Wow, I must have free time this weekend. I'm on here twice. (Actually I have about ten minutes, but this has been on my mind.)
I've been hearing a lot about sales numbers lately. How there's bookscan and amazon rankings and book store rankings, but you can't worry about those, they aren't accurate, so don't check them.
I don't have a book out, so I've never really sat around and checked my sales numbers. But I've never really been a numbers guy. I was an English major and an English teacher. I've always been a words guy.
So, I think what will matter to me more will be the reviews. A lot of people say they don't check their reviews, but do check their amazon rankings. I can see myself being the opposite, waiting for a new review to come in and expecting the worst. Jumping on Amazon, but skipping over the sales rank and going to see if anyone else put a review up.
I want to know what people think of the book. I want people to enjoy it. Part of me thinks that I'd rather have most people enjoy it, even if it sells less. A book that sells a ton but everyone hates? That's not cool.
Of course, I can see both sides of the spectrum. Good sales mean more book deals. Another chance to write a better book, to get critical acclaim. Good sales are, of course, important.
But I'd rather be liked, enjoyed. That worries me more than sales.
Maybe I'm an idealist.
What do you think?