All Blog Posts (12,730)

Maynard Soloman, gal-damn detective, interviews a long-haired hippie freak

Big Daddy Abel is a musician with the Amish Outlaws and author. I wanted…


Added by Benjamin Sobieck on October 16, 2011 at 7:24am — No Comments

Nigel Bird "Smoke"


I have come to really enjoy the British fiction I have been finding lately. It goes deeper than just my love for Monty Python; it is the way the authors write about life, the manner in which they embrace the struggles, the toughness they exude, and the rawness of their emotions. I find that missing in much of what I read that is produced here in the good old US of A. I know it is there also but the style seems to be, to just gloss over it. The writing I have found of some of Bird’s…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on October 16, 2011 at 6:31am — No Comments

This Week Enter to Win a Signed Autographed Copy of my Novel!

This week on Free Book Friday, my novel, Sinnerman is featured, and I will be giving away three personally autographed copies.  You can enter to win by clicking HERE.  And good luck to everyone!…


Added by Cheryl Bradshaw on October 16, 2011 at 5:34am — No Comments

I'm Interviewed by Timothy Hallinan at The Blog Cabin

In addition to being a kick-ass writer, Timothy Hallinan is a true humanitarian and gentleman scholar, as can be seen in his erudite and probing interview of Yours Truly at Tim’s blog, The Blog Cabin.

Many thanks to Tim for his support and for questions that made me think about some things I hadn’t even thought about when I was writing Wild Bill.

Added by Dana King on October 16, 2011 at 4:57am — No Comments

Surprise Me

In my post today at the Criminal Minds blog, I write about four books that surprised me.

Added by Reece Hirsch on October 16, 2011 at 2:34am — No Comments

Big Discount on Behind Closed Doors at (And the animal sanctuary still receives a full donation)

My new novel, Behind Closed Doors, the sales of which will help the Mayflower Animal Sanctuary, just received its first reader review at …


Added by Brian L Porter on October 16, 2011 at 2:29am — No Comments

Luca Veste "Liverpool 5"

I have to say that when I got this read it in its entirety it really flowed. My exposure to fiction of this type has been minimal. I had thought I had it all covered: digital short stories, novellas ,full length novels, but I had not read anything like “flash fiction” or stories under 2000 words that were complete stories. They are very interesting, breaths of fresh air. I enjoy the quick blast, and when a bunch of them are strung together with a common thread like Liverpool, well then it…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on October 15, 2011 at 11:47pm — No Comments

One character is 'discovered.' Another isn't. Why?

You write muliple characters.  One character is 'discovered.'  Others are not.  Why?  Some musing of this over on my blog.  If you're interested, go check it out.

Added by B.R.Stateham on October 15, 2011 at 4:14am — No Comments

I love a mystery

I love to travel and I love a mystery! That's why, whenever I go on vacation and visit a city that I've never been to before, I search for a local bookstore where I scan the shelves, looking for mystery/suspense novels by local authors. I do this for two reasons. First, I think it's important to support writers everywhere (maybe someday, someone will return the favor) and secondly, because, when I come home and return to my daily life, I can open the pages and escape to the place I've just… Continue

Added by Patricia Gligor on October 15, 2011 at 2:03am — No Comments

Ask Mallory Petersen

Darren here. You know, I’m Mallory Petersen’s secretary and office manager. I’ve hacked into Mr. Brayton’s blog this week because I want to promote my boss’ latest adventure, Beta.

Often times she’s told me I am much more than a secretary and I do accomplish a lot for both her investigator practice and her taekwondo school. I make sure the bills are paid on…


Added by Stephen Brayton on October 15, 2011 at 12:12am — No Comments

Virality , Yeah I need some of that stuff

I want to go viral. No, there is nothing wrong with me; several things have recently occurred to prompt this urge in me. The main reason is I think that Paul D. Brazill and B.R. Stateham have an awesome idea and I am hoping that word of it reaches its intended targets; in order for that to happen we need some help, a lot of virality.

To recap, Paul and B.R. were asked what exactly is noir and hard –boiled?I mean I get different answers from different people. Is it a matter of…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on October 14, 2011 at 5:47am — 2 Comments

Piranha Assignment News

The press release for The Piranha Assignment is on line!  Please share with everybody who loves a good thriller!

Added by Austin S. Camacho on October 14, 2011 at 4:02am — No Comments


Audio sample

by Eduardo R  Casas on October 6, 2011 at 3:46pm           

Added by Ed Casas on October 14, 2011 at 2:28am — No Comments

Giving Fictional Characters Facebook Pages

That's what I did for one of my characters, Maynard Soloman. I have a personal profile already, and wasn't using my "author" page all that much. It got confusing and redundant.


The solution was to hand the keys over to Maynard. Not only do I have pre-written content to post from published material, but it's more fun to write in his voice than my own. There's plenty of marketing potential, too.




Added by Benjamin Sobieck on October 13, 2011 at 11:43pm — No Comments

International Casting Call for Noir/Hard –Boiled Authors for a new Anthology Series to be produced by Trestle Press

Yesterday, October 10,2011, I had Paul D. Brazill as my scheduled guest on the G-Zone, my Blogtalk Radio Show. B.R. Stateham was nice enough to help me co-host; it was really fun. In the midst of the interview these two great noir/hard-boiled authors came up with an idea: Why not produce a new Anthology series gathering the best noir/hard-boiled authors the world over? Is noir the same in Levittown,Pa. as it is in Moscow? Hard-boiled fiction, do they tell the same story in Liverpool as they…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on October 12, 2011 at 10:54am — 4 Comments

Alexandrea Weis "The Keeper of The Dead"

There are times when I get to read something that as a reader I have a level of expectation based on the author, their reputation, and their past work. All of these have planted a seed in my brain pan of what is to come, at least I hope. Let’s face it, no one is perfect; some authors miss the mark, maybe they are taking a risk, stretching themselves, blah ,blah, blah.

My point in this is: I have read everything I can find by this author; she has consistently exceeded my expectations,…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on October 12, 2011 at 6:15am — No Comments

Timothy Hallinan on WILD BILL

Edgar and Macavity award nominated author Timothy Hallinan (THE QUEEN OF PATPONG) had this to say about WILD BILL:

Dana King's WILD BILL is a thriller that derives its thrills from the complex interactions of a group of fully-realized characters on both sides of the law -- although the boundary between one side and the other isn't always clear.  Set into motion by the death of a Chicago crime boss, the story introduces us to a gallery of gangsters -- the best and most persuasive…


Added by Dana King on October 11, 2011 at 7:24am — 1 Comment

An interview with the always interesting Paul D. Brazill

In today's blog I had an interesting talk with Brit writer of dark noir, Paul D. Brazill.   Thought you'd be interested.  It's here:

Added by B.R.Stateham on October 11, 2011 at 4:04am — No Comments

Cool New Review!

The first review posted on for my new novel, the Piranha Assignment, is a video review. Please take a look! -

Added by Austin S. Camacho on October 11, 2011 at 1:20am — No Comments

The G-ZONE This Week: Paul D. Brazill, Big Daddy Abel, B.R. Stateham, The Mayor of Book Town……

Hello and I hope that everybody is having as awesome Monday!! To get the week off on a good foot I am lucky to have Paul D. Brazill as my guest , the start time is at 4pm EST. To say I am AMPED is an understatement. Paul is a huge name in the noir/crime fiction/horror/ hard –boiled fiction genres and it is a pleasure and an honor to have him as guest. Tune in for the fun, call in and ask him a few questions, email me a question for him, whatever you need to do to be a part of the…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on October 11, 2011 at 12:17am — No Comments

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