SILENT COUNSEL Tour – September 20 Borders
Paramus, NJ

The day started on Long Beach Island, where Sylvia and I usually enjoy a nice, quiet, post-season week by the ocean. That’s the secret, of course. Do it after Labor Day. LBI summers, for sure, have their good points, but they have the crowds, too. Late September, though, is just right. You still have the weather, but things are just so much more relaxed. It’s a perfect time to chill out at the Jersey shore.

Unless, of course, there are crises at the office. The office that is nowhere near the ocean.

So, this LBI vacation was punctuated by a series of trips back and forth to northern New Jersey. But at least I got some quality time on my Harley, right? Oh. Forgot. That’s “in the shop,” waiting for a new GPS. Well, I guess it’s fun driving my Camry Hybrid.

Today’s drive north wasn’t to the office, so that made it a little more bearable. I was bound for Borders in Paramus, where I got to hang out with Josephine, Mike, Steve, Leslie, and John, who made me feel at home.

The after-dinner crowd was terrific, and completely by coincidence, three of the people mentioned in the Silent Counsel acknowledgments stopped in—Andy Kossowsky, Carol Ingram, and Linda Campesi—with families.

And Josephine invited me to participate in a panel of authors on October 13, at the Garden State Plaza Borders, also in Paramus. Check my website for details, and come on over.

Didn’t make it back to LBI tonight, but there’s always tomorrow.

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