Seems like everyone's getting fired up with the online crime short story lately. I can think of three venues that are open or opening up soon: Anthony Neil Smith is bringing back Plots With Guns, John Rickards is starting something a little more experimental called Degeneration Twenty (which I'm pretty excited about actually), and Aldo 'Mystery Dawg' Calcagno's already opened up Darkest Before The Dawn.

From the early days of Crimespace, I'd always hoped to add a flash fiction section, but the features I needed to do so weren't forthcoming. With all the quality venues out there already, I don't see a need.

Anyone know of some other new venues I've missed?

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Hey Daniel,

Thanks for the plug.

I do also have a flash fiction site called Powder Burn Flash
This site take crime fiction flash up to 1,000 words.

A market that a lot of people are probably overlooking is Heliotrope because it's not limited to mystery, but the new issue has a sneak peek at a new Bruen book, Once Were Cops. They do great stuff there and take mystery submissions. may be worth watching - they've just closed the book on a crime anthology, but I don't know if they'll be producing more in the future.

Jackie Tritt
Another venue for crime short fiction is
Great suggestions! They look like the type of Zines I love exploring.
I would hate to think that print is dead, but ezines are cropping up everywhere! Nothing wrong with that as there is a lot more exposure I suppose. I notice a lot are branching both ways, print mags having an ezine companion and vice versa. Shred of Evidence and Mouth Full of Bullets are two such venues that I can think of off the top of my head. Thanks for the info.


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