20 yrs behind the curve toward the future

I live in one of the trendiest villes in the world. But personally? I'm a slow -- even retrograde – trendster.

In the 80s, I heard a lot about gyms. In the 00s, I tried one.
It was kind of cool, you know, having a lot of machines you could use all in one place?

In the late 90s, I heard about blogging. And now here I am, offering up wowzas that may be snoozas to those of you who have been here for decades. But gee, is it fun to type a few thoughts on the screen and see them neatly world-reach out mere seconds later.

I'm getting the sense that there's a real soul boost to have created something sui generis before returning to the 'roman infinitus', do y'all agree?

It's also occurred to me that I can leave this little window open so I'm socializing on line while hibernating in real time.

Next week? Sharon discovers the microwave.

(That's a fib. I got one last year.)

Happy Sun-saturdays...here's to rediscovering the wheel.

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