The Anthonys have a new category this year, Best Cover Art, and early Bouchercon registrants have a chance to nominate between now and April 30. Most authors either love or hate their covers, and if they're with the larger publishers, they usually have little or no say in the matter. I'm inviting any author who believes that his or her 2008 cover could be a contender to post to this discussion, so we can go to your page and take a look. No BSP--just say you have an eligible cover and where we can see it. Mine is on my CrimeSpace page below my 2009 cover, not out yet. Personally, I'd be happy to see as many great covers as possible.

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Thanks for the generous invitation. Mine is the 2008 Penguin edition of THE HELL SCREEN, which may be seen on Amazon or on my web site: The artist is Brazilian and has won awards before. This is his best design among the 6 covers he has done for me.
Thanks. Mine is FLIGHT OF THE HORNBILL, published by Bleak House. You can see it on the homepage of my website here:
LJ and Eric, I'm going to post to some of the e-list an offer to put as much cover art as I can on my blog (with other mystery writers), Poe's Deadly Daughters. Please email me jpegs of your covers at if you'd like to be included. I can only do it on "my" day, which is Thursday, maybe for two weeks while the Anthony ballots are out.
Eric, I went to your site and captured your cover, so you're in. IJ, I saw yours on Amazon but couldn't download it, and I didn't see the Penguin cover on your site. Also couldn't find your email. So please send jpeg. :)
By God, it isn't there. Bummer! Must speak to my webmaster. Well, let me see what I can do. Your e-mail is on your page I assume. (And thanks for trying. That was very nice).
Okay, I sent it to you. Thanks again.
Hi Elizabeth...

I am very proud of the cover for my first novel Justice is Coming. It was my basic idea and then a dear friend of mine who is a graphic artist ran with the concept and brought it to life.

It is on my Crimespace page and even if not a contender, I'd still be tickled for you to take a peek.


Since replies were slow coming here on CrimeSpace, I posted a call for authors who loved their covers on the various e-lists and got 65+ responses--so far. :) The first batch is up at Poe's Deadly Daughters today, Thursday March 19, and another batch is ready to go for Thursday March 26. I may have to do it a third week, depending on how many more covers I get. John and Zetta, if you can email me jpegs of your covers at, that would be great. I'll also check back here if I do that third week. I'm still amazed at how many authors loved their covers. :)
Zetta, I got your cover off your site, and it'll appear on Poe's Deadly Daughter on Thursday April 2 along with the rest of the third batch of covers their authors loved.
Hi, my cover for the book Adrenalin Rush is pretty neat, I think. Have look on The photos were shot by an internationally famour photographer - Kelvin Saunders for South Africa and the whole thing was put together by redkoki design in Johannesburg.

Hope you like it!
Steve, email me a jpeg of your cover BEFORE Thursday April 2 if you want it included on Poe's Deadly Daughters. I got a thin response via this discussion--many thanks to all of you who DID jump in--but posts on the e-lists EMWA, SinC, DorothyL, and Murder Must Advertise yielded about 75 covers their authors were proud of. These are being displayed on Poe's Deadly Daughters, featured on three consecutive Thursdays (and available on the blog anyhow if you scroll down or put "covers of 2008" or "cover art of 2008" in the search box. Poe's Deadly Daughters is at, and I'm happy to add to the final batch that'll be posted this coming Thursday. We've gotten a lot of visitors, too--everybody seems to be enjoying the opportunity to look at the range and variety of cover art in one place (other than bookstore shelves). :)
Elizabeth, sorry, I was away and missed the deadline!
Next time perhaps.



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