Julie Morrigan's Comments

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At 2:21am on May 30, 2007, Grant McKenzie said…
Thanks Julie. Speaking of ringing ears, I took my daughter to The Police last night in Vancouver - first stop on their new world tour and first concert gig in 25 years. Wow, did they rock! Phenomenal experience.
At 8:56am on May 29, 2007, Jeff Markowitz said…
Thanks for the invite. I'll stop back when I have more time to read.
At 11:15pm on May 28, 2007, Donna Moore said…
I can imagine the pursed lips. They are positively RIFE in my family. And I feel bad when people buy it. I feel I ought to apologise...
At 8:06am on May 28, 2007, Donna Moore said…
Julie - thank you for the nice comment - you made my day! But you should have said, I would have sent you a copy. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And, in the interests of believability I tried out every one of those cocktail recipes.
At 6:52am on May 28, 2007, Brian Thornton said…
Hi Julie- Thanks for the kind words. My writing is going OK, although I'll be really glad once my current non-fiction project (a ghost-writing gig working on a book about long-distance parenting) is wrapped. I've been trying to get it to write itself, but it's not being very cooperative.

Meanwhile, the fiction howls at me, insisting that I spend more time on it. If you're in the northeast of England, does that put you in Northumberland? I think Mike Myers' parents are from there, and it's how he claims he got his faux-Scots accent (says there's not much difference accent-wise). Is that true? Do you sound like Al Guthrie when you talk?;)

Oh, and speaking of writing, what are you currently at work on?

At 1:23am on May 28, 2007, Brian Thornton said…
Hi Julie- loved "Pick a Pig." I write a lot of non-fiction, too (who can turn down that sort of pay-day? Maybe James Patterson, but not me). Keep plugging away with your book. Like Edison said, it's 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.
At 7:45am on May 24, 2007, Donna Moore said…
Sadly, not a slave in sight when you need one. I have a bottle of tequila though, so that makes up for the lack of slaves. Unfortunately that then means I fall off my crutches, but there you go.
At 7:03am on May 24, 2007, Donna Moore said…
Julie - will you believe me if I tell you I was swinging from the chandelier? No, I didn't think so! It's either a hairline fracture or a really bad sprain. All I know is that it's really bloody sore and I can't get my stiletto shoes on. I'm not sure which is worse!
At 8:57am on May 23, 2007, Tom Cain said…
You were saying how addictive Crimespace is. Not TOO addictive, I hope. I already waste far too much time on Knees Up Mother Brown - a West Ham website, for my sins ...
At 5:22am on May 23, 2007, Karyn J. Powers said…
Thanks for the invite.
At 4:29am on May 23, 2007, Tom Cain said…
Hi Julie .. I'm still a total newbie at all this Crimespacing game. I tried to find out more about your flying monkey because, well, it definitely makes you sound intriguing (also agreeably nuts, in a good way, of course) ... but the page was down. Hope that funky primate isn't.
At 11:29pm on May 19, 2007, Victor Gischler said…
I appreciate the kind comments about GM, Julie. Thanks!

At 5:17am on May 9, 2007, Donna Moore said…
Julie - glad to hear you like the new BRMC. It's bloody brilliant.
At 5:29am on May 3, 2007, Donna Moore said…
Julie - the BRMC CD came out yesterday - it's called Baby 81 and it's bloody brilliant. I've put a video up which has a sneak peek at a couple of tracks from it, including one of my favourites.
At 7:50am on April 30, 2007, Donna Moore said…
Julie - thanks for your message. I see we are going to have to chat about music at Harrogate as well as books!
At 6:58pm on April 26, 2007, Julie Morrigan said…
Hi Breanda - looking good, m'dear, looking good! I don't have an address for Keith either, or, like you, I'd have invited him along. Sorry, mate.
At 6:41pm on April 26, 2007, Breanda Cross said…
Julie, I tried writing to Keith Jeffries to invite him to the site, but his email address is defunct. Any ideas? By the way, I'm the pretty one in the photo.
At 2:34am on April 25, 2007, Robert K. Foster said…
With me right now it's a time issue. I only seem able to get in little one shot paragraphs, posts, editorials for my webzine, etc. I've never tried a full novel. But, as you can guess, I have my little shelf/stack of "how to write a novel" books.
At 6:22pm on April 24, 2007, Julie Morrigan said…
Hi Robert. I decided to do NaNoWriMo in a spirit of sisterhood with a long-distance writing buddy who then didn't do it herself! The other - and more important - factor was that I'd buggered about with the same old stuff for too long and it forced me to do something new. I found it strange to write straight onto computer - I normally write longhand first - and I should change the info above because I have since read through it. It has potential, I feel, but it's incomplete and needs a lot of work. Some bits are fine - they flow and they're fun. Others clunk horribly. But perhaps that's always the way with first drafts. Will I do it again? Not sure. How about you?
At 10:31am on April 24, 2007, Robert K. Foster said…
Well I bought the NaNoWriMo book some time back but wasn't really sure if it made much sense to write that way. What did you think of it?

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