After retiring from a 35 year career with the LAPD, I now split my time between writing novels and teaching interrogation courses to law enforcement nationwide.
I also write for and edit the Fight Card series of monthly boxing/MMA pulp novels, which currently has currently published over forty novels in the series.
I've written sixteen novels (all now available as e-books via, two dozen hours of network and cable television, a feature film, numerous short stories, and much freelance journalism.
I love that lounge stuff too. How do you find the time to do the job you do and still write? A lot of discipline you've got going there. Hope you enjoy Mixed Blood if you get to read it.
Hi Paul,
please forgive if this question is considered rude or even off the wall. Did you work with or know mark furhman? I did not take in the trail all that much at the time, -but I thought he got a very raw deal. I read the 2 Forwards to his book and immediately and completely identified with the tsunami of events that came toward him and the LAPD during that time. In my case, -- all I could do was retire, looking like that deer in the headlights. Today I know it simply as "politics". Comment? thanxxx
Thanks for befriending me, Paul! It's always great to link up with a fellow author--and a detective to boot. Who knows? I may have some questions for you. Though, my books take place in Colorado, and I've already gone through the El Paso County Sheriff's Citizens Academy and interviewed detectives in the Summit and Chaffee County Sheriff's departments--all three of which are locales for various manuscripts.
Very glad to see you here. I've never forgotten your generosity about 10 years ago when I was looking for a soccer mystery and you sent me an autographed copy of Chapel of the Ravens
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please forgive if this question is considered rude or even off the wall. Did you work with or know mark furhman? I did not take in the trail all that much at the time, -but I thought he got a very raw deal. I read the 2 Forwards to his book and immediately and completely identified with the tsunami of events that came toward him and the LAPD during that time. In my case, -- all I could do was retire, looking like that deer in the headlights. Today I know it simply as "politics". Comment? thanxxx
Wow! What a resume.