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Jacobs, Jonnie – THE NEXT VICTIM

THE NEXT VICTIM (Unlicensed Investigator-Kali

O’Brien-Tucson, AZ-Cont) – G+

Jacobs, Jonnie – 7th in series

Kensington Books, 2007, US Hardcover - ISBN:

First Sentence: The call came a little after two in the morning and pulled Erling from a particularly pleasant dream.

San Francisco attorney Kali O’Brian is away on the camping trip but, when checking messages, finds a call from her brother


Added by LJ Roberts on May 8, 2007 at 3:00am — No Comments

Aeroplanes, firemen and shopping hell

Lord H and I decided today that we've lived in Surrey for over thirteen years now, so we really had to do the Brooklands Motor Museum one day, and it might as well be today. We do quite like vintage cars but, as Lord H says, once you've seen the basic three shapes you've probably seen them all. However, it was a good day to do it as they were having a display of emergency vehicles as well - so lots of firemen and policemen wandering round looking cute. Bliss. I was desperate to ask…


Added by Anne Brooke on May 8, 2007 at 2:52am — No Comments

It's been awhile,an I deeply appoligize!

lifes been on the wild side lately. Up an down so many times, you'd think it was a bad trip or carnmival ride gone wrong. My personal life seemed to have been crashing. But just befor I and my Wife nose dived into a lake with alota rocks, we pulled up; still rockie but its getting there. I do thank everyone for pointing me in the right direction. Im back an hopefully for a long time. My wifes pregnant! We'er both much more focused!

I do thank everyone for your support &time,kindly…


Added by liel3030 on May 8, 2007 at 1:44am — No Comments

Oh. . .


First Canada, now France.

Added by sparkle hayter on May 8, 2007 at 12:52am — No Comments


I’d read Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. I knew my first draft should be shitty.

It was. Three-quarters of the way through that effort, intoxicated with my prose and attending my first Edgar Symposium, I was certain I was a

mere three months away from The End. I had the gall to attempt pitching

that “novel,” I shudder to recall, to a number of commendably patient


Once again, it's Edgar time. Forever…


Added by Lois Karlin on May 7, 2007 at 11:06pm — 2 Comments

Just walked in from Malice...

,,,and boy do my legs ache! Seriously! I walked, stood, ran, and/or shuffled for three days. My legs will never feel like a part of my body again, and I simply couldn't care less! I had a BLAST! Malice was amazing!!

Funny story here. I'm sitting outside one of the panel rooms, getting my day in order, checking the mini guide book they handed out, making sure I'm in the right spot and trying to decide what to do next, when this sweet lady walks up and sits down with me and we start to…


Added by Laine on May 7, 2007 at 10:41pm — No Comments

Jail Time

Posted by Sheila Connolly

Last week I went to jail.

No, I wasn't arrested. Me? Law-biding, virtuous, upright citizen me? I went because the local chapter of Mystery Writers of America arranged for a tour of a county correctional facility, and I thought I needed to know what a jail was really like.

Not that I write about jails, or even violent crimes. As I've said before, in cozies the violence happens off-stage somewhere. And–funny thing–so does the aftermath, once the…


Added by Writers Plot on May 7, 2007 at 10:17pm — 1 Comment

On Self-Promotion, New Books, and Neurotic Writers

Guest Blogger Jim C. Hines

Hello, all! My name is Jim, and I'll be your guest blogger for today. Huge thanks to Lorraine for the invitation.

I asked Lorraine a bit about her readers, and if there were any guidelines for what I wrote about. She told me to avoid religion and politics, and no blatant commercials.

No commercials. But . . . but my second book just came out three days ago! I've spent the past week doing nothing but book promo and networking and…


Added by Writers Plot on May 7, 2007 at 10:16pm — No Comments

Elections here in France

Well, Sarkozy won. He was not my candidate :-(((

Added by Delphine Cingal on May 7, 2007 at 5:00pm — No Comments


Today I'm at least thinking about writing, but honestly, I've had

a bit of a dry spell. The stories are there. In my head. They are just

not on the page. Or in my word processing program.

To help me through the hurdle I bought a handful of neat little

journals and special pens last week at the office supply place. Okay.

Who else can spend forever in the office supply? Hands?

