Author: Christopher Brookmyre
Publisher: Little, Brown
Copyright: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4087-0060-0
No of Pages: 394
Book Synopsis:
The senior pupils of St Peter's High School are on retreat at a secluded outdoor activity centre, coming to terms with the murder of a fellow pupil through the means you would expect: counselling, contemplation, candid discussion and even prayer - not to mention booze, drugs, clandestine liaisons…
Added by Karen from AustCrime on November 18, 2009 at 1:33pm —
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I just found this via Google. No idea where it's been hiding. I also found out that my book was one of the 10 bestselling tradepaper mysteries at Poisoned Pen in August.
Book Review
From BookList, , 2009, Copyright © American Library Association. Used with permission.
The sixth Sugawara Akitada novel, set in eleventh-century Japan, finds the Ministry of Justice official leaving his job to hunt down the murderer of an old friend. But his…
Added by I. J. Parker on November 18, 2009 at 5:58am —
Don't ask me where these things come from, but I started wondering this morning why we keep the soy sauce behind the dish soap and the teriyaki sauce in a different area, next to the cinnamon. No logic there, merely an unconscious decision at some point in the past that became habit and now is required. I can imagine either my husband or I bellowing to the other, "Where have you put the soy sauce?" if it were to end up somewhere else.
That's how my files are, too. Everything is…
Added by Peg Herring on November 17, 2009 at 11:01pm —
1 Comment
Useful appliances usually have names that reflect their purposes. Dish washers and toasters come to mind. But hot water doesn’t need heating. So why isn't it called a cold water heater?
Added by Austin S. Camacho on November 17, 2009 at 9:12pm —
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Useful appliances usually have names that reflect their purposes. Dish washers and toasters come to mind. But hot water doesn’t need heating. So why isn't it called a cold water heater?
Added by Austin S. Camacho on November 17, 2009 at 9:12pm —
1 Comment
For those of us who dream of getting published, you should go over to ShadowLine Press and check'em out. They're new--and they're looking for writers. The kind of writers found in here. Being brand new means everyone is starting on the ground floor. Kinda exciting, if you ask me.
And when you go over there, check out their 'authors' page. Neat, Maynard.
They're at
Added by B.R.Stateham on November 17, 2009 at 2:39am —
My mother, an elementary teacher, once had a student hand in homework that stymied her for a few moments. All the true-false, multiple choice, and short answer responses were correct, but all the essay questions were answered with the phrase "Answers will vary." She finally figured out that during recess, while she was on hall duty, the kid had swiped her teacher's edition from the desk, copied what was written there onto his paper, and then put the book back.
What I've been thinking…
Added by Peg Herring on November 16, 2009 at 10:12pm —
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I had a successful book signing at the Waldenbooks in Cumberland MD, which the manager described as “a little off the beaten path.” She gambled and ordered a big stack of The Troubleshooter in hard cover, and they all sold.
Also, my guest shot on
Madame Mayo’s blog posted a couple days ago. Her blog combines literary subjects with an international flavor, so I…
Added by Austin S. Camacho on November 16, 2009 at 9:38pm —
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Today I gave a mini version to the Las Vegas Quill Keepers of the workshop I'll be presenting at the Las Vegas Writers Conference in April else? Las Vegas. The title is "Crafting Twists and Dropping Clues." It was very well received, so I can't wait to present it complete with Power Point and a short interactive workshop.
While preparing the presentation, I realized that one of my all-time favorite Twist and Clue movies was "The Usual Suspects." I revisited it and…
Added by Morgan St. James on November 15, 2009 at 2:21pm —
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Daughter Am I blog tour is winding down -- I have seven days to go (eight if you include today) and I don't know whether to be sad or to rejoice. Since my promotion motto is "Promotion is just another word for party," I decided to rejoice and have an end of blog tour party on the 22nd and 23rd. You are all invited, of course.
The most interesting aspect of the tour has been coming up with…
Added by Pat Bertram on November 15, 2009 at 12:30pm —
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I grew up in a house full of readers where everyone’s favorite pastime was to gather around the fireplace and read, talk about books, or read aloud from books such as The Hound of the Baskervilles. Gradually I became aware that some of my parents’ favorite books were mysteries, but I didn’t really understand why until I started to write one.
