Stephen Booth


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Nottinghamshire, UK
About Me:
I suppose I should mention that I'm the author of the Ben Cooper and Diane Fry series, featuring two young Derbyshire police detectives and set in England's Peak District:

and coming to the UK in April 2010:

the 10th Cooper & Fry novel


"An atmospheric new Fry and Cooper thriller for fans of Peter Robinson and Reginald Hill.
A May Bank Holiday in the Peak District is ruined by the tragic drowning of an eight-year-old girl among crowds of visitors in the tourist hotspot of Dovedale.
For Detective Constable Ben Cooper, a helpless witness to the tragedy, the incident is not only traumatic, but leads him to become involved in the tangled lives of the Neilds, the dead girl's family. As he gets to know them, Cooper begins to suspect that one of them is harbouring a secret - a secret that the whole family might be willing to cover up.
Meanwhile, Detective Sergeant Diane Fry has a journey of her own to make - a journey back to her roots. As she finds herself drawn into an investigation of her own among the inner city streets of Birmingham, Fry realises there is only one person she can rely on to provide the help she needs.
But that man is Ben Cooper, and he's back in Derbyshire, where his suspicions are leading him towards a shocking discovery on the banks of another Peak District river."

If you're outside the UK, you can order a copy of THE KILL CALL with FREE worldwide shipping from The Book Depository:

Other than that... well, I'm yet another ex-journalist who turned to crime. I live in rural Nottinghamshire, close to Sherwood Forest. There's far more than you really need to know about me on my website.

You can also visit the Stephen Booth Forum:

or check out my new blog:

I'm on MySpace too:

and Facebook:
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Favourite authors include:
Peter Robinson
Reginald Hill
John Harvey
Michael Connelly
Ian Rankin
Ruth Rendell
Stuart Pawson
Minette Walters
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Life on Mars
New Tricks

Comment Wall:

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  • Mary Saums

    Hi, Stephen - I've just finished a couple of your books, Blood On The Tongue and Blind To The Bones. Loved them both. Good to see you here.
  • Stephen Booth

    Thanks for the welcome, Merlot!
    Actually, I should be editing the new book. And of course another place to spend time chatting is exactly what I need!
  • Stephen Booth

    Thanks a lot, Mary. I'm chuffed to hear you've been enjoying the books.
  • Gumshoe Carl

    Welcome to Crimespace Stephen. I have Black Dog up soon. I've heard great things and your such a nice chap, I'm sure I will lover your stuff. Welcome.
  • Patricia

    Welcome to Crimespace Stephen, so nice to see you here.
  • Stephen Booth

    Cheers, Carl. Hope to see you at another con again soon.
  • Stephen Booth

    And you, Patricia. I hope everything is good in Toronto.
  • JackBludis

    Good to see you here. Although you're from England, I consider you part of the Left Coast Crowd.
  • Michael C. Jacobs

    Hello Stephen. I believe we met before the tour of the Seattle Underground at LCC. Nice to see you online.
  • Elaine Flinn

    Welcome Stephen!
    Just what we need, huh? Another place to meander when we should be working! :)
  • Stephen Booth

    > Although you're from England, I consider you part of the Left Coast Crowd. <

    Cheers, Jack! See you at LCC in Denver, maybe?
  • Stephen Booth

    > I believe we met before the tour of the Seattle Underground at LCC. <

    We did, Michael. How's the writing going?
  • Rose

    Hey Stephen.
    Welcome to the zoo. Another place for me to be wasting time instead of doing the important things in life, like reading or fixing dinner.
  • Sunnie Gill

    G'day Stephen.
    See? You can't escape the 4MA Stalkers club (melbourne chapter) . *g*
  • Pat Mullan

    Hello Stephen,

    As Elaine says: "Another place to meander when we should be working! :) " Oh well, it keeps me out of the pub!

    Slan, Pat.
  • Karen from AustCrime

    Hi Stephen - I hasten to add I'm not your registered 4MA stalker..... :)
  • sally906

    G'day Steve

    Another Aussie stalker here :)

    How are the goats? Errr...and your onion supplies - LOL!!!
  • Barbara Franchi

    Hi Steve
    In England now until after the London Book Fair but will I see you at Anchorage or Thrillerfest this year?

  • Roger Jon Ellory

    Good to see another 'Midlands-ish' author on crimespace. Have read some of your books, enjoyed them immensely...perhaps we'll collide at Harrogate, Left Coast Crime, even a Bouchercon sometime, eh? If we do meet up I'll buy you a drink for being such a smart b*****d! Take care.
  • Vickie Britton

    Hi, Stephen. I remember you from AAM. I'd like to invite you to join my list of friends. For some reason, II can't get the message sent. Please come on over to my site when you have a chance and sign on to my list so I can get you added
  • LC Fraser

    Karen, wasn't that Bev? Too bad she is not on here too.
  • Jochem van der Steen


    Just a note I've been enjoying your work for years. For me, Ben Cooper has always been one of the few characters in crime fiction I could totally identify with.
  • Helen

    Ok, I'll out myself as Steve's Registered Stalker (Melbourne chapter). I was voted into this position at MWF a couple of years ago. I've fallen behind in my duties lately, and I may be kicked out of the International Stalker's Association if I don't lift my game soon.
  • LC Fraser

    Maybe we need a stalker per country to make it easier? I could cover for you in Canada Helen. Maybe Donna would help out with the UK and so on. Only you have to stalk my authors when they visit Oz then. Does this all work?
  • Stephen Booth

    Hey, thanks for all the messages. And a particular G'day to the Aussies. Could the stalkers please form an orderly queue...

