Kevin Wignall's Comments

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At 6:34am on August 23, 2010, Richard Godwin said…
Hi Kevin, thank you for accepting. All the best to you and your forthcoming works, Richard.
At 4:43am on December 1, 2008, Jon Jordan said…
Kevin, I;m ready for another book please.
At 6:54am on January 18, 2008, Kevin Wignall said…
Thanks Tiffany, much appreciated.
At 7:25am on January 17, 2008, Tiffany Leigh said…
Just finished -- and absolutely LOVED -- "Who Is Conrad Hirst?" Excellent story and characters. Loved your way through the narrative with the voice changes, and that there wasn't a wasted word in the entire book. Thank you!
At 10:40pm on November 29, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Thanks, Linda, glad you enjoyed it. I hope Conrad gets his height from me and his fitness from Jason Bourne...
At 7:49pm on November 29, 2007, Linda Lee said…
I now know who Conrad Hirst is!! He is 50% Kevin Wignall and 50% Jason Bourne!! Great read....well done you!
At 10:22pm on October 4, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Linda, thanks, that really kind of you - can a New Zealand tour be far off?!?

And Jo, how did it happen? I try to hide away but I can't help making an exhibition of myself.
At 9:53pm on October 4, 2007, Joanne Parker said…
Is it me, or are you just everywhere I look?
At 9:11pm on October 4, 2007, Linda Lee said…
Kevin, have lent your book to several of my customers "For the Dogs" Getting great comments back....they are loving it.
At 9:54pm on July 23, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Vincent, I have to say, the biggest single complaint everyone keeps making is not about the flood waters (which we're used to, if not quite at this level), but the constant buzz of helicopters, most of which are full of news crews.
At 9:14pm on July 23, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Tom, you're more than welcome.... but surely that's not your only memory from Harrogate!
At 9:11pm on July 23, 2007, Tom Cain said…
Thanks for introducing me to the fabulous Ms Barclay and what Germain Greer would call her 'f*ck-me pumps'. What a woman! I fear my marriage may now be in serious danger. Or, at least, it would be if Ms Barclay - alias Mrs (I think??) Williams - showed any signs of wanting to endanger hers ...
At 8:39pm on July 23, 2007, Vincent Holland-Keen said…
I read somewhere that you made it back okay, though from watching the news this morning it looks as if the water problems in your part of the world are being surpassed by a spontaneous flood of journalists.
At 6:00am on July 23, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Jools, "everyone" owes me a drink but don't worry, I never collect on them! Hopefully by next year you'll be well on the road to publication.
At 5:56am on July 23, 2007, Julie Morrigan said…
Hi Kevin - good to meet you, too! Harrogate was great fun, wasn't it? My first such experience - but hopefully not my last. Besides, I owe you a drink. Cheers!
At 5:54am on July 23, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Hmm, I have to get some work done so I actually look like my own picture!

Got a train to Birmingham and hired a cab to take me the rest of the way, but it's pretty wild down here.
At 5:51am on July 23, 2007, Karen Meek said…
How did you manage that! (get back to Tewks) I thought it was cut off. Well done in any case. My train to Bham was deserted compared to standing room only on Rhian's London train.

See what you mean about the picture :-), glad Donna pointed you out.
At 3:16am on July 6, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
I haven't Brian, and wonder if you have to be a member of MWA to do so (and indeed, if you have to be American to be a member of MWA).

It's been an interesting discussion on the forum, and in fact, just about to reply to your last comment...
At 3:12am on July 6, 2007, Brian Thornton said…
Great back-and-forth on your EQMM thread, Kevin. Have you ever submitted to those annual MWA anthologies?
At 7:48am on June 26, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Serendipity - in that it reminds me to say you should also get in touch with Ken B, re. fellow noir writers.

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