I'm just curious, we've had two discussions closed on CrimeSpace lately - the "Stephen King disses other writers" one disappeared completely and the screenplay one just says it's closed.
The creator of the thread closed it. Don't know why; maybe they will explain.
It sucks too. Usually on Crimespace there are periods where there is a lot of discussion, followed by a lull where not much goes on here. But lately, there's been more consistent discussion so it sucks to have popular threads closed.
We recently had a thread that didn't have any discussion and was just an announcement, a link to a blog post. I asked the member to remove it, but they went ahead and removed the Stephen King one as well. Unfortunately, I can't bring it back.
I've re-opened the other discussion. It may have been a mistake on the poster's part, as they can close the discussion themselves. The only time I will close a thread as an admin is when it gets completely out of hand.
I just started reading the one about Harper Collins and the state of the publishing industry, and that one's closed for discussion as well. I'm wondering why? It's an important topic.
Jude pulled the Stephen King thread; not sure about the other one but suspect its closing had something to do with my remarks about recent American presidents who sucked. Not sure who made the call--the original poster, maybe?
One of the commenters brought to my attention that the interview everyone was quoting from hadn't even been published in full yet, so I thought it best to hold off.