A couple of weeks ago I trooped down to the Project Artaud theater in San Francisco to see a snazzy production of Cornell Woolrich's Angel Face.

What made the experience particularly unique is that this wasn't an adaptation. This was Word for Word, a Bay Area group of actors dedicated to acting out and reading every line of a given work. That means the "he saids, she saids" and every other narrative conveyance.

It sounds odd, and it takes about five to ten minutes to adjust. But once you're in, you're in.

A cast of about seven played every character ... the set was ingenious ... the acting right on target ... the whole production, in other words, aces. The last night is September 2nd. If you're in San Francisco and you're a noir fan, tell 'em Kelli sent you.

The show inspired me to record a few readings from Chapter One of Nox Dormienda--these are now on my website. I'm attaching one here, too: Download Nox 1.1.mp3

I was a theater major, once upon a time, and I enjoyed myself. But the writer kept criticizing the actor, and the actor walked off in a huff. That's show biz.

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