August 2011 Blog Posts (109)



Internationally Bestselling author Brad Thor and Big Daddy Abel author of the bestselling selling and highly rated Amazon Kindle Open Mic series will be my guests this Thursday, September 1st starting at 4.30pm EST. Brad Thor’s latest bestseller is “Full Black”, while BDA is currently working on two projects: ”Open Mic Volume 5 and the sequel to “Edge of Cataclysmic”.

For the few of you that are unfamiliar with Brad Thor’s work here is a little about him:



Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 31, 2011 at 11:38pm — No Comments

The Hand of God and My “Status”

Hello everybody! Yes, I am still alive and so are my wife and kids. A “Funny” thing happened on the way to experiencing an earthquake, a hurricane and a tornado all in the span of four days. Why is that “Funny”? Well let’s see, I can really write pages on this subject. In fact I have, and they are in the able hands of Big Daddy Abel the guy that let me jazz with him on “The Edge of Cataclysmic”. The Author’s Lab/Collaboration story just wrote itself for me. I started with the flood we had in…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 31, 2011 at 6:29am — No Comments

Glad I chose to set my DI Andy Horton marine mystery crime novels around the Solent, it means I get to do a photoshoot on a luxury boat

The photo shoot on Saturday on board a beautiful luxury motor boat by kind donation of its owner, went really well and was great fun.…


Added by Pauline Rowson on August 30, 2011 at 11:19pm — No Comments

Hackneyed Plots and Not So Much

They say there are only twenty or so. Plots can be boiled down to certain themes: coming of age, finding love, restoring justice, etc. The devil, as they say, is in the details.

Mysteries tend to be about restoring--or at least seeking--justice, so the reasons we choose and read certain mysteries will often relate to subthemes. Many like mysteries where they learn about a job, a craft, a way of life. I like some of that, too, but I also want some creativity in the way the protag looks for… Continue

Added by Peg Herring on August 29, 2011 at 10:34pm — No Comments

How to Hire an editor

I haven't posted in awhile, been so busy working and traveling. The last few weeks I've been in Dallas, Austin, Tempe, Denver and I live in Sarasota. I'm writing this Saturday August 27, from Vegas at 6:22 am. Hungry, just got up. Tonight going to Rod Stewart.

This article is kinda timely for me. I hired an editor two weeks ago and she seems really good. So following what I've done in the past. When I see a writing…

Added by Norman Applegate on August 28, 2011 at 7:06am — No Comments

Mystery bookstore profile/reviews/author interview/giveaway in new KRL issue

An interview with mystery author Jean Henry Mead, a review of her latest senior sleuth mystery novel & a giveaway of that book

And a big group of book reviews of other genres-some of which may have a mystery touch to them… Continue

Added by Lorie Ham on August 28, 2011 at 4:12am — No Comments

I'm on a photoshoot this weekend for publicity purposes for the DI Andy Horton Marine Mystery Crime Novels

I'm on a photo shoot this weekend aboard a very impressive and luxury Fairline motor cruiser. It's not DI Andy Horton's type of craft as my readers know - he is a 'proper' sailor, the type that likes a pole and a bit of a sheet on it - no, this boat is much more up Detective Superintendent Uckfield's street. In fact I think I'll make it… Continue

Added by Pauline Rowson on August 26, 2011 at 7:51pm — No Comments

BASIC BLACK - A Tony Black Mysterys is available on Amazon

New here - not sure if I'm doing this right or even if I'm allowed to do it.


My book BASIC BLACK - A Tony Black Mystery is now available on Kindle and NOOK and in paperback on Amazon.


A serial killer is on the loose in Chicago.  He's on a mission from God to clean up the church after the abuse scandal. (some naughty languate and graphic violence)


Paperback link:




Added by Scott Doornbosch on August 26, 2011 at 3:22am — No Comments

One on One: The G-Man goes up against Robert Browne author of "The Paradise Prophecy"

-Did you enjoy the research or the writing more on this novel?

Normally I don't enjoy research, but in the case of THE PARADISE PROPHECY I had a lot of fun with it.  Looking into the history of ancient documents like The Devil's Bible and Steganographia was not only fascinating, but also had a great influence on the direction, scope and depth of the story itself.

What is your writing style? Are you an extensive outliner or do you just do it all organically as it comes to…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 25, 2011 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Review - Plugged, Eoin Colfer

Book Title:   PLUGGED

Author:  Eoin Colfer

ISBN:   9780755379996

Location:   New Jersey

Publisher:   Hachette Australia

Year of Publication:   2011

Murder, corruption and hair loss in New Jersey.

'Once I have hair, I'll be happy.'  At least that's what Irish ex-army sergeant Daniel McEvoy tells himself.