I love looking at all the paper stock and sorting through the pens… Continue

Added by Beth Walker on May 7, 2007 at 9:05am — 2 Comments

Something Different-Please.

Over the past week I’ve been reading The Edge, a splendid novel by the rather neglected Clare Curzon. It combines many elements of a traditional British mystery novel, a murder taking place at a country house, spooky goings on in the woods and dark family…


Added by Adam Colclough on May 7, 2007 at 5:36am — No Comments

Elena Speaks of the City, Under Siege (Reprint)

Elena Speaks of the City, Under Siege…


Added by Steven Torres on May 7, 2007 at 5:26am — No Comments

Thirteen Weeks, Thirteen Stories (x-Posted)

Well, the subject line pretty much says it all. Tired of not being able to reprint stories and/or publish them, I figured I'd post them here. There are thirteen weeks between this Sunday and the Sunday before my next novel comes out, so I figured I'd publish a story a week here.

On Sundays, you get the stories. On Monday or Tuesday, you get an explanation of the writing process or the publishing history or some such. Seems like a fair deal considering it's all free.

Today's… Continue

Added by Steven Torres on May 7, 2007 at 5:24am — No Comments

A nearly lazy Sunday

Half thought about going to the Quakers again today, but didn't get round to it. Which in itself made me feel good - as hey I can go with the flow too. On occasion. Which, in my carefully planned, ultra-controlled life, is a bloody miracle in itself really. Hurrah!

Instead I cleaned the car, did more to The Gifting (I am a scene-and-a-half-ish from the end!) and wrote out my birthday list. Which has pleased Lord H no end, as strangely he does like to buy stuff for me.… Continue

Added by Anne Brooke on May 7, 2007 at 3:57am — No Comments



Brunetti-Venice-Cont) – VG+

Leon, Donna – 16th in series

William Heinemann: London,

2007, UK Hardcover – ISBN: 9780434016259

First Sentence: …and then my daughter-in-law told me that I should come in and tell you about it.

Commissario Guido Brunetti is awakened and ask to come to the hospital. A doctor of Pedriatics has

been severely beaten. Three…

Added by LJ Roberts on May 7, 2007 at 3:00am — No Comments

Reading Slump--All My Fault!

It's all my fault--really.

As I have stated in other posts, 2007 hasn't been a very good one for

me as far as mystery/crime fiction is concerned. I've finally decided

it is probably me, and not the books I am reading. Now that the PhD is

behind me and I have found a new job as a college professor, I think

things will settle down for me. It's hard letting go of the past. It's

even harder going on job interviews, especially when what you really

want to do with… Continue

Added by Gumshoe Carl on May 7, 2007 at 1:58am — 1 Comment

The Mystery of The Broken Commandments

In 1928 Ronald Knox, who was tired of some of the detective story trends of the day, laid down his rules for detective fiction. Some of them sound really

strange to today's reader. I had a quiet lunchbreak at work one day so I

thought I would try and write a story that included all the elements you're not

supposed to have. First,…


Added by Donna Moore on May 6, 2007 at 11:34pm — 6 Comments

What does a reader do when she doesn't want to read?

I read. A lot. I have all my life. I always have a book or three going - generally mysteries. And since joining Crimespace I've got a huge stack of new books and authors to dive into. But ever since my brush with real life crime a few weeks, reading about crime doesn't seem so entertaining.

I don't know, maybe what I need is a funny crime story - but does such a thing even exist?

Added by Kat on May 6, 2007 at 1:34pm — 4 Comments

Prologue of A Mothers Torment

Greeneville, Tennessee Courthouse 1979

I had just been allowed back in the courtroom during my son’s murder trial, and as I listened to the lies the Prosecution was saying, I jumped up in my seat and


""He’s innocent and you know it. You lie. You know he didn’t do it. He wouldn’t

have come back if he were guilty."

THE COURT: Sheriff, take the Jurors out

Again I screamed as Nelson’s hands were trying to…


Added by shirley dicks on May 6, 2007 at 11:54am — No Comments

A Mothers Torment -- True Crime

How far would you go to save your child’s life? Would you write hot checks to pay attorney fees, sell your home, attempt a-jail break as a last resort and, - be on the run for a year with two young children? This mother did.

Fighting the system… Continue

Added by shirley dicks on May 6, 2007 at 11:52am — No Comments

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