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Special offer for those going to 221B Con in Atlanta

As I hope everyone knows by now, I will be a guest and panelist at 221B Con, the annual Sherlock Holmes convention in Atlanta, Ga. Needless to say, I'll be bringing copies ofSherlock Holmes and the Plague of Dracula, Never Meant to Be, and Secrets Can't Be Kept Forever.

I see no reason for people who don't want to wait in line for their books to do so. If you like, you can have your copy waiting for you, inscribed and ready for a good…


Added by Stephen Seitz on March 7, 2014 at 5:08am — No Comments

Last day to party

It's simple, hangover-curing literary lagniappe for the final day of the STRIKE PRICE release party. Just questions.

Why does the Raven Mocker appear? Who employs the assassin?

For anyone needing more post-Mardi Gras medicine, here's a line by Robert Earl Keen, Jr. "The road goes on forever and the party never ends."

Added by L. A. Starks on March 6, 2014 at 6:39am — No Comments

STRIKE PRICE, Mardi Gras, and Cherokee

Laissez le bon temps roulez. Still rolling in NOLA....

Today's the fourth day of the five-day release party for STRIKE PRICE. The Cherokee language and culture informs this thriller, so today's literary lagniappe is a link to a Cherokee-language radio show, part of a comprehensive Cherokee nation website.

Added by L. A. Starks on March 5, 2014 at 11:54am — No Comments

Party On

It's the third day of the five-day launch party for the release of energy thriller STRIKE PRICE! Get ready for Mardi Gras--or for those of you in Australia--celebrate now!--and enjoy this book trailer.


Added by L. A. Starks on March 4, 2014 at 2:00pm — No Comments

What's on in March - win a copy of DI Andy Horton, Death Lies Beneath, talks and writing

This week there is the chance to win a copy of DI Andy Horton number eight, Death Lies Beneath, which is being offered on the Crime Readers Association (CRA)…


Added by Pauline Rowson on March 3, 2014 at 7:59pm — No Comments

The Party Continues: Literary Lagniappe for new release, STRIKE PRICE

As you watch the Oscars: Jennifer Lawrence is attached to a potential movie about the Marlands, a story told in STRIKE PRICE

Added by L. A. Starks on March 3, 2014 at 5:39am — No Comments

Fractured Trust: A Renee Steele Legal Mystery

From R. Barri Flowers, award winning criminologist and internationally bestselling author of legal thrillers, Persuasive Evidence, State’s Evidence, and Justice Served, comes a gripping new legal suspense novel, Fractured Trust: A Renee Steele Legal Mystery.


It is 1982 and assistant prosecuting attorney Renee Steele…


Added by R. Barri Flowers on March 3, 2014 at 4:30am — No Comments

Literary Lagniappe

Celebrate the launch of STRIKE PRICE , the second Lynn Dayton thriller, on Nook & Kindle as well as in print, with literary lagniappe through Wednesday. Here's today's--a featured song from the book, and the English translation.


L. A.…


Added by L. A. Starks on March 2, 2014 at 9:18am — No Comments

PULP! Two Novels and a Novella to Keep You on the Edge of Your Seat

Vincent Zandri has entered the "boxed set" arena with his first ever effort from Bear Media. The aptly titled PULP!...(click on the title to…


Added by Vincent Zandri on March 1, 2014 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Review: Stalk Me by Richard Parker

That evening began much like any other.  Luc and Beth Jordan on holiday, not only recuperating from an attack on Beth by a mugger, but taking a break from the stresses of purchasing their new home.  They were on their way to have dinner at a favorite restaurant, Beth at the wheel, and Luc amused at something on his cell.  The road ahead was clear, and…


Added by J. F. Juzwik on February 26, 2014 at 7:09am — No Comments

Suspense thriller authors

I've forgot about this website.  Sorry.  Our CONNECTIONS trilogy is now finished.  It started with "The Imperial Connection" and then "Well Bred Connections, and we're proud to announce we've self-published the third, "Hidden Connections."  If you like suspense and romance at the same time, we're the writers for you.  Right now we have our first novel, "The Imperial Connection" for free.  Go grab it and give us a review.  If you review it (good or bad) we'll send you a free transcript of our…


Added by Marc E. Folley on February 24, 2014 at 3:07pm — No Comments


I know it’s hard to believe, but there are some people out there, writers among them, who don’t believe a condition like writer’s block really exists.  They think it’s a myth, a grandiose theory perpetuated by the lazy, the liars, and the plain bone-idle, and by those airy-fairy arty-farty types - the dilettante - who like the idea of writing and love the idea of being known as a writer, but in reality just don’t have the stomach for the genuinely hard work of conceiving, writing and…


Added by PJ Shann on February 24, 2014 at 5:43am — No Comments

Ignore The Pain

I love authors, I really do. However a very few of them...well, let me explain

I'm sitting in front of my computer this morning wondering what topic I wanted to discuss. Should I throw up another Adult Truth? Or another taekwondo life theme? How about I introduce my new series of blogs on Tourist Complaints and how they relate to my life. Or maybe even the new series of restaurant reviews featuring some of my books' characters.

Suddenly, (and I know an…


Added by Stephen Brayton on February 21, 2014 at 9:52pm — No Comments

Pauline Rowson entertains the National Trust with tales of murder, mystery and DI Andy Horton

On Thursday 20 February I was delighted to entertain the volunteers of the Southampton and District National Trust.

I talked about the inspiration behind the DI Andy Horton series of crime novels, where I get my ideas from, and how I write the…


Added by Pauline Rowson on February 21, 2014 at 6:41pm — No Comments


Just a little over a week until the release of the new STRIKE PRICE. Can't wait!

Added by L. A. Starks on February 21, 2014 at 9:09am — No Comments

Whose story is it? Pauline Rowson discusses viewpoint

Whose story is it? That is a question every writer needs to ask him or herself before starting to write a novel, or if not then certainly while writing and revising it. From whose viewpoint are you telling the story? Is it single viewpoint or multiple viewpoint? Is it male or female or a mixture of both? Beware the latter though and having too many viewpoints because that will not only muddle the story and slow it down but it will also confuse you, and more importantly the…


Added by Pauline Rowson on February 17, 2014 at 9:18pm — No Comments


One side of everything is what I like to call first-person singular.  So, not ‘Tom, Dick, or Harry did this, that, or the other,’ but ‘I did this, I did that, I did. Me.’  One side of everything is exactly what a writer shows to a reader when they write in the first-person, and while this approach may, at first glance, seem to offer a very narrow and limited range of creative options, in many circumstances what could be viewed as a handicap can actually be an…


Added by PJ Shann on February 15, 2014 at 8:10pm — No Comments

Around the Globe with D. R. RANSDELL

So, I have to watch it on the roads this morning because (and this will be no surprise to many readers) it snowed again! Blech! This is why it took me so long to get home and be able to hop in the transporter to pick up this week's featured author. Where are off to? Anywhere there isn't snow, which omits most of the continental United States.

Ms. Ransdell manipulates…


Added by Stephen Brayton on February 15, 2014 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

What comes first - plot or character? Pauline Rowson discusses

The answer is that the two are so interlinked it is difficult to say what comes first. The characters drive the plot but in order to create the characters you must have an idea what the plot is about.

In my case, in respect of the DI Andy Horton series of novels, this is usually a location…


Added by Pauline Rowson on February 11, 2014 at 11:34pm — No Comments

try this one--word of the day

Boyar--it was new to me...

Added by L. A. Starks on February 8, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments

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