As doorman at a seedy New Jersey casino, dealing with unpleasant customers, a psychotic neighbour and a receding hairline are all part of Dan's… Continue

Added by Karen from AustCrime on August 25, 2011 at 6:07pm — No Comments

Wild Bill is Available for Kindle and Nook

Wild Bill is available now for Kindle and Nook, just in time for the hurricane-enforced reading season. Only $2.99.

Added by Dana King on August 25, 2011 at 10:03am — No Comments

Other than Crimespace...

Other than this forum (which is great), what are some your favorite blogs or websites to promote your books?  I'm new to ebooks and I'm still learning ebook marketing.  I've spent hours on Google and have some ideas, like Kindle Forums, but that doesn't seem like enough.

I'm getting a little panicked because my first book will be available next month and I want to have great launch and a great follow up.  Also, I want to promote it without irritating people.

My website is…


Added by Brian Hoffman on August 25, 2011 at 3:51am — No Comments

Around the Globe with RODNEY ROBBINS

An early trip this week with our featured author due to the fact I'll be in Nashville on Friday. However, today in Iowa it looks to be another very warm day, so I'm off to meet Rodney Robbins in Denmark this morning. While doing the interview, we're touring the National Museum, looking at the Gundestrup Cauldron and other Celtics relics. Then we're seeking out a open…


Added by Stephen Brayton on August 25, 2011 at 12:30am — No Comments

Win a Copy of Jeff Abbott's "Adrenaline"

I want this contest to be fun, easy, and well just fun. I am going to keep it simple so here goes: I have 5 copies of the novel, “Adrenaline” to give away. The First 1,000,000 people that buy my new digital short story “Holy Chrome Bocce Balls on Fire” get a chance to win one of the novels. Now, if for some unforeseen reason that doesn’t happen, what we will fall back on will be something even easier: For your chance to win, just stop by my blog, Gelati’s Scoop, click follow (I have never…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 24, 2011 at 4:48am — No Comments

Free collection of crime shorts



Anyone who's interested can read my collection of crime shorts 'Psychopaths Ltd: and Other Stories' for free at Smashwords:


Here's the blurb:


'This criminally twisted collection features seven short-stories that've appeared in US and UK magazines, and includes my award-winning story 'Stinky'.

Share that train…


Added by Ben Cheetham on August 24, 2011 at 3:30am — 2 Comments

Review - This Night's Foul Work, Fred Vargas


Author:  Fred Vargas

ISBN:   9780099507628

Location:   France

Series:   Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg

Publisher:   Vintage Books

Year of Publication:   2009

On the outskirts of Paris, two men are discovered with their throats cut.  In Normandy, two stags have been killed and their hearts cut out.  Meanwhile, a seventy-five-year old nurse who had murdered several of her patients has escaped from prison.  Is there a connection… Continue

Added by Karen from AustCrime on August 23, 2011 at 11:54pm — No Comments

Review - Crimespotting, intro by Irvine Welsh


ISBN:   9781846971242

Location:   Edinburgh

Publisher:   One City Trust

Year of Publication:   2009

All the short stories here are brand new, specially commissioned and from a unique mix of bestselling crime writers. Each author was asked for a story which features a crime and is set in Edinburgh. The results range from hard-boiled police procedural to historical whodunit and from the wildly comic to the spookily supernatural.…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on August 23, 2011 at 5:55pm — No Comments

Wild Bill: Cast of Characters

(Wild Bill will be available for Amazon Kindle On August 29; other formats to follow. )

Not to sound arrogant or conceited, but Wild Bill shares qualities with the greatest American fiction, writers such as Hemingway, Faulkner, and Twain. Words. Sentences, Paragraphs. Chapters. Grammar, for Chrissake.

And characters. Lots of them. Here’s the lowdown on a few.

Willard “Wild Bill” Hickox. Born…


Added by Dana King on August 23, 2011 at 8:51am — 2 Comments

What is your writing style? Mine,well, that is kind of backward.

Happy Monday to everybody! Okay, stop grumbling, a new week has started; let’s get rolling. I ask every author I get the privilege to speak with,  “What is your style: do you outline?, Do you  just go with your idea? Do you do a little of both?” Basically I have come to the conclusion that each is different no matter what and the style choices are just as individual as snowflakes. I get to ask Joel Andre this same question a little later on today on my blogtalk radio show The…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 23, 2011 at 4:03am — No Comments

Sisters in Crime issue reading and blogging challenge says crime author Pauline Rowson

Sisters in Crime, a non-profit organization with the mission to “promote the professional development and the advancement of women crime writers to achieve equality in the industry” has thrown down the gauntlet for a reading challenge and one for lovers of crime fiction.

Sisters in Crime has 3,000 or… Continue

Added by Pauline Rowson on August 22, 2011 at 10:38pm — No Comments

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