All Blog Posts (12,730)

The Writer's Routine

I was intrigued by Daniel's forum post about cutting and editing work and the various routines writers employ so I thought I'd write a little here about my own routine.

The first thing is, I never outline. I'll make some notes of character names, minor details, occasionally pieces of dialogue that I may or may not use, but that's it. That's not to say I don't plan. For months before starting on a book I'll think it through, inhabiting the story until it's become completely mine. If…


Added by Kevin Wignall on October 19, 2007 at 3:52am — 2 Comments

Local Guest of Honor J.A. Konrath

Regulars to Love is Murder are all familiar with Joe Konrath, the 2008 Local Guest of Honor. He has a vibrant, dynamic personality and a genuine drive to help others in the writing business. His very popular blog, the Newbie's Guide to Publishing, has great tips on the business side of writing - marketing, conferences and more. Joe is a patron of the Schaumburg Township District Library, so it is unusual to not find one of his Jacqueline…


Added by Love Is Murder Conference on October 19, 2007 at 12:54am — No Comments

They Must Be Giants

Posted by Jeanne Munn Bracken

Remember "Malcolm in the Middle"? The funny sit-com with the overwhelmed mother? I loved that woman--her family did what she told them to do! My style, overwhelm them with kindness, is not nearly as effective.

Anyway, the theme song from the show was "(You're not the) Boss of Me", lyrics that echo around every playground and family room with kids in conflict. The song was performed by an alternative rock band called They Might Be…


Added by Writers Plot on October 18, 2007 at 10:52pm — No Comments

Attention-Deficit and Disorder

No, I haven't got ADD, but sometimes I feel like that. I have so many ideas that I'd like to explore on keyboard that it's hard to settle down and choose one. Just about the time I get started on a historical, do all the research, figure out the characters, and outline the plot, I'll be skimming through my files and think, "Oh, there's that thriller I did two years ago. Maybe I should dust that off and do some editing; it was pretty good."

I don't think it's altogether a bad thing,…


Added by Peg Herring on October 18, 2007 at 10:44pm — No Comments


Denver, CO: 1,576 miles

Luckily, the two grazing elk I saw along Interstate 25 last night - fleetingly,

they flitted by at about 82 miles per hour - didn't leap out in front

of my car. It might have been a mercy killing though. Of them, not me.

It's hunting season in south Colorado and I couldn't find a motel room

in Raton, New Mexico or Trinidad, CO. All the rooms were filled with

people looking to bag their quota of elk. I… Continue

Added by Eric Stone on October 18, 2007 at 5:10pm — No Comments

Soylent Green is Literary Fiction!

By Cornelia

So I hope you'll bear with me while I rehash the whole Genre vs. Literary thing for the bazillionth time, here. It's for a good cause, that being celebration of Doris Lessing's having won the Nobel prize for Literature--the announcement of which put the hugest smile on my face for days:

While it seemed to have made… Continue

Added by Cornelia Read on October 18, 2007 at 9:26am — 2 Comments

the word is spreading...

LONDON FROG's first review

After pulling off a sting of lottery winner Donald Birdie in upstate New York, Todd Gleason returns to his Manhattan home base to work on his next scam; also involving a lottery winner, the Procopio couple. Married ten years, Henri is the CEO of Looking Great Cosmetics while his wife Elise has just won the big prize. They are off on a honeymoon in London to celebrate her winnings.

Over the Internet Todd rents a flat in South Kensington from…


Added by Joseph Pittman on October 18, 2007 at 7:18am — No Comments

It Sucks To Be An Object Lesson

posted by Doranna Durgin

The writing world...especially the genre writing's a small community. It's also a community of intensely creative people...and those who are successful have generally become that way because they're also passionate people. They believe in what they're doing.

We are also, I think, a fairly idiosyncratic group. Not to mention a wee bit professionally incestuous. Put those things together, and it would be easy to…


Added by Writers Plot on October 17, 2007 at 11:14pm — 2 Comments

Book Two and Beyond

It's interesting to me that some authors get better with each book, some write the same book over and over, and some actually get worse.

