Has Crimespace died? Has everyone gone somewhere else? Let me know if you have. Seems like nothing but BSP, reviews and blogs now. 

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Yes, Dan. I'm afraid that's generally true. Many thanks fo the kind effort, though.

I just came back. The problem with being a one-man operation is that it's impossible to keep up with everything, and this just slipped through the cracks.

Hi, Stephen.  :)

I was wondering the same thing. I look forward to "What Are You Reading" for suggested titles.

Have to hurry over there.  :)

I just signed in tonight after being gone for years and, quite frankly, I was surprised to see that there were comments in 2015. I had tried to sign in a couple of years ago, but couldn't remember what email address I'd used to set up my account. I finally figured it out.

In any event, where's everyone spending most of his/her time? Twitter? Facebook?


Neither. I look in here sometimes, and on Crime Through Time, and sometimes Passive Guy.

Well, one problem is that there does not seem to be a way to list latest posts at the TOP of the forum. Major failure. Maybe I'm missing it.

I noticed this too, Stephen. There only seem to be reviews and blog posts at the top now. Don't know what good a review here would do now. I have to believe visits are just a shadow of what they used to be.

The new format seemed to coincide with the demise of the site. Not sure which exactly came first, but they were very close in time.

What? Isn't the latest topic to be commented on listed at the top of each category on Forum?

Reviews belong under Blogs.

I think the problem with pesky promotion under Forum topics is that people have figured out that this is the more active (relatively speaking) place.

I. J. Parker : Reviews belong under Blogs.

Well, people are like that. They don't pay much attention to where to post a comment. May as well herd cats as try to enforce that.

But my point remains. Most forum software programs permit the viewer to choose last posts at top or bottom. This forum does not. So visitors see only very old posts at first and have to scroll down here to see anything new. Bad idea.


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