Eric Christopherson's Comments

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At 6:10am on January 14, 2011, Bernard J. Schaffer said…

I began dealing with Anita, the agent for Crosswind through Bill Thompson (editor extraordinaire, as described in Stephen King's "On Writing") after Bill edited my novel.  From what I can tell, those internet posts began with a disgruntled person she dealt with years ago.

Crosswind successfully repped a book last year ("House of Roses") and for me, they are the right choice. 


So...long story short, yes. 

At 9:06pm on July 19, 2010, Lexi Revellian said…
Hi Eric! Congratulations on over 5k sales of Crack-Up - that is awesome. I may ask you for hints on how you did it.

It is indeed CaFS I'm self-publishing; it's now called Heart of Rock. A steep learning curve, but I'm getting there by salami slices. I'm going to do Kindle, Smashwords and a paperback with, I hope, Lightning Source.

At 12:21am on August 30, 2009, Donna Carrick said…
So Eric, your co-authored project sounds terrific! What are the latest efforts/developments, if you don't mind sharing? Wishing you the very best of luck -- it's a hard row we hoe, no doubt about that. With all your hard work, it will pay off eventually! (A dear friend of mine just signed a 3-book deal with Pengui. After 3 years w/an agent who didn't sell it, she changed agents and it sold in a month!)
At 11:25pm on August 12, 2009, Dana King said…
I realized after I left that last comment that your post was several months old. not sure how it floated to the top of the list again. Once i saw it was dated, I was hoping we'd heard nothing else just because things were still pending. I'm sorry to hear ti didn't work out with the agent.

As I mentioned somewhere else the other day (I forget where), we're just going to have to keep knocking on the door until someone answers.

Good luck and keep the faith.

At 9:38am on May 19, 2009, Mark P. Henderson said…
Eric - Following your advice I've uploaded some material on YouWriteOn and I agree with you. The formal assessment system they use wouldn't be to everyone's taste (and to be honest, some of the material you're asked to assess is mediocre at best), but I like it. I've not yet received any feedback so I can't say yea or nay to your opinion of that, but I do see that it's a "fairer contest" than Authonomy. Nevertheless I enjoy Authonomy. I agree that writing talent isn't a determinant of ranking there, but I've networked with some lovely people - and there are one or two really fine books on the site (just not highly ranked!).
At 11:23pm on November 17, 2008, carole gill said…
just wanted to wish you the very best of luck, ERic!
i didn't answer in the forum, because I don't know very much about Agents.
take care and all the best!!!!
At 9:30pm on December 4, 2007, Olav Guldbrandsen said…
My good ol' folks, back in the 18 hundreds, had some Kristoffersons on my mothers side that went to the states after granny kristofferson drowned in Oslos factory river, Akerselva. - But it wasn't the name, I promise you. - It was MCSmiths mention, of course. You knew that. First time aboard the site yesterday, and started the rounds by searching after others interested in the same kind of writing as I like.

At work now. Must dally on with horrible book.
At 6:16am on December 3, 2007, Donna Carrick said…
Terrific space, Eric. I like your alter ego -- bogey is one of my faves.
Donna Carrick
At 1:53am on November 7, 2007, Charlotte Williamson said…
I like your picture. Funny.... you look a lot like Bogey. Or maybe Bogey looks a lot like you?
At 8:08pm on September 16, 2007, carole gill said…
Oh, you clever man! Quite right. I stand corrected. should it be a socially acceptable form of mulitple personality then? I only have one year credit so I bow to you! thanks.
At 7:00am on July 19, 2007, carole gill said…
love the photo. just wanted to say Hi.

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