What's especially good about these two issues are stories from people like Stephen Blackmoore, Patricia Abbott,… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on November 9, 2007 at 1:42pm —
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As a way of celebrating the joining of the 1000th member, Crimespace is proud to open its first short story competition. The plan is to run
this heist every year, with the entries being crime fiction based
around a theme.
To kick it off, this year's theme is 'Australia'.
How you include it is up to you. Your story could be set in Australia,
have an Australian character in it, or simply mention… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on November 1, 2007 at 3:05pm —
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Thanks to Podomatic's recent bout of unreliableness, Angie's moved her world-famous crime fiction podcast to http://inforquestioning.libsyn.com/, so make sure to update this in your podcasting client (usually iTunes).
And if… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on October 16, 2007 at 11:24am —
Olen Steinhauer, well known among those of us that like our crime fiction bleak and real, is mostly linked with his series of Cold War novels set in a fictional Eastern European country that remains nameless. I'm guilty of only having read the first novel, but the second and third are already in waiting.
Why am I mentioning all this?
Added by Daniel Hatadi on October 13, 2007 at 1:18am —
1 Comment
That mad Hatadi has done it again: his voice has been captured for all eternity in a digital form. To be replicated and distributed through millions of small boxes with clicky wheels on the front.
(switch to first person)
And it's all thanks to that bold criminal of the podcast universe,… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on October 11, 2007 at 2:20pm —
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One of Crimespace's own, Angie Johnson-Schmit, has started up a crime fiction podcast called In For Questioning, with the first interviewee being yours truly (the theme music's mine too).
I've pointed the music player on the main page to the podcast, just so I can hurt all your ears with my inane babble about starting up Crimespace and writing songs about dead rubber… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on September 10, 2007 at 3:49pm —
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It's not often that a computer game crosses over into blog-worthy material, but The Darkness goes against that by being a cross between crime and horror, a genre combination that's a semi-obsession of mine. Mostly because I'm trying to write a novel that does just that, but also because I think the two genres… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on August 24, 2007 at 6:10pm —
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Since Ning added the ability to track statistics properly on Crimespace, I've had Google Analytics running for a couple of weeks now. In the spirit of sharing, here are some statistics, all taken from the week starting on August 13th:
1,507 Absolute Unique Visitors
4,308 Visits
24,548 Pageviews
5.70 Pages/Visit
11 minutes 38 seconds Avg. Time… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on August 23, 2007 at 3:24pm —
Every so often I find myself going through a bout of solitude. This has been happening for the last couple of months, possibly brought on by an abnormally cold Sydney winter and probably compounded by the re-entry into my life of copious amounts of caffeine.
Yes, I'm quitting it again.
During my hibernation I… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on August 6, 2007 at 2:05pm —
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The discussions on the forum have been brilliant, thought provoking, serious and silly. The
categories seem to please most people and have made everyone feel more comfortable to discuss a wide range of topics.
Chat walls on member pages are constantly flowing with the rhythms of people getting to know each other. Members have been blogging with enough quality posts for me to be able to feature five at least once a day, often…
Added by Daniel Hatadi on May 10, 2007 at 3:22pm —
1 Comment
Crimespace logo had a certain amount of coolness to begin with, but after roping in an artist friend of mine to beef it up, the coolness factor has gone through the roof. Cool enough to be slapped on the front of a button or T-shirt or even a baby's bib.
Living down under in this Great Southern Land known as Australia makes it hard for me to jetset around to all the crime, mystery and thriller conventions our world is graced with every year. That makes it hard for me to get…
Added by Daniel Hatadi on April 1, 2007 at 6:00pm —
No, this post isn't about the movie 300, it's about the number of members that have joined Crimespace in the staggeringly short time of three weeks. I'm thrilled to see so many members coming on board, but now that Crimespace is getting bigger, I have to watch for the problems that popularity bring.
My stated intention with Crimespace is for it to be a 24/7 online equivalent of the bar at Bouchercon or Harrogate or Thrillerfest. Similar wording is in the… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 26, 2007 at 12:36pm —
It's only been two weeks officially, but I already feel like I've been draped over this website-shaped bar for my whole life. And hey, *hic*, I've only known you for ten minutes, but you're already my bestest friend in the whole wide world.
Friends. In the real world, a beautiful thing; on the internet, a bookmark, a way of saying, "hi, you seem interesting and I wouldn't mind getting to know you better." It must remind all of you of being ten again, where everyone was… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 18, 2007 at 9:50pm —
Your friendly neighbourhood bartender tells me that all drink requests from The Bar have finally been filled. It's about time. I was getting mighty parched there.
Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 14, 2007 at 12:22pm —
Some of you have been feverishly clicking through the Featured Posts links I had up over the last few days. I was putting these up by hand, but what I didn't realise was that Ning already had a mechanism for doing this. Since it involves me clicking once rather than typing a whole bunch of cryptic gobbledy-gook, I've switched to the Ning way of doing it.
Now the featured posts will just appear on the front page. As they were supposed to all along.
One other… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 13, 2007 at 2:16pm —
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Crimespace shot past the 100 member mark to reach ... 101 members!
Keep em coming.
Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 13, 2007 at 7:25am —
1 Comment
Based on my general usage of the site, as well as a few questions from members, I've added a short help page dealing with the less obvious issues of using Crimespace, as well as a few permanent links to things like The Bar and an index of all the blogs. These links can be accessed from the Main page.
I've also added a new Featured Posts section that draws attention to some of the more popular posts, and this seems to be working well.
As Ning adds features to the… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 12, 2007 at 10:04pm —
Are you recording? Red light's on? Okay.
Hello and welcome to crimespace, the new hot spot for lovers of crime fiction to meet--
Oh? I've done that already? The blurb, it's up the top of the page? Okay ...
So ... what now?
I suppose I can ponder on the necessity of adding yet another blog to the world, or even worse still, a whole collection of the things. When I set up crimespace I didn't really want to have blogs attached. There's plenty… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 12, 2007 at 9:58pm —
Seven days ago I read an article in the local paper that talked about 'DIY social networking', mentioning a site called Ning. Having been both fascinated and repulsed by Myspace, I was intrigued. What unites people on the internet are their common interests, so the idea of having a social network dedicated to a single theme sounded very… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 12, 2007 at 9:57pm —
"International Women's Day (Thursday 8 March) is an occasion marked by women's groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. When women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 8, 2007 at 8:08pm —