Do you take unsolicited authors on as clients? Or am I asking too much of a crimespace pen pal.
I write about police procedurals.
What part of New York do you live in? I've never been up North. Washington, DC is about as far as I've been. ( I visited Canada once) Sometimes, I live vicariously. It's less expensive.
Hi Glen, I'm not sure if Arkansas counts as mid-south, but I hear there's a new mystery bookstore in Little Rock: Sleuths Mystery Bookstore 1057 Fort Street. I don't see a website for them so I'm don't have much info other than that!
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Do you take unsolicited authors on as clients? Or am I asking too much of a crimespace pen pal.
I write about police procedurals.
What part of New York do you live in? I've never been up North. Washington, DC is about as far as I've been. ( I visited Canada once) Sometimes, I live vicariously. It's less expensive.
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