Timothy Hallinan
  • Male
  • Los Angeles and Bangkok
  • Thailand
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Timothy Hallinan's Friends

  • Cher
  • Jerry Peterson
  • Peter Steiner
  • Gaile Hughes
  • Mark Young
  • Aaron Philip Clark
  • Keith Spence
  • minervaK
  • Stephanie Padilla, Editor-NewMysteryReader.com
  • B.R.Stateham
  • Jaden Terrell
  • The Poisoned Pen Bookstore
  • Eric Beetner
  • CJ West
  • Nancy Thorp

Timothy Hallinan's Discussions


Started this discussion. Last reply by Timothy Hallinan Aug 19, 2010.

Giving It Away
42 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jon Loomis Jul 17, 2010.

Noir, Anyone?
39 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Timothy Hallinan May 3, 2010.


Timothy Hallinan's Page

Profile Information

Los Angeles and Bangkok
About Me:
All I do is write and read, with occasional breaks for listening to music, which I also do when I write, via an iPod with almost 5000 songs on it. Because I'm lucky, I get to divide my time between the US and Southeast Asia, which is my favorite part of the world, I wrote a series of six Los Angeles private-eye books in the 90s and now I'm writing a series set in Bangkok and published by William Morrow. The first one, "A Nail Through the Heart," came out in June 2007, followed by "The Fourth Watcher" (2008) and "Breathing Water" (2009). Just finished the 4th in the series, coming out in August 2010, title currently the subject of heated discussion.

I love to write. The happiest I ever am is when the words are flowing, the characters are talking to each other, and I can actually see a couple of pages ahead. Damn, what a thrill. If there's anyone who wants to write and has trouble either getting started or setting up some kind of workable and productive routine, I recommend taking a look at the "Writer's Resources" area of my website -- I've been teaching writing the novel for almost ten years, and I boiled down a lot of what I share with my students, many of whom have finished their novels. (In fact, one of my students had her first novel published the same month "A Nail Through the Heart" came out.)

I also answer questions about writing submitted through my site.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Oh, boy: Haruki Murakami, Banana Yoshimoto, Michael Chabon, Lawrence Block, Edward White (!!!), Henning Mankell, I.J. Parker, Robert Wilson (especially the Bruce Medway books), Kingsley Amis, Martin Amis, anybody else named Amis, William Boyd, David Fullmer, Kem Nunn, Bill James (the crime novelist, not the baseball statistician), Harlan Coban, Lee Child, Martin Cruz Smith, Cao Xequin, Qiu Xiaolong, Ken Bruen, Anthony Trollope, Raymond Chandler and Raymond Chandler again, Randy Wayne White, did I say Raymond Chandler, Rurh Ozecki, Colin Cotterill, Jane Austen, Anthony Powell, William Gibson, W. Somerset Maugham, Barry Eisler, and way, way, too many more to mention. And Raymond Chandler
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
I like Korean TV serials and contemporary Asian movies. If I could only watch the work of one director for the rest of my life it would be Kurosawa. I also like film noir from the 40s and 50s, anything written by Preston Sturges, and really, really crappy horror movies. I never watch television, unless there's an earthquake or something, but there's not enough room in my house for all the DVDs.


Resolutions for February:

Write book proposals for William Morrow

Add new book jacket(s) to this page

Do some REAL writing, as opposed to editing, responding to my copy editor, and doing promotion for the next Poke book.

Be nicer to my wife.

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Timothy Hallinan's Blog

Back in Action

. . . and in Asia. I'm here to write the fourth Poke Rafferty Bangkok thriller, THE ROCKS. And the third, BREATHING WATER, is due to come out this August/September from HarperCollins. I don't usually weigh in on the quality (or lack thereof) of my books, but I have to say that I think BREATHING WATER is the best yet.

And the people at Morrow agree, to the extent that they made up special bound manuscripts and sent them out in advance of the ARCs in the hope of developing quotes from… Continue

Posted on February 27, 2009 at 11:30pm — 3 Comments

New Book in June

My second Bangkok thriller, THE FOURTH WATCHER, will be released on June 24 by William Morrow, with a terrific company and an aggressive support campaign. I'm currently in Southeast Asia, writing the third in the series, tentatively titled MISDIRECTION, so I'm out of the loop for some of the pre-bub activity, but there's still plenty to do.

It's interesting to watch all the activity from this distance -- almost as though it all concerns someone else's book. But, of course, as soon as… Continue

Posted on April 25, 2008 at 3:29pm — 1 Comment

Book Proposals

Just sent off two book proposals to my publishers. If accepted, they’ll provide the starting points for the next two Poke Rafferty novels.

I hate writing book proposals. What publishers usually want is a synopsis of the plot, and at this stage I have no idea whatsoever what the plot of either book is going to be.

Plotting is something I let my characters do, so to speak. I come up

with a situation that needs to be…


Posted on October 22, 2007 at 3:35pm

Between Books

I’m between books at the moment, and I wouldn’t wish it on Kim Jong-Il.

Yesterday I finished the (presumably) final editing pass on The Fourth Watcher. The copy edit and galley review are still hovering spectres in the future, but those are mainly mechanical exercises, rather than

creative. The world I was inventing in The Fourth Watcher has moved into the past tense now, and I haven’t begun the next…


Posted on October 11, 2007 at 4:08pm

Death at the Chokegulch Saloon

I’ve been on tour, and today I drove from Tucson to Phoenix, across a hundred-mile stretch of Arizona. I passed a lot of towns I’d never heard of, and it got me thinking: We all know

about the Arizona towns with butch names — Tombstone, Deadwood,

Red Rock, even Yuma. But we don’t hear much about towns with names like

Florence and Queen Creek. With nothing to do except drive, I asked

myself why, and below is the reason I came up…


Posted on September 25, 2007 at 10:42am — 2 Comments

Comment Wall (38 comments)

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At 1:13pm on February 27, 2009, Jaden Terrell said…
We'll arrange a gathering. All of us enjoyed your last visit so much. I wish you were coming in August; you could come to our conference!
At 12:32pm on February 27, 2009, Jaden Terrell said…
Hi, Tim. I hope you'll have time for a chat and maybe a bite to eat (or at least a cup of coffee) while you're in Nashville.

I can't wait for the next Poke Rafferty novel.
At 4:22pm on May 12, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Yes, that could draw an interesting crowd. But a big crowd, with money to spend.
At 2:52pm on May 12, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Congratulations on your two great reviews! I hope you sell a zillion copies.
At 6:22am on April 25, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Thanks for your supportive comment on Fresh Fiction. And congratulations on your book deals. Maybe this will be my year.
At 4:27pm on April 24, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
The Sex Club title has been fun, but many traditional mystery readers are not so thrilled. But they won't forget me.
At 12:53am on April 24, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi Tim
I've seen your posts on DL and thought I'd introduce myself. It's nice to put a face with your name.
At 4:34pm on March 28, 2008, Luis said…
Thanks for accepting the invite. I look forward to discussing Bangkok and crime fiction!
At 3:35pm on March 14, 2008, James K. Bashkin said…
I'll look forward to your book. I've been reading a bit of crime fiction set in Asia. Thanks for connecting!
At 9:43pm on March 12, 2008, Kim Smith said…
I'm with ya Tim, I'm with ya. I just do not know that I personally LIKE that many songs, but I bet if I really tried I could find at least 2000. :) Still... You are the man.

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