Paul A. Toth lives in Florida. His first novel, Fizz, and its successor, Fishnet, are available now. His latest novel, Finale, will be released in July 2009. His fiction has been published by Barcelona Review, Mississippi Review Online and Night Train, and nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best American Mystery Stories.
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At 11:32pm on December 17, 2008, david boggis said…
Hi, Paul,
I've been megabusy for a long time now, so it's only now that I've discovered your message. Mega-apologies, and my abundant thanks for what I take to be your Friend Invitation.
How is the writing going? Please keep me up to speed.
Best, David
Hi, Paul, thanks for your message - sorry I've taken so long to reply, I've been up to my eyes in journalist work. And, unfortunately, I never saw the original message you referred to. Any chance of your sending it again? Best, David
Hey Paul, I'm out of town, so slow to respond. Thanks for the invite. I love your description of Fizz. I'd love to do a podcast with you. My 2 books due out in Sept are so dissimilar I'm having the devil's own time trying to figure how to promo. One is comtemporary LA amateur sleuth, the other is set in New Mexico in the 1860s. I'll write more when I get back home.
Hi Paul, I'd be happy, in fact, honoured to do a podcast when my first US novel comes out in early 2008. I really like the sense of a one-man multi-media global enterprise that zings off your page.
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I've been megabusy for a long time now, so it's only now that I've discovered your message. Mega-apologies, and my abundant thanks for what I take to be your Friend Invitation.
How is the writing going? Please keep me up to speed.
Best, David
I'm delighted with the invite. Thanks.
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