Prostitutes and prostitution figure prominently in many crime novels. Most of the time the men paying for the sex aren't even mentioned. Fair? Not fair? Up in Kennebunk, Maine, last year that was the QUESTION: To Name or Not To Name Read more here

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Interesting story, and I guess I come down with the Maine cops. If it's a crime, all the criminals ought to be named. But legal prostitution is another issue, I think. The woman are so degraded, IMHO, it can't be a good thing.

If prostitution is illegal, both participants have broken the law. Same with drug deals.


In my books prostitution isn't illegal. I have the option to investigate the treatment of women in such situations.

No-brainer for me. You break the law, your name's on the record.

But in jurisdictions where prostitution is legal and regulated, it's a different story. Then it becomes a private commercial transaction. Different privacy rules would apply.

I agree Stephen, but some police agencies will not publish the men's names. Think DC Madam. The Canal Street Brothel in New Orleans. The Hollywood Madam. The only reason why the Kennebunk police published their names was because a local paper threatened to publish them if the cops didn't.

In jurisdictions where prostitution is legal, it is also regulated, and that leaves room for illegal prositution. Some prostitutes are underage, or they can't pass a health screening, or they just don't like rules. Pimping is almost always illegal, but that does not stop men who consider it an attractive occupation.

On balance I favor legalization, but it's far from a no-brainer.


Prostitution is going to occur, no matter what the law says. Best to regulate it for health and safety reasons.

Interestingly, a Union general whose division occupied a Tennessee town in the Civil War required all prostitutes to register, undergo a medical examination, and pay a $5 license fee. Crime and venereal disease diminished considerably.

No to mention that the women are much SAFER in a legal establishment for prostitution than they are standing out on a street corner, or even going to motels or hotels to service clients.

That was General Joseph Hooker, and I believe he did it while the commander of the Army of the Potomac. It is why prostitutes are referred to as hookers.

Hah.  Nice to know. I have avoided using the term and am glad in retrospect.

Thanks for the great information, Dana. I didn't know that.


We also owe Gen. Hooker credit for being one of the first to use the "Fightin'" nickname, as in General Joseph "Fightin' Joe" Hooker. The boxing world and future vice presidents would never be the same.

If you've been charged with a crime, it's public record. If not, there's not a lot of sense in naming names. You open yourself up to civil suits.


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