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Excerpt: Divine Intervention by Cheryl Kaye Tardif



Added by Cheryl Kaye Tardif on May 20, 2007 at 5:06pm — No Comments

Editing tics and dinosaurs

Oh lord, more editing tics today - now I can't seem to stop writing words with "some" in them. Somewhat, someone, sometime and just generally some. I'm attempting to put them in the cage with all the a little phrases which I'm also finding. But don't worry - I'll put them in another novel soon, I fear. Hmm. As you can tell, I've spent a large part of the morning and early afternoon sorting out The Gifting, and I'm now at the start of Chapter Thirteen - of…


Added by Anne Brooke on May 20, 2007 at 7:26am — No Comments


Publicity is a very funny thing. Publishing Crimespree gives me

exposure to a lot of people who want publicity, usually with out

advertising. I understand it, and I even try to help, but sometimes the

trhings we get are just kind of sily.

Strange occurance 1: I received a book to review that came with a press

kit in a nice folder. Part of the press kit was a list of questions I

could ask the author. Problem 1: When I interview someone I use mys… Continue

Added by Jon Jordan on May 20, 2007 at 5:07am — 4 Comments

Guest Blogger: Lori Avocato

This week's guest blogger Lori Avocato gave up an career as a registered nurse in the Air Force to write fiction. She sold nine romance novels, then turned to writing the humorous Pauline Sokol Mysteries, in which a burned-out nurse becomes a medical fraud insurance investigator.

We asked Lori to give us some insights into her series characters:

WP: What makes your series/characters unique?

LA: I think my characters in The Pauline Sokol Mystery…


Added by Writers Plot on May 20, 2007 at 12:43am — No Comments

Mostly fiction

A week ago there was blood all over my kitchen floor. Now, there's not much left, but I didn't clean it up. I just walked across it. Gotta be on my feet, and on my shoes. I've noticed my feet are sticking to the floor, just a little.…


Added by Ray Baisden on May 19, 2007 at 7:41pm — No Comments

Bits and bites

I decided to "go with the flow" in my lack of commitment to any one story. Now I find random ideas popping into my head - so when that happens, I write them down, either in the story itself or in a "random ideas" file on my PDA, to be imported later into the pertinent document. So far it seems to be going OK. It's very much a creative frame of mind rather than the more logical approach I take to revisions/edits, but maybe that reflects the chaos of my life right now (2 little kids, possible…


Added by Christa M. Miller on May 19, 2007 at 8:36am — No Comments

The editing queen

Ye gods, but I've done so much editing today that my brain will probably explode soon - so beware of any sudden noises in the ether. Am now up to the start of Chapter 10 (they all get longer from here on in, so don't get too excited), but will start that tomorrow. I can do no more tonight.

And, yes, I know all the "experts" tell you to put the first draft away for a month before working on it but frankly, m'dears, that never works for me and I can't ever be arsed to wait that long…


Added by Anne Brooke on May 19, 2007 at 3:30am — No Comments

Fibber McGee's Closet

Now I'm much to young to know from actual experience about Fibber McGee, but I've heard about him. He was a character on an old radio show and every week he'd open the closet door and tons of stuff would fall out and make a BIG NOISE.

Well, I've inherited his closet. Yes, I'm still working on tidying the office. I cannot believe how much time I've put into this little adventure.…


Added by Lorna Barrett on May 19, 2007 at 12:10am — No Comments

There is No Off-Switch on the Crying Machine

posted by Leann Sweeney

You would think that finishing a book and then scrambling hard to complete the rewrites in a week would be a joyful experience. A cause for celebration. A time to have some kick-ass fun. Well, you'd be wrong. At least for this crybaby. Yes, Sunday was meltdown time in the Houston suburbs. Being Mother's Day did not help. Both kids failed to send me a card for the first time in, well, forever. That's what tipped the scales. No stupid little cards with awful…


Added by Writers Plot on May 18, 2007 at 10:32pm — 1 Comment

Overlooked holiday

Some holidays get more respect than others. Tomorrow we should not let one such overlooked day slip past. Sandwiched between Mother's Day and Memorial Day - both of which get great attention in homes and stores - lies Armed Forces Day. This year, let's remember the men and women who keep our Mothers safe, and not wait until they're in a cemetery to show some appreciation. Make some noise in their support, whether or not you think their current mission is the right… Continue

Added by Austin S. Camacho on May 18, 2007 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Literary Agents or Publishers?

