found it's way into my hands this weekend and it has renewed my passion for these profound, dark gems that inhabit it's pages.
Now I sit in front of the computer with scads of new story submissions for Crimespree and veritable stacks of books in need of reviewing. Time for a pot of coffee and some horribly energetic music after I down a bottle of vitamin B complex.
Added by Jennifer Jordan
Writers are like magicians in their ability to pull characters out of their hats. The well-written protagonists become almost real people that can
stay with the writer and the reader well after the book is finished. They run
the gamut from Beowulf to Hamlet; from Holden Caulfield to the
Vampire Lestat; from the almost iconic Sherlock Holmes and Sam Spade to John
Rebus. The list is…
Posted on March 11, 2007 at 2:14pm — 2 Comments
Posted on March 11, 2007 at 2:10pm — 7 Comments
Lenny Bruce said that all of his humor was based on destruction and despair and nothing less can be said of the following writers. They have
melded the two seemingly polar opposites of crime fiction and humor into intelligent
tales of people at their best and their worst. By meeting the darkest moments
of their lives with humor, their characters show a resilience and humanness
difficult to emulate with purely straight fiction. For the…
Posted on March 11, 2007 at 1:54pm
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Let's litter the world with provocative crime fiction!
(but read this first)
I'm another of the 14 trillion writers trying to get published. I write novels and stories about junkies and heisters and other lost dogs. I'm also a novice at finding my way around the internet and a computer moron to boot. Does Crime Spree publish stuff from unknowns? If so, would you be interested in looking at some of mine? If you want a quick idea of what I do, I've had three stories posted recently on A Twist of Noir: Downtown, about two women trying to stay clean off heroin; Stevie Wonder, about an old pool hall buddy, and; Strike Three And an Old Friend's Goodbye, about the kind of send-off a junkie gets from his friends when he od's at their pad.
These stories are pretty representative of the stuff I do. Hope you're interested, and thanks for considering.
Robert Crisman
Now I know where to go when I need to find a new crime author. And it's alphabetized. I love editors.
i still wear my disco badge with pride. madison was one of the few times in my life i didn't say anything stupid. i came out of it more 'interesting' but without any new friends. thanks for forgiving me.
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