Starting tomorrow each and every day there will be at least two guest posts by Trestle Press authors on the Trestle Press website Monday through Sunday. The only off day in December will be Christmas Day. Plan to read plenty of insightful and interesting content. Get to see a different side of the authors: their viewpoints, thoughts and feelings on what is going on in and around their writing world and the new landscape of publishing as they strive to help transform the reading experience for you. Be an insider; check the Trestle Press website two ,three ,four times a day for news, information and amazing fun content from and about authors that are on the cutting edge.
Here is this week’s lineup of authors:
Dec 1st-Alexandrea Weis and Angel Zapata
Dec. 2nd- Angelique Lafontaine and B.R. Stateham
Dec 3rd- Benjamin Sobieck and Cary Jane Clark
Dec. 4th Cecilia Roberts and Chantal Boudreau
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