Tony Berry
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  • Melbourne
  • Australia
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  • Karen Tyrrell
  • Nancy Thorp
  • Vikki Petraitis
  • Kim Howell
  • Cheryl Norman
  • Maryann Mercer
  • David L. Hoof
  • carole gill
  • Kim Smith
  • Tony Black
  • Margot Justes
  • Pat Mullan
  • Lawrence Light
  • Meredith Anthony
  • Karen from AustCrime

Tony Berry's Discussions

Writers' Festival - anyone going?
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen from AustCrime Aug 24, 2007.


Tony Berry's Page

Profile Information

Melbourne, Australia
About Me:
My first novel, Done Deal, was published in 2008 and won me a short-listing in the New South Wales Genre Fiction Award and mentoring from Varuna Writers House. The sequel, Washed Up, also won a NSW Genre Fiction Award short-listing plus, better still, a mentorship from the Australian Society of Authors - one of only seven offered throughout Australia for genre fiction. However, despite some nail-biting near misses, it is sll awaiting publication. Meanwhile, the third book in what is intended as a series has reached the 72,000 word stage and just needs me to unravel some plot situations to run it down to the finish line.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
Ian Rankin, Garry Disher, Peter Temple, Shane Maloney, Donna Leon, Henning Mankel etc etc

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Tony Berry's Blog

Festival update

A promising start to the Melbourne Writers' Festival. The morning session had publishers, editors and a literary agent up on stage with three first-time writers relating the route they took to successful publication. They sure spelt out the hard road ahead yet gave some useful hints and pointers - enough to emerge encouraged rather than daunted. I by-passed the afternoon session, which promised more of the same but this time for newspaper, magazine and feature writers with which I have already… Continue

Posted on August 25, 2007 at 11:51am

Oh that block!

It's been one of those terribly frustrating (writer's) days - feeling good and with time to be creative, yet nothing comes. I have my amateur sleuth sitting in his car watching the bad guys who have abducted a couple of young women. Yet no one is moving. The bad guys and their "cargo" are in a limo down a laneway; my man Peter is in his car in the street, watching and not knowing what to do next. Something's got to happen, someone's got to move. I wish they'd hurry up and decide and let me know… Continue

Posted on August 23, 2007 at 7:35pm — 2 Comments

It's festival time

The Melbourne Writers' Festival starts tomorrow (August 24) and continues until Septmber 2. Crime writing features strongly on a program packed with events from morning until late at night. There are seminars, talks, discussions, walks through crime story sites and, best of all, a masterclass for budding crime writers where we will spend an intensive day of tuition under Scottish crime author Quintin Jardine. For the opening day I'll be in the audience at The Whole Shebang which is described…


Posted on August 23, 2007 at 7:28pm

Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 11:56am on April 25, 2011, Karen Tyrrell said…
Hi Tony, Thanks for connecting here. Congrats on all your successes :)) I'm sure you've left a comment on my website some time. Is that right?
At 9:43am on February 14, 2008, Tony Berry said…
Many thanks, Elizabeth. I'll investiage. I have my first book going the rounds and receiving some encouraging comments, plus being short-listed for the NSW Genre Fiction Award. But we have only six agents in Oz and most of them don't want to take on new writers - too much work and risk. The second book featuirng the same main character is at 80,000 words and coming to its climax - so I need help in getting them to market. I'll try your recommended spots. Thanks a lot. Cheers, Tony
At 8:40am on February 14, 2008, Elizabeth Zelvin said…
Tony, it's taken me a long time to get this far, and I've had the generous guidance of many, many mystery writers. All of them say a literary agent who charges you any fee whatsoever (except a commission on an advance or royalties when they've gotten you a contract and the publisher has paid the money) is not a legitimate professional. Some good places to start are (which does charge an annual fee of $30 for the service but for that you get hundreds or even thousands of listings that are updated constantly and filled with important information about each agency) or Liz
At 9:44pm on January 19, 2008, Tony Black said…
Thanks for the add, Tony your home town! Missing those strolls down St Kilda swiggin' a Crownie! Gotta get me back to the sunshine...
Best ya
Tony B (II)
At 9:00am on December 29, 2007, Tony Berry said…
What a contrast - you a tad nippy and in snow, me coping with six days of 35C plus weather and bracing for 42C on Monday. Not good writing vweather as it turns the brain to mush. Longing for the cool change, Chhers, Tony
At 6:18am on December 29, 2007, Margot Justes said…
Hi Tony,

Down under right now would be delighful, here it is snowing and a tad nippy. If you have the time, just sit down and start writing, the characters will come back to you.

The best part of this internet process is you meet people from all over the world.

All the best,
At 6:15pm on September 17, 2007, Tony Berry said…
Success! Of a sort. Have just been told my first book (a cdrime novel) has made it on to the shortlist of 16 for the New South Wales Genre Fiction Award - out of 242 entries. I am now frantically going through the entire manuscript, which has to be with the judges by September 30. The winner is guaranteed publication but all 16 on the shortlist are promised consideration for publication. Wow! Must get the next book finished.
At 9:38pm on September 12, 2007, carole gill said…
Tony, thank you for your post. What you say is true. I just learned that. So thrilled for you about your being shortlisted! that is some achievement! the only thing shortlisted about me is my size! i'll keep slogging away, grateful for coming onto this site and grateful for advice from friends like you!xxx
At 9:24pm on September 10, 2007, Karen from AustCrime said…
The Malthouse is an excellent venue for a lot of reasons - the size / seating arrangements of the theatres - the slightly secluded location and a bunch of other things - Fed Square doesn't have the same ambience and you're right - the layout of their spaces means you can't see a damn thing most of the time. I'm not sure how it's going to go - we have come to love the Festival Club over the last couple of years. Sure the queues are a bit of a pain at the Malthouse - but staggering start and finish times of the panels has made a huge difference with that. Don't know - we'll go of course - but I envisage a bit of whinging :)
At 8:56pm on September 10, 2007, Tony Berry said…
The writers' festival has come and gone and only now have I got around to adding to my earlier comments on the comings and goings. Perhapos I am still numbed by the waste of time and money suffered as the result of enrolling in a so-called masterclass by a leading (or at least prolific) UK writer of crime fiction. Such a mind-numbing day that mostly consisted of an ego-driven recounting of the author's publishing history rather than the hands-on working day most of the 16 participants expected. To add insult to injury, it was such a beautfully crisp and sunny day outside.

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