There's only four months until the end of the year--what are your writing goals to make sure you end the year on a productive note.

Here are mine:

1 & 2) Complete two Grace deHaviland novellas from start to finish; I'm anticipating them to be about 25,000 words each. Get them edited and published by November the latest.

3) Do a final edit on a short story I completed a while back. Get it edited and published. Due date October or November.

4) Complete the first draft of an urban fantasy novel I'm working on (15,000 words remaining, approximately), complete the revising and editing and get it to my editor and published by year's end.

5) Release my Amazon exclusive BLING, BLING to and the other available channels. End of September.

6) Re-format my three deHaviland novellas and a short story and publish it as a omnibus, novel-length collection for a November or December release.

How about you?

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I'm a bit behind my own schedule.  Meant to have Akitada mystery # 10 finished by now.  As it is, I'm past 60,000 words, so finishing is my first priority.  Next, and simultaneously, I'm reissuing a historical novel, revised from 3 books to 2.  This means reformatting and revising the covers.  They will go on Kindle and Nook for one month, and then to a Kindle exclusive.  By the end of the year, my new short story (now in AHMM) should be ready to be republished.  And then I'll have a look at an unpublishd spy thriller set in the 18th century Germany.  Apparently it didn't find a buyer because readers prefer histyorical novels to be set in England.  I'll probably bring on a British second protagonist and arrange for a grand tour spy adventure.

Oh, and I mean to look into Create Space for print versions of some of my novels.

Sounds like a busy fall for you I.J.

Good luck with it all.

I took off the summer by design. The book I tried to write last year wasn't working out, so i took a few months off to recharge. (There's a good story in the abandoned idea. It just isn't the story I was writing.) Tuesday I start pulling together the random notes from the summer into what i hope will be a book worth writing.

That's it. I don't place medium-or long term goals on my writing. Too many things can interfere, and I don;t make enough money from writing--and won't--to allow it to add to my stress levels. if it starts to feel too much like a job, I don't need it.

Publish "Hampton Beach Homicide" an 80,000 word novel, second in the Dan Marlowe crime series. Also, just keep slowly putting up my backlog of crime short stories on Amazon, etc. written over the past 25 years. That's plenty for me, unless some new opportunity comes along.

Sound like good plans. Good luck, gentlemen.

Finish the first draft of my next novel, Shimmer (75,000 words) I'm about 1/4 done with draft.

Get two collections of short stories, The Detweiler Tales and ...And the Night Moves out on Amazon. Both are in final phases of line edits.

Finish short story, Josephine (7,000 words)

Out line next novel, Emerald City Shakedown, (set. 80,000 for book, 5000 or outline)

Hear back from Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine on short story, Retired Hitman Seeking Part-time Work.

You're pretty busy, too.

I hope to complete a final draft of 'Skidmarks on the Fabric of Destiny' and first drafts of both 'Blood Among the Bluebells' and 'The Nowhere People'. If I'm lucky, they'll all be out by Christmas. Fingers crossed.

Sounds like everyone's hard at work. Good luck all.

I'm in the middle of two stories about my second series character, Detective Errol Coutinho of the Hawaii County Police, but I'm discovering that my memory of the locations is getting hazy. Which means I might have to revisit the Big Island soon.

Grumble grumble.


Oh, the hardship of a writer's life. Aloha.

It's almost two weeks since you posted this so we're even closer to the end of the year. I have a busy and exciting schedule lined up.

  • Mixed Messages, the first novel in my Malone mystery series, takes place the week of Halloween so I'm doing tons of promotion for it online and offline in September and October.
  • The sequel, Unfinished Business, will be published in November. I need to set up the book launch event for it and, of course, promote it. Toward that end, I'm participating in the Mystery We Write Book Tour in late November/early December. Unfinished Business takes place the week of Christmas.
  • When the dust settles, I need to finish plotting and begin writing the third book for my series, although that will most likely happen after the first of the year.


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