My roommate and I have published new books in the past few months which we are mostly handselling. Mine is crime fiction set in Alabama and Florida and his is interconnected short stories (of the roman a clef, bildungsroman tradition) set in Liverpool and Atlanta. We published POD with BookSurge and, naturally, would love either a savvy agent or commercial publisher. Any advice, other than the standard Jeff Herman's/Literary Marketplace/Writer's Market? All and any input will be…


Added by Jane Mitchell on May 18, 2007 at 4:52am — 1 Comment

Spring 2007 Demolition Magazine Online

I am delighted to say that my story "Preliminaries" is included in the Spring 2007 Issue of Demolition Magazine

Come for my story, which is pretty short, and stay for work by Pat Lambe, Albert Tuche, Terry White, Greg Bardsley and Alan Girling.

Thanks for your time.

J.D. Smith

Added by J.D. Smith on May 18, 2007 at 4:44am — No Comments

Abrahams, Peter – NERVE DAMAGE

NERVE DAMAGE (Suspense-Roy Valois-Vermont-Cont) – G+

Abrahams, Peter – Standalone

Wm. Morrow, 2007, US Hardcover – ISBN:


First Sentence: Sometimes the dead live on in your dreams.

Metal sculptor Roy Valois has just finished a masterful piece of sculpture he names for his late wife, Delia and plays an exceptional game during his

local hockey night. When talking with…

Added by LJ Roberts on May 18, 2007 at 3:30am — 2 Comments

A medley of writing thoughts

The very talented Amanda Mann ( has put a fascinating series of questions on her blog today, and invited me to answer them too - which I'll try to the best of my ability. I'm not a great believer in the concept of "tagging", but if there's anyone else out there who'd like to answer them too, feel free to have a go!

1. Do you outline?

Not if I can help it… Continue

Added by Anne Brooke on May 18, 2007 at 12:38am — No Comments

My Own Contest!!

The friendly folks at Crime and Suspense Magazine have launched the “Austin Camacho Beltway Crime Writing Contest” which will run until July 7th. There are three levels of prizes, but the big winner will receive a set of all four Hannibal Jones mystery novels, signed by me.…


Added by Austin S. Camacho on May 17, 2007 at 11:14pm — No Comments

Signing at the Big Store!

This Saturday I will be signing books at what I believe to be the biggest bookstore in my area, the Barnes and Noble Booksellers in Tysons Corners. This vast, 34,000 square foot, two-level store is a literary Mecca for booklovers in Northern Virginia, and I’ll be there as part of a mystery author trio. From 1 pm to 4 pm you can meet me, along with T.K. Kenyon, the author of Rabid, which got a…


Added by Austin S. Camacho on May 17, 2007 at 11:04pm — No Comments

Survivor: The Writing Life

Posted by Jeanne Munn Bracken

All right, I admit it. I'm a "Survivor" junky. I've never been all that big on television, and for a long time I didn't watch much at all. That changed when my older daughter's kidneys failed and she had to undergo dialysis at a medical center twice a week. There is very little to distract anyone sitting in the center for hours on end, after you've paid the bills, written the Christmas cards and letters, and done the taxes. You can't even read; there's…


Added by Writers Plot on May 17, 2007 at 10:13pm — No Comments

Growing Pains

I have to admit, I haven't quite cracked this whole blogging lark. It's not that I don't have lots of things to say - who doesn't like the sounds of their own voice! - it's just that I never seem to find the time. The only consolation is I'm not the only one who struggles with this. Apparently Lindsay… Continue

Added by James Twining on May 17, 2007 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Review - Something's Cooking - Joanne Pence

For those who prefer some romance with their mystery, Something's Cooking, the first in the Angie Amalfi series by Joanne Pence should please. Angie is writing a food column for a small weekly paper in San Francisco when some of the receipes she's been using get her mixed up with murder and gun running. Enter the hunky homicide inspector, Paavo Smith, who is handed the case. Glaringly neglecting any allusion to conflict of interest when a police officer becomes romantically involved…


Added by Gina Micale on May 17, 2007 at 5:07pm — No Comments

Sad Day

All of the public libraries in Jackson County, Oregon are closed. And yesterday, by a margin of about 10,000 votes, the citizens voted to keep them closed.

Every place I’ve ever lived - with the exception of a year in North Africa - had libraries, and just as important as getting the electricity turned on was getting my library card. It told me I was a

resident, that I was now…


Added by Barbara Fister on May 17, 2007 at 1:04pm — 13 Comments

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