Harrogate - or "Donna, don't take this the wrong way, but I can really see you in a brothel."

Well, that's me just returned from Harrogate where a good time was had by all at the Harrogate Crime Festival. This time I didn't get to see many events, spending most of my time hanging out, chatting and eating...lots of eating. The panels that I did go to were good, and the evening events were great fun, even if our quiz team - The Masturbating Hamsters - came somewhere in the middle of the pack in an undistinguished manner.

It was great to catch up with everyone, and spend loads of time with my partners in crime - sister Jools and little brother Vincent, as well as the newly-rebearded Russel McLean (who was the originator of the comment in the title of this post. (Don't take this the wrong way? Is there a RIGHT way to take that comment?!)), the musky Lord Kevin "I gave my ticket to a poor person" of Wignall, world's best agent Al "Im so hard I've been thrown out of the hotel TWICE" Guthrie and his always lovely wife Donna...and it's excellent to catch up with people seen far too fleetingly once or twice a year - I shall stop with the names but you know who you are - sorry for all the hugging :o)

Some random bullet point thoughts:

- The more Al Guthrie is convinced of the correctness of an answer to a quiz question, this is inversely proportional to how correct it will, in fact, be.

- Lord Kevin "Jobs are for people who have something to give to society" of Wignall is one of the world's best huggers, but if he ever tells you "You're looking well" make an appointment with a medical professional immediately.

- Vincent Holland-Keen will one day regret giving Auntie Jools and Auntie Donna a magazine called The Oldie.

- Nothing tastes nicer than a bag of chips in a bus shelter at 2.30am.

- Lizzie Hayes and Zoe Sharp are, officially, the most elegant women in crime fiction.

- Robert Crais has lovely eyes, Sir Kevin has lovely shoes.

- Any panel that has Natasha Cooper on is always well worth going to see.

- Crime fiction readers and writers are the friendliest, loveliest, nicest people imaginable.

Views: 37


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Comment by Donna Moore on July 23, 2008 at 4:59am
Grant - DO go to Bouchercon - you won't regret it.

Kevin - I'm not sure that I've ever seen your eyes, but you DO have lovely sunglasses :o) Mint tea - not a chance. The nearest you get to mint is a sprig of it in your Pimms.
Comment by Kevin Wignall on July 23, 2008 at 4:56am
Robert Crais has lovely eyes and I have lovely... SHOES! Oh, now I feel blessed.

Seriously, great fun, but I've seen some pics and they're not flattering. It appears I can't get by on two hours sleep after all. Next year, it's mint tea and early nights... ahem.
Comment by Grant McKenzie on July 23, 2008 at 4:12am
I've been very torn about Bouchercon. The book isn't out until after the convention, I don't have a U.S. publisher yet, and I'm broke — but I'm still contemplating the possibility.
Comment by Donna Moore on July 22, 2008 at 8:01pm
Grant - hopefully we will see you there next year. Are you going to Bouchercon?
Comment by Grant McKenzie on July 22, 2008 at 6:12am
Oh, dear ;-)

Wish I could have been there, and with my book launching in the UK in November, hopefully I can fly over next year.

Chips in a bus stop at 2:30 a.m. can only taste better when it's pissing down rain and you have an extra pickled onion ;-)
Comment by Donna Moore on July 22, 2008 at 5:57am
Kuncks - let's just say he was the inspiration :o)
Comment by Donna Moore on July 22, 2008 at 12:51am
LOL - you're welcome Daniel!
Comment by Daniel Hatadi on July 21, 2008 at 9:37am
You people and your damned writeups, always making me jealous, grumble, grumble.

Thanks for sharing! :)
Comment by Donna Moore on July 21, 2008 at 7:09am
It was indeed funny Jools. And he knows he's paying for that for some time to come :o) Mmmmmm chips indeed. And now, I am not going to eat for at least a week. Lovely to see you m'dear. See you at the Fringe!
Comment by Julie Morrigan on July 21, 2008 at 5:36am
Wasn't it fab! Always a treat to meet up with Madame Sin and the gang... he's brave, that McLean bench-dweller. But it was very funny! :)

And yes, crime fiction readers and writers are indeed the friendliest, loveliest, nicest people imaginable. To which I can only add, 'Mmmm, chips!' ;-)

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