For those who haven't heard and are interested a new pilot episode was introduced on Amazon Prime Video featuring Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch. Here's a link to the story about the endeavor and there's a link within the article that allows you to watch the show (I think even if you don't have Amazon Prime Video) because they want viewers to vote on whether or not to make a series based on the show.

I watched it and thought it was excellent and Michael Connelly was very much involved in the making of the show.

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I saw the pilot over the weekend and liked it a lot, agree with everything you said here.

Glad you enjoyed it, Dana.

My only problem is if they pick it up. I'll have to decide whether or not to get Amazon  Prime. I'm not a member, I only did a month trial and I cancelled it. Not enough different offering compared to what I can get on Netflix.

We were in the same boat, but may fall in the other direction. If only a matter of video on demand, we'd have stayed with Netflix. The free, expedited shipping of Amazon orders is something Netflix can't match. Now, if Netflix hadn't broken their DVD and online components apart a few years (against my advice, I might add), we'd be staying.

Thanks Kevin,

I saw that and was going to post it but then Connelly came out with a post saying it was not yet confirmed. Weird, but it looks pretty solid.

Also saw Chris Carter's THE AFTER got picked up also. I liked that one, too.

I agree with David. If the other episodes are as good as the pilot, Bosch could be the best cop show in decades.


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