuff. If you ever find it on TCM or anywhere else, grab it.
  • Geoffrey Proud

    Hello, Jack. Thanks for the invite. I thought I was reading my book list when I read yours. I know it's no longer cool, but I'm still a fan of the first person.
  • Jackie Houchin

    Thanks, Jack. You have a wry way of writing! I checked out your website and like the New Guy on the Block story. Keep 'em comin'. And... you don't look a day over 17!
  • Geoffrey Proud

    I'm with you on the present tense. It has spread like a virus in the TV doc biz, but so far I've been able to resist. Or, rather, "So far I am resisting."
  • Dennis Venter

    Although, authors like Crais, Child, Sandford, etc are more mainstream than haerdboiled. And with the emergence of folk like Swiercynski, Guthrie, Starr, Bruen and so forth, I'd argue hardboiled/noir is doing fairly well.

    As for cozies - I guess we all have different taste. Explains how reality TV is so big and how Dubya go the keys to the kingdom, no?
  • Simon Wood


    You've convinced me to read The Road. I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about it...
  • Simon Wood

    I'm prepared to be scared a bit--and thanks.
  • Cormac Brown

    Hello Jack and thank you much for the invite.
  • Simon Wood

    Thanks, although the nomination has spooked me a bit.