Dave White's Comments

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At 4:37am on November 12, 2009, RONALD FEASEL said…
add me my requests full
At 9:15am on March 15, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
I have had some interesting offers. And if time and space were not an issue, I could get a club going (LOL).
This book has done wonders to dispel my image as straight-laced middle-aged woman.
At 1:44pm on March 7, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Just saying Hi and congratulations on having your first book published. I hope it's doing well. And bless you for teaching 8th graders. Somebody has to. (I raised three boys and survived.)
At 11:07pm on June 12, 2007, Alafair Burke said…
Dave, Nope, never been to Holsten's, but I think you're right - it'll be jam packed for the foreseeable future, and the people who work there will end up insisting on pulling Don't Stop Believing from the jukeboxes.
At 11:17am on April 30, 2007, Brian Kavanagh said…
Hi Dave, good to meet up!
At 4:12am on April 29, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Hi, Dave. So glad to meet you here. I've met and liked you a lot on other sites.
At 8:15am on April 16, 2007, Michael Koryta said…
Thanks, man. And likewise. Pretty cool time for you. Wish you the best with the debut.
At 9:13pm on April 8, 2007, Kevin Burton Smith said…
Dave, the man who brought cannibalism and vapid pretty boy actors together -- we salute you!
At 2:44am on March 25, 2007, Jeff Sherratt said…
Hi Dave, 8th grade teacher, huh? Like Jeffery said, we have something in common. I went to the 8th grade. Didn't like it.....lol. Thanks for being my friend.
At 8:29am on March 24, 2007, Vince Keenan said…
A die-hard Mets fan befriending a die-hard Yankees fan? Truly the Interweb is good for something.
At 6:33am on March 23, 2007, Mary Reagan said…
Teasing Dave is just irresistable. Granted it's a little too easy to do...
At 10:09pm on March 22, 2007, Megan Abbott said…
Hey, Dave--nice cover! (Hey, how come everyone teases you so much, on your own page no less?)
At 3:28am on March 22, 2007, Jeffrey Marks said…
Dave -- something in common, 8th grade math teacher here.. Why is it that middle school teachers are driven to kill (literarily)?
At 5:47pm on March 19, 2007, Angie said…
Hi, Dave! Congrats on the forthcoming novel. And who the hell is Josh Hartnett and why did you eat him?
At 8:51am on March 12, 2007, Dave White said…
Ate him? I'm not fat.... Eating Josh would make me fat.
At 12:43pm on March 11, 2007, Paul Guyot said…
Dave White looks like he ate Josh Hartnett.
At 4:44am on March 11, 2007, Dave White said…
Hey, wait a second...what? What the--? I'm funny... I'm funny...
At 4:43am on March 11, 2007, Jennifer Jordan said…
Dave gave up a career in stand-up comedy to write.

Thank God....
At 2:29am on March 10, 2007, Bill Cameron said…
Or maybe it was Sarah Silverman
At 10:39am on March 8, 2007, Duane Swierczynski said…
Josh Harnett? I always thought he was more of a Jonathan Silverman.

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