  • LC Fraser

    We have to be orderly? Where is the fun in that? I want cider if I have to behave.
  • Helen

    Yep, I reckon we could share duties across countries, Lynne. And I'm happy to stalk any hapless author who sets foot on our shores. :)

    Queuing is definitely not part of the official Stalker's charter. However, if there's cider or anything else alcoholic on offer, I could probably be bribed into behaving ...
  • Rose

    Well, I see that Stalkers-R-Us has now officially formed. I will stick with hugging, thank you.
    Hi Stephen. See that your page has become a ckick magnet.
  • LC Fraser

    Are we chicks, Rose? I rather thought I was the old mother hen these days. You are a little ray of sunshine today! Thanks (so if I am not a chick then please don't tell me)
  • Merrill Young

    Hoo boy.
    Sorry, Stephen, but you are G>U> (geographically unacceptable)
    I am only allowed to stalk within 50 k of my home, so that I can get back to cook dinner.
  • LC Fraser

    Merlot - that is the beauty of my plan. You stalk whichever stalkee is in your neighbourhood and when he gets further afield you pass him on whoever is closest. Like Nicole or Yvonne in Montreal or Patricia or me in Toronto. We all share. Well except with Bev. She does not share. Remember her kitchen help? Won't share him at all.
  • Merrill Young

    Say, Lynne, you might be on to something!
    I wonder if Mr Booth can work that into one of his books!?
    No need to thank us, Stephen.
  • LC Fraser

    I just hope he can work all stops into a book tour.
  • Rose

    I wonder if Stephen can survive the book tour that is being designed for him.
  • Gina Micale

    Wait. I want to share him too.
  • LC Fraser

    Sure Gina. No problem. We love to share.

    Rose - you think he might not like all this attention? Drat - that means I would have to behave again and that is so not fun. Sigh. Back to my corner.
  • Rose

    I think that you will have to ask him that.
    You can go back to discussing stalking, since it is other authors you guys are parceling out.
  • CT

    Just saying hi from downunder
  • becky brown

    thanks Stephen for the welcome, i love your books, and am glad to have found some like minded folk on the web. xxBex
  • Merrill Young

    I finished Blood on the Tongue last week.
    Excellent read!
    That was the first book I bought after joining 4MA.
    But first I had to read the other two know.....
    At this rate we'll come out even, as I'm not reading them as fast as you're writing them.
    Must fix that this summer.
    P.S. Hubby liked it too, being an avaiation buff
  • becky brown

    Thanks for your welcome Stephen, im still trying to figure out how to post on the forum here, im a bit of a technophobe. LOL
  • Harry Shannon

    Hello, Stephen!
  • Theakstons Crime Festival

    Hey - great to have found you amongst our friends on here. Speedy response too!

    Hope you're well, thanks for making it up to H'gate this year. Lovely to see you
  • Maryann Mercer

    Hi Stephen, it's Maryann from LIM! I am really ready for the newest Cooper and Fry...have resorted to ordering from Canada to get the hardcovers. Will miss seeing you at Bouchercon in Anchorage...was there last year on a cruise. Truly beautiful, but too pricey to do again...and to be truthful, I was just in Scotland (also wonderful) and am traveled out until February ! Have a great autumn!
  • Northern Light

    Thanks for the add
  • Lillian Porter

    I just finished reading The Dead Place and enjoyed it very much. Do you ever do book signings in Canada?

    Lillian Porter
  • JackBludis

    I'm missing "Left Coast" this year. Hope to see you at Bouchecon. "Charmed to Death." How can I miss my home-town Bouchercon?
  • L.J. Sellers

    Hi Stephen
    Your books look great! I'll have to add you to my list.
    At this rate, I'll end up doing more reading than writing, which may be better for my sanity ... long term.
  • Dorte

    I am going to review "Blind to the Bones" soon on my Danish/English blog. Wonder whether I can promise my Danish visitors that Klim will soon translate it into Danish?
  • Dorte

    Hi Stephen.
    I liked your first two and really enjoyed the third (borrowed the Danish version at my local library) so I really expect that reading/reviewing your fourth in English is going to be MY pleasure :)
    Personally I prefer reading British fiction in English but if I post a Danish review as well at the right time I may be able to lure some Danish fans into my blog-net :)