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  • helen black
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  • JackBludis
  • Lawrence Light
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  • Newt Love

Liz's Page

Profile Information

Somewhere in England
About Me:
Well where do I start. I loved primary school. Hated senior school, and therefore came out without many qualifications. When asked what I wanted to be by the school counselor I replied ' Stunt Co-ordinator' for some reason they did not take me seriously. So left school trained for two year as a nursery nurse, which so far has put me off having chidren of my own, as I realise what hard work and what a huge responsibility that would be. So then worked in office admin, studied at evening class. Worked in American summer camps for a while. Somewhere in between here I wanted a bit of action so joined the volunteer police in England, which are called Special Constables. During these 4 years I witnessed so many awful things I decided it was not for me, although I am glad that I gave it a go. After more treks in America I came back and did more admin work & took more qualifications. Did a degree in Film sudies & Video Production. Finished that two years ago, not had much work apart from work experience, so have been temping and writing ever since. Can not stand admin work, so my writing is my escape. As I have not been able to break into behinds the scenes work in Tv or film yet, I decided to take up two sports I always wanted to do so now train in Karate and play Ice Hockey, oh I also play tennis. I think that is probably too much info, but I was on a roll.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Mark Billingham, Harlan Coben, Simon Kernick, Tami Hoag, John Connolly. Michael Connelly, Lemony Snicket, J.K. Rowling, many more I have forgotten I am sure etc...
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Dempsey & Makepeace, Jonathan Creek, 24, House, Die Hard, All the Harry Potters, Blade Runner, The Indiana Jones Films, Star Wars (the original ones)., Doctor Who, Holes, The Fugitive, Fawlty Towers, A Fish Called Wanda, Rosemary & Thyme, Toy Soldiers, Boyz N the Hood, Lock Up, Little Man Tate, Back to the Future Trilogy, Backdraft, Goodfellas, Jurassic Park, The Client, Empire of the Sun, The Full Monty, The Breakfast Club, Men in Black, Ransom, The Pelican Brief, Witness, Misunderstood, Flashback, Friends, Hardcastle & McCormick, Macgyver, SG1, Love Hurts, Malcom in the Middle, Miami Vice, Midnight Caller, Minder, Paradise Club, Quantum Leap, Due South and X Files. There are loads more I could mention, but the list would never stop.

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At 12:06am on February 6, 2008, Liz said…
Sorry for not replying to friend requests at present, my browser keep unexpectedly quitting when ever I try and do anything, so in prcess of trying to fix the probelms
At 1:02am on January 22, 2008, Liz said…
Hi Helen. Congratulations on your first published novel. I am in the process of downloading the first chapter of Damaged Goods - may take a while, my Adobe Acrobat has decided it is out of date, and I am only on dial up so it is going to take 2hrs to download the updates, winge winge, but eventually I will get to read the first chapter. I have to say that your book blurb already has me hooked. Sounds a very intriguing subject matter.

My story is based in USA. it also concerns a teenager who has had a less than perfect start to his life, and things start to go from bad to worse, and, oh so much worse, but there is some humour, together with crime and I guess some would describe it as a coming of age story too. There is also a series of choices he has to make. should he choose the worst scenario or the better of the two evils. Catch 22, if you will. So I am in the process of editing and trying to write a synopsis and good intro letter. Trouble is I have never been much of a sales person, so it could take a while for to spark up any interest with Lit agencies or publishers, but irrelevant of what happens I have more ideas and have the characters whole life planned out and if I don't write it down I think my head may burst with information. Shame there are not such things as pensieves. I could certainly do with one. So the story is basically finished just polishing and refining. Luckily I wrote most of it, whilst I was looking for behind the scenes work in Film and Television, so I had a bit of time, but after being a runner and deciding that picking up other people's cigarette butts was not for me, I had a few freelance camera jobs, and then fractured my wrist playing ice hockey, so that put a stop to me being able to hold a camera for any length of time. Now I am temping(office work), it is funny hours, but good pay, and I have plenty of time to devote to writing, so I feel very lucky. If I never get published I would still continue to write as I find it a great release of emotions. I love imagining different people, different worlds all the different reactions and story possibilities are quite endless.

Hope the editing of your second novel is going well. For me editing has been my favourite bit so far, but I guess the probelm is knowing when to stop. Well hopefully in a few hours I can read the first chapter of Damaged Goods.

Take care

At 10:37pm on January 18, 2008, helen black said…
What are writing? Suprised you get time...
HB x
At 4:10am on September 10, 2007, Liz said…
Hi JK. Don't worry how long it takes. I finished a degree two years ago as a mature student, so I understand what the workload is like. It gets crazy at times. A creative thesis sounds like it will be fun to do. I am sure if you work at it you will be able to give them that date circled in the diary or calendar. Keep writing.
At 4:08pm on September 7, 2007, Jeannie Holmes said…
Hi, Liz

Thanks for the friendship. I'm sorry it's taken so long to respond to your question. (New semester of grad classes started and I think my instructors are conspiring to slowly kill me with paper cuts. Lots of reading and essays due every week.)

As for the main theme of my thesis, I'll be turning in my first novel. I'm in the creative writing program so I'm required to submite a creative thesis. I'm just hoping when my thesis committee asks the "How does this fit into the modern commercial marketplace" question I can point to a circled date on a calendar and say, "Nicely since it's being released on this date." *lol*
At 7:21am on September 5, 2007, Liz said…
Yeah quite agree 24 would be impossible to cram all that into 24 hours, but I tend to like actions type things, like to get away from the real world occasionally. I have not seen the last to series, but have enjoyed the first and second the best so far.
At 6:52am on September 4, 2007, JackBludis said…
Forgot to mention last time, you have a good, good list of likes. I tried 24, but when I put it in perspective, the time frame was ... well, you could call it *Mission Impossible.* I do like Keifer Southerland as an actor, like his dad as well.
At 6:40pm on September 1, 2007, Liz said…
Yes those darn day jobs do get in the way. Your graphic novel sounds like you are going into new territory, sounds good to me.

I have not really read much for the last weeks or so, novel wise as I have a Karate grading coming up so all my normal reading time is being spent learning the syllabus of by heart and precticing the moves.

I am still editing my first novel, which I tend to do at night. I find it more relaxing, and for some reason- I can think more clearly, I guess a lot of people find that.
At 4:07pm on September 1, 2007, Newt Love said…
Thank you for asking about my writing. I have been too busy with the day job to write, for about 3 months now. I have been doing some plot development though, and am storyboarding a graphic novel with an artist buddy, but that takes less time and effort than writing.

I hope your (reading and) writing is coming along too!
At 6:55am on September 1, 2007, Cyndi Martin said…
Thanks for adding me! Somewhere in England would be a cool place to be!

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