  • Male
  • Charleston, SC
  • United States
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  • Mark Porter
  • Terrence McCauley
  • Richard Sanders
  • Robin Jarossi
  • Tony Black


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sean's Page

Profile Information

Loris, SC
About Me:
I am an attorney and writer living and writing in Charleston, South Carolina.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Tom Franklin, Ron Rash, Lee Phillips, Steve Berry
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Mad Men, Sons of Anarchy, X Files, Glee

Sean's Blog

More Marketing - Going Old School

These days thoughts of marketing are a near constant.  My motto has become “Do more today because what you did yesterday wasn’t enough.”  I’m always trying new thing, but recently I’ve been focusing on some old school methods.


It is largely accepted our society is such that technology literally changes from day-to-day. 


As of late the hot button approaches for marketing are twitter, facebook, websites and all things social media.  No matter what you’re doing…


Posted on April 2, 2011 at 4:49am

Get in the Dance - The Twitter Dance

I’ve been on Twitter a couple of months. It started like this.

Day 1 - no idea at all what to do or how to go about doing it. 

Hashtags? DM’s. Lists. On and on with the lingo.

Days 2 – 9 - I waited and watched and still absolutely nothing happened.  My mother told me a watched pot never boils so I walked away for a few days and checked back to reap the rewards that had befallen my patience.  

Still nothing.

Day 10 - I did something novel.  I sent a… Continue

Posted on March 29, 2011 at 11:07am

It's the Law

Writing can be a minefield.  

A minefield that can hit you square in the checkbook in more than one way. 

I’m not talking about editing mistakes, character flaws or even plot inconsistencies.  I’m talking legal problems that can arise from your writing – and it may not always be from the words on the page. 

This blog will highlight a few legal issues that could cause problems but the real goal is to get people thinking about the legal pitfalls that can be lurking on… Continue

Posted on March 22, 2011 at 8:39am

Bite Size Novel

As I look around my office the argument could be made I’ve robbed a bookstore or at least was about to open one.  There are all descriptions of books literally cascading from the shelves. The Nook has started storing the overflow.

These books range from novella to epic novel and all lengths in between. 

Sometimes for motivation I stare at these books and think of the time put into each one.  The countless hours required crafting the stories and tales in my office is… Continue

Posted on March 20, 2011 at 3:39am — 1 Comment

Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 9:35am on January 24, 2011, Tony Black said…
Ah, the dreaded edits.......every time they come in I say, am I really that stupid?

Good to meet you, Sean ... hope to hear you got along with the book!

At 3:41am on January 21, 2011, Kate the Book Buff said…
Welcome!  I just wanted to introduce myself, and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People.  Check it out at

It can be a bit overwhelming around here at first, so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
-Kate the Book Buff

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