Terry bowman's Blog – August 2007 Archive (3)

Giant Steps- Writer to Author (repost from typepad)

If only someone had told me years ago...

I started out the way most people do, with a keyboard (substitute binder, journal, scrap of paper, you get the picture) and just started typing. I was thirty-something at the time, just plugging in my first computer, and the words came so easily. It was like

a dam had built up over the last three decades and the water came

crashing down through the…


Added by terry bowman on August 28, 2007 at 11:21am — 1 Comment

Shoutout To A Crimespace Hero

I spent the weekend at the Columbus (OH) Writer's Conference. Every time I attend one of these things I feel like maybe, just maybe, someday I'll be able to write my way out of a paper bag. The conference was not Mystery specific, but there were several good workshops on the art of writing the crime scene and forensics. The star of the show was Lee Lofland Lee has got a new book out that is flying off the bookshelves,… Continue

Added by terry bowman on August 27, 2007 at 5:43am — 2 Comments

What I Learned At Killer Nashville

I've been writing novels off and on for about ten years. My first novel, which shall be forever unnamed and unpublished, was the product of a ten-week blast of stream of consciousness that I will probably never find again. The result was 400 pages of aimless rambling. Rather than exulting in my accomplishment, I went into a five year tailspin of postpartum depression. I didn't write for five years. Those of you who write, can you imagine that? The upshot of that is the I read A LOT. I'm talking… Continue

Added by terry bowman on August 23, 2007 at 1:55am — 1 Comment

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