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I recently read the entire series of Mitch Rapp novels by Vince Flynn. I found them quite gripping although sometimes a little 'fantastic'. His 13th book here, ' The Last man ' was possibly best and unfortunately his last book as he died unexpectedly after publishing it.  Hopefully another writer will come along and continue his 14 th book.  - I find this to be a growing practice and can be good or bad. 

I had also  read Robert Parker's 'Appaloosa ' series last year and loved them. -Recently read "The Bridge" featuring Cole and Hitch, but written by Robert Knott. It was really good and featured the two laconic heroes in just the same way as Robert B himself did. - Yet curiously, I just cannot get into 'Spenser' novels.

Ruth Rendell, THE ST. ZITA SOCIETY.  Very good indeed.

Currently I am re-reading Clockers, by Richard Price. It's one of his earlier books. Price has an uncanny way of getting into his characters, physical mannerisms, manner of speech, self-doubt. Quite amazing. He has written scripts for The Wire, and other TV shows. Great ear for dialogue. 

Recently read Every Move and now the third in the series Every Word by Ellie Marney - YA Crime Fiction which is really very good. 

I am currently reading DOWN by Matt Madigan.

The Secret Speech by Tom Rob Smith, enjoyable follow-up to Child 44. A few plot turns are a bit fantastical, but the suspense keeps the reader interested.

I just finished Silent Night, Robert B. Parker's final book. He didn't actually finish it before he died. It was completed, with his widow's blessing, by his longtime agent and friend. It was, like many of his later books, kind of sad. It just didn't have the zing of his earlier works. I think he was getting tired. I laughed out loud only once. 

Just finished the second of Alexandra Fuller's three memoirs. The first was (Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight). This covered her childhood in white Rhodesia. The second (Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness) is a biography of her mother, who always refers to the first as "that God-awful book." There's a third volume (don't know the title) about author's marriage and divorce.

These aren't crime novels, but the writer is so gifted.

Breaking Free: One Woman's Journey From Marriage to Independence

I have just finished a wonderful book, Thimbprint, by Friederich Glauser. He wrote only five books, however, the German mystery prize is named after him. He wrote during the thirties. He died at age 42 after a very troubled life... Drug addiction, schizophrenia, in and out of asylums and prison. He even was in the Foreign Legion for two years!

What stands out in his writing is the use of detail to characterize the characters, the social criticism of life in a small town, his likable police sergeant/detective. It's brief; it was so good that I cancelled an appointment so I could finish it.

I've started a first novel by C. David Ingram, "The Stone Gallows. 

I cannot recommend it highly enough, certainly looking forward to his future work.

Open Grave by Kjell Eriksson
Erisson's books are always a treat because he cares so much for people. His books are basically character studies; this one's about small acts of violence aimed at an old man just awarded a Nobell.


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