Janet Reid's Comments

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At 1:29am on August 14, 2008, Janet Reid said…
I just got Season Five yesterday. I'll be unavailable for at least a week!
At 3:54pm on August 13, 2008, Adam Eisenberg said…
Janet: You're absolutely right. I do need to start watching THE WIRE.... I'll get right on it!
At 3:09am on August 9, 2008, Janet Reid said…
I was just talking to Eric Stone about my desperate need for Taco Truck Trip II. Perhaps we should all converge on him!
At 3:05am on August 9, 2008, Sophie Littlefield said…
Thanks Janet!! Can't wait to tell the local JR fan club I heard from you - they'll be soooooo jealous!! -sophie
At 2:08am on August 9, 2008, carole gill said…
thanks Janet for accepting.
At 12:29am on December 19, 2007, Liz Mugavero said…
Janet. I just got my copy of "The Undertaking" off eBay. It's great so far...thanks for the recommendation!

At 11:29am on November 29, 2007, Liz Mugavero said…
I hadn't heard of him, Janet, but thanks! I will definitely look him up.

At 12:14am on October 19, 2007, Krystal Waters said…
Eric is coming to my town soon, in November. I can't wait and see him and actually talk to him. Oh yeah, buy his book as well and get a signiture! lol

At 1:53pm on September 25, 2007, Janet Reid said…
double down on that entendre!
At 2:10pm on September 24, 2007, Janet Reid said…
I'm not interrupting her; she's on a mission to finish that book!!!
At 10:50am on September 13, 2007, Janet Reid said…
My website is pretty informative about all those FAQ kinds of things. Jetreidliterary.com
At 4:40am on September 13, 2007, Charlotte Williamson said…
Do you take unsolicited authors on as clients? Or am I asking too much of a crimespace pen pal.
I write about police procedurals.
What part of New York do you live in? I've never been up North. Washington, DC is about as far as I've been. ( I visited Canada once) Sometimes, I live vicariously. It's less expensive.
At 4:57am on September 11, 2007, Maryann Mercer said…
I think it works like those space shuttle countdowns...if conditions aren't optimal, a slight delay is preferred over meltdown :o)
At 12:24am on September 11, 2007, Janet Reid said…
Octopi aren't aliens!! They've been here longer than people!
At 10:52pm on September 10, 2007, Bruce Grossman said…
Yeah Janet The Wire is the best thing out there. Especially since Life On mars is done.
At 10:23am on September 10, 2007, norby said…
Love your avatar!!
At 11:40pm on August 29, 2007, Janet Reid said…
Hi Glen, I'm not sure if Arkansas counts as mid-south, but I hear there's a new mystery bookstore in Little Rock: Sleuths Mystery Bookstore 1057 Fort Street. I don't see a website for them so I'm don't have much info other than that!
At 8:39am on August 26, 2007, Glen C. Allison said…
Congrats to you and to Eric on the pub date launch, Janet. If he gets anywhere close to the mid south, I'll visit him for a signed copy.
At 8:56am on August 22, 2007, Bethany K. Warner said…
Hey, the interviews are fun for me too. And I'm always looking for subjects. If you have other clients who would be interested, send them my way.
At 7:17am on August 22, 2007, Janet Reid said…
Just me! Me and my eight pink arms waving madly!

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