Authors often deteriorate, in my opinion, because they are pressured to get that next book out, even if it isn't quite ready, even if the plot is thin as rice paper or the characters act like raving maniacs. We all had a long time, years for most of us, before that first book sold, and we tinkered with it every few months, improving and fine-tuning.…


Added by Peg Herring on October 17, 2007 at 10:26pm — No Comments

Updated Blog Feed Aggregator on AustCrimeFiction

Or what happens when you leave a girl to play:

I've been running feeds on this site for a while now, but recently I found a lovely little aggregator software package that lets me pick up summaries of blog feeds from far and wide. I've been quietly building up feeds and others might find this interesting. Of course if you have a blog that you just can't live… Continue

Added by Karen from AustCrime on October 17, 2007 at 5:55pm — 3 Comments

Warm Afternoon

It's been a lovely day here in Adelaide so I decided to sit out in the Garden with my latest Purchase it's called

"The Happiness Punch" by Kirsty Brooks

here is her website she is a South Australian Author so it's great to read about Places I know plus they are a great read similar to Kerry Greenwood's Corinna Chapman series.…


Added by Jacki on October 17, 2007 at 4:27pm — No Comments

The Carnival Has Arrived!

Well, it took more than a little time and even more frantic double-checking to be sure that everything was in place, but the second installment of the Carnival of the Criminal Minds is finally up at The Rap Sheet. You can read it here.

As most of you know, Barbara Fister proposed in a mid-September… Continue

Added by J. Kingston Pierce on October 17, 2007 at 2:59pm — 1 Comment


Help !!!! this site is going to cost me a fortune because I keep discovering all these new Authors on here and my to buy list is rapidly growing by the Hour.

Yes I am a Book Addict sorry but Libraries aren't for me I must have the books close to hand so I can read whatever I want ,whenever I want, however I must concede that last Year I did have a big clean out and donated lot's of books and Magazines to Oxfam but none of my Mystery books left the house only the Romance and Horror's… Continue

Added by Jacki on October 17, 2007 at 1:07pm — 1 Comment

"Fractured Funerals" Devouring My Time

Since my last post, I've been preoccupied with one of my other roles. As Administrator of the Memorial Society of the Hudson-Mohawk Region, I've been busy putting out a newsletter and preparing for our annual meeting. Our guest speaker, Lisa Carlson, is a nationally known advocate for funeral consumers, and she'll be talking about "Fractured Funerals" and the importance of advance planning. Lisa is the author of Caring for the Dead: Your Final Act of Love. She's known for her…


Added by Julie Lomoe on October 17, 2007 at 9:54am — No Comments

Cruising & Abusing the Arteries

Merriam, KS - 2,186 miles

It's a good thing that my doctor isn't along for this ride. America's

heartland hasn't confronted me with much traffic on its highways, but

it's clogging my arteries.

Lunch yesterday was at Al's Chickenette in Hays, Kansas. It's famous for its fried chicken. So of

course, that's what I had. The place looks great, old neon, been there

forever, but alas, the chicken was pretty bland. Nicely cooked… Continue

Added by Eric Stone on October 17, 2007 at 4:44am — No Comments

Watts Towers and Other Places of Beauty

My friend Essie from Nashville isn't your typical L.A. tourist. No, she doesn't want to do Hollywood or the Getty. She wants to see the Watts Towers and the Virgen de Guadalupe murals outside liquor stores in Boyle Heights (East Los Angeles). Good thing my husband is from Boyle Heights; he's the perfect tour guide.

I like Essie because she makes me see things in a new way. She really believes long…


Added by Naomi Hirahara on October 17, 2007 at 2:57am — 3 Comments

It's Almost In Site

Posted by Lorraine (L.L.) Bartlett

I have a beautiful website. Go ahead, go visit it here. I've been working with Blue Hound Visions for four or five years. We've gone through a couple of iterations and you can see them by visiting both sides of the site.…


Added by Writers Plot on October 16, 2007 at 11:48pm — No Comments

How Can I Blog When You're Winking at Me?

I've griped before about how life interferes with writing, and it's happened again. My husband is away for the week. I made no appointments, dates, or plans for Monday through Thursday, intent on finishing some writing things that have been nagging at me. Everything was set for four days of concentrated effort, and then Life said, "No, wait. You'll have to deal with this, and by the way, it's going to take up all of Monday and significant portions of each day for an unforeseeable length of…


Added by Peg Herring on October 16, 2007 at 10:14pm — No Comments

Review - The Western Banker, Joe Barrett

Just posted a review of a great new book -The Western Banker by Joe Barrett

If you are at all tempted by the review you can always order copies of this and other books from Longueville directly.

Added by Karen from AustCrime on October 16, 2007 at 4:39pm — No Comments

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