I only ask as I am working on a project called CompletelyNovel.com and to mark the release of the website to the public, we are holding a short story competition in conjunction with people from across the UK publishing industry.
The website is designed to link all elements of the book industry together and will act as a springboard for new writers looking to get published.

If you are interested, you can find out more information at www.completelynovel.com/home/competition



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Sometimes we try. I'm currently immersed in a short story project that is now a novella and headed for a doorstop sized project. Maybe after some judicial editing I can get the damn thing back under control. I am doing this project to sharpen my skills. There are so few markets out there for short mystery projects that I find short stories an excellent way to sharpen my skills, but not a way to generate revenue. I'll check out your website.
Yes they do. They write very good short stories. Not as many crime short stories are published in the UK as compared to the USA and Canada but the ones that are written are extremely good.
Oh, hell yes they do! Check out our very own Bill Cameron's CrimeSpace page, and also his website.
Well, I do! I've published eight short stories as well as my novels. And I'm a member of the (free) Short Mystery Fiction Society ( http://www.shortmystery.net/ ), many of whom write both short stories and novel-length manuscripts. They always appreciate hearing about writing contests, too.
Thanks very much guys - glad to hear that the short story is thriving on the Crime scene!

I had a look at Bill's stories...really good!
Thanks Beth for the link - I will get in touch with them about our competition. If anyone has any other suggestions of websites/groups to contact, I'd really appreciate it.




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