Ignored? Annoying? Or a nice little bonus?

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I think the main issue is that people expect the story on an e-reader to be the full 95/100% of the file, and get disappointed when the story ends at 80% with 20% 'filler'. As most e-readers are capable to buying the next book with a single click, in e-books.

Myself, I don't see the issue either (it doesn't make the e-bookreader heavier or thicker), but if readers dislike them, why risk irritating them unnecessarily?

True.  If readers don't like them, not a good idea to have them

But I wonder if that's true.  One thing I notice in writers' discussions is frequent citations of readers' taste that don't seem to be backed up.

On a few occasions I've see "reader dislikes" that would be pretty much impossible to establish.  So.... I dunno...

In a paperback, I can (sort of) imagine the benefit of reading a sample of the next book, because to read the next book, or a sample thereof, would require a trip to a bookseller. In an e-book however, a sample of the next book would be redundant, as it requires a mere click to download a sample or, if wanted, the whole next book.

Which is why I changed the back matter of my books by listing the other books in the Amsterdam Assassin Series, with their blurbs, so readers who finished Reprobate can see whether Peccadillo might be to their liking.

Also, if there is a demonstrable proof that samples in e-books sell more books than, say, a short list of available books with blurbs and a link to a retailer (which may not be necessary, because they just finished your e-book and they presumably know where they bought the damn thing), then I'd say, stuff your book full of samples. On the other hand, if 10% of readers bother to complain about them, you can assume that the other 90% either don't care, or suffer in silence. However, I've never come across a reader who says, 'Thank you for providing me with a sample of Peccadillo, I wouldn't have found it otherwise...'

Good point, Martyn. Free samples of ebooks, readily available on Amazon, sell a whole lot more than adding samples at the end of the ebook.

They do?   Interesting.

Where can I see data on this?

Linton, I'm talking from the READER perspective, not the writer/publisher perspective. Readers don't give a damn how much extra pages cost.

Well, that's what I was kind of wondering about.  Seriously, where to you find that?   Do you hve readers telling you they don't like extras?  Is there some poll somewhere?  I'd like to know more about this.'

Actually I get the same curiosity every time I hear "readers" invoked.  How do we know that? 

Goes all the way back to my periodicals careeers.  some art director saying "people like white space" and I'm going, "how do you know that?", don't you really mean "art directors like white space"... I doubt magazine readers even have an opinion on it.

I'm sure there was a poll/discussion on the reader forum on kindleboards not long back. And every writer was, and still is, a reader too!

Yes, but once you say "from READER perspective" you draw a line.

I'm a reader, Lin. You got your opinion, I've got mine and mine is as good as yours. Got no time to argue about this, I've got books to write.

We're all readers, Susan.  But "what readers like" discussed by writers goes a bit beyond that.  And hopefully into "larger samples".

I don't you understand.  I'm not arguing or putting down your opinion.  I'm curious about this and asking for information.  If there are polls or anything that show "what readers think about this" I'd love to see them.

Same goes for lots of other issues where I see "reader opinion" cited.

I'm a reader. I stated my opinion. What's so hard to understand?


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