Anyone a Melbournian? Or planning to be in Melbourne this month? There's some pretty good crime authors lined up during the Festival - Xavier Marie-Bonnot, Mark Billingham, Michael Robotham, Kate Atkinson (not strictly crime, but pretty damn good at a mysterious plot!), Andrea Maria Schenkel, plus the Ned Kelly Awards will be presented.

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Hi Charlotte,
Not a Melbournian but I'll be there, along with a few of my friends. Here's out take on the MWF this year and the events we're planning on attending. We're also going to the Ned kelly awards .
Hi Judy,
Thanks for the link. It's a shame so many of your friends are so disappointed with the program! But great that you're all getting together - sounds like a good group of crime fans. I will be at some of the same who knows, we may just run into each other.
We'll be there - but as we said, we're a bit disappointed. Last year was a stellar year and we were busier than a one-legged person in a ... well you know the rest. This year we're planning quite a few extra curricula activities as well, so we should still be able to fill in the time quite nicely :)


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