Traditional mysteries are layered puzzles, like archaeological digs. The best ones are rich in character and setting, hard to put down but…
Added by Sarah Wisseman on November 15, 2009 at 8:00am —
1 Comment
He was moving along smoothly as the wheels clicked over the separations in the sidewalk- tic-tic-tic. Jack was a striking figure in his wheelchair. A fit specimen in a
Wheelchair with a short crew cut dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt with odd stainless steel caps just below his knees adding to his total look of curiosity. His lower legs had been shot off. And the caps caught the attention of passerby’s. His upper body was muscular with his arms betraying his strength.…
Added by RONALD FEASEL on November 15, 2009 at 12:30am —
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Famous Street Was Caught Between East and West
Merkel, who grew up in East Germany and was one of thousands to cross that night, recalled that "before the joy of freedom came, many people suffered."
She lauded Gorbachev, with whom she shared an umbrella amid a crush of hundreds, eager for a glimpse of the man many still consider a hero for his role in pushing reform in the Soviet Union.
THRILLER CROSSROADS provides some of the subtleties hidden…
Added by STEVEN NEDELTON on November 14, 2009 at 8:00pm —
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That would be
me! And I'm smiling because I'm the new Managing Editor of the International Thriller Writers' webzine and newsletter
THE BIG THRILL. Very happy to be in a position to give back to an organization that's done so much for me.
If you've never been to the website, be sure to check it out. And if you…
Added by Karen Dionne on November 14, 2009 at 4:30am —
The page proofs have arrived for the new Inspector Horton crime novel
Blood on the Sand which is being published on 25 February 2010.
This is the final stage before the novel goes to print and perhaps the most nerve racking (apart from publication that is) because it is too late to make major changes, or even too many small ones apart from typo…
Added by Pauline Rowson on November 14, 2009 at 3:56am —
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Worn out has-been or drama queen? Interpretations of the Palestinian president's threat to quit vary greatly. By Matt Beynon Rees -
JERUSALEM — Sometimes a quitter really does quit for good.
The Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, announced last week that he wouldn’t run for re-election…
Added by Matt Rees on November 14, 2009 at 1:21am —
Die, Vampires Song
Download MP3 at:
At a party late one night
Saw this vixen smile at me
She said come up to my room
If there’s more you’d like to see.
Something told me not to
Lust said it had to be
She pulled me into her room
Used a key to lock the door
Started kissing on my neck
Took off all the clothes I…
Added by Mike on November 14, 2009 at 12:30am —
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One Of The Best Books I Have Ever Reviewed
The Trojan Project
By Eileen Thornton
Available from Amazon
Stand where you are and listen to the stillness. Do you hear anything? Do you hear the rustling of the trees, the cattle or sheep moving? Do you see anyone out there while looking down from the top of the mountain? Now, look up into the sky and out into the distance. Do you see that green light? Don’t get too close and find shelter before it…
Added by Eileen Thornton on November 13, 2009 at 11:03pm —
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TITLE: The Trojan Project
AUTHOR: Eileen Thornton
COPYRIGHT: Eileen Thornton
FORMAT: Paperback
GENRE: Fiction
PAGES: 292
PRICE: $12.99 (US), £8.99 (UK)
ISBN-10: 1905609094
ISBN-13: 9781905609093
Imagine…you’re waiting for your husband to come home from tending the sheep. Out of nowhere appears a green flash in the night sky. It’s followed by a strange green mist. You hear your friends and neighbors in the valley below screaming…
Added by Eileen Thornton on November 13, 2009 at 11:00pm —
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I can't do it. I envy those who can.
I will admit that as a playwright, I wrote some things that were funny. But in my novels, nobody's going to laugh out loud.
I note this because I started reading a friend's MS last night and I did...laugh out loud. She has the knack of being funny without being silly, and entertaining without stooping to farce, which irritates me. I was never a fan of the Lucille Ball-type heroine, so overdrawn and asinine that I wanted to slap her. My…
Added by Peg Herring on November 13, 2009 at 10:44pm —