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Ok so I am supposed to be hanging out the washing doing the dishes, making the bed, vacuuming and all those other lovely homely things but am I NO.... I am here in Mystery Heaven lost in all the Wonderful Offerings it holds,

after finding crimespace I don't think I need any other sites I will just visit here day and spend a few hours in Mystery Nirvana. Ahhhhhhh Bliss

OOps those chores keep calling out to me I must do them but then maybe as a treat when theey are done I can come… Continue

Added by Jacki on October 8, 2007 at 1:19pm — No Comments

A Quote That Says It All

A quote on writing that I pulled from today's paper...

Writing is an obsessive-compulsive disorder. A kind of miracle. Something out of nothing. Out of you. Only you can write it, whether it's good or bad.

T.C. Boyle

Added by Cormac Brown on October 8, 2007 at 9:42am — No Comments

Post Bouchercon and Life Goes On

Hi, I'm in Homer, Alaska, after my husband, son, and I escorted author Jessica Speart down from Anchorage on Thursday in our Silverado pulling the 26 ft travel trailer. Jessica was just back from Authors to the Schools and her visit to Kotzebue area immediately after Bouchercon (see B'con pics -

When Jessica left for New York yesterday, she took my service dog, Josie, with her. It's amazing how much that little dog was such a… Continue

Added by Karen J. Laubenstein on October 8, 2007 at 7:47am — No Comments


Yet another Eric Stone Drive-By Book Tour is getting underway. I've

been warming up with events on home ground and am headed for New York


My last book tour, the Disoriented Express with Colin Cotterill, we added up the estimated weight of our assembled

crowds. I don't think I'll bother with that this time. For one, I don't

have Colin along to help me with the estimates. And unless something

truly untoward or special occurs along the way, I'm not sure… Continue

Added by Eric Stone on October 8, 2007 at 7:41am — No Comments

Blog Tour

Hey, y’all! I’m pleased to announce my blogtour promoting the release of my first book, BAYOU JUSTICE. Please drop by the following blogs and visit a bit!…


Added by Robin Caroll on October 8, 2007 at 5:30am — No Comments

H.A. DeRosso's gritty noir western

There's some wild discussion about what's noir over on Rara-Avis e-mail list. My definitions for everything are always too loose, but this is noir: H.A. DeRosso's western paperback from 1953, .44. Check my blog post here:

Added by Juri Nummelin on October 8, 2007 at 4:31am — No Comments

Vachss' A Bomb Built in Hell

I just finished reading _A_Bomb_Built_In_Hell_, Andrew Vachss' first novel, written in !973 but unpublished until 1999. I've long been a Burke devotee, but I stumbled upon a link to ABBIH on the wikipedia hardboiled page. It is Wesley's story, and parts of it have been cannibalized (Vachss' word) in some of his other early novels. It is available as a free PDF download at:…


Added by terry bowman on October 8, 2007 at 2:09am — 1 Comment

Pulp Pusher has just put up the final instalment in my four-part interview with the legendary Andrew Vachss . . . he's on blistering form, revealing all about how long the Burke series can run, why h…

Pulp Pusher has just put up the final instalment in my four-part interview with the legendary Andrew Vachss . . . he's on blistering form, revealing all about how long the Burke series can run, why he doesn't sign contracts to write books and what he thinks of David Beckham!!! Take a looksee…


Added by Tony Black on October 7, 2007 at 11:43pm — No Comments

Greetings crimespace!

Just a first "bloggy" post to get going... this should be a fun place! I love crime stories and love writing them! Presently, I'm working on a few stories in that genre. THE LINE is my self-published police/crime comic series that I've been working on since late 2004. That's been my primary baby for the last couple years. I've got at least a couple PI/Detective stories in me that I've been working on getting out either in comic format or short story (maybe in a collection of some sort), not… Continue

Added by Shannon Chenoweth on October 7, 2007 at 11:37am — No Comments


So, after spending a day in the school in Kalskag, I flew back to Aniak. The next morning I was being picked up early to fly to Sleetmute - one

of the…


Added by Donna Moore on October 7, 2007 at 5:36am — No Comments

Graphic novel of HEAD GAMES coming

From Publisher's Marketplace: "Graphic novel script rights for Craig McDonald's highly praise Head Games, historical thriller and 1950s-era road novel based on the factual theft of Mexican Revolutionary Pancho Villa's head (available from Bleak House Books, Sept. 2007), to Mark Siegel of First Second Books (Eisner Award-winning imprint of Henry Holt & Co), by Svetlana Pironko at Author Rights Agency."

Head Games has also been selected by Poisoned Pen's…


Added by Craig McDonald on October 6, 2007 at 9:58pm — No Comments


Before the Brief Interlude I left you, dear reader, as I was gettting off my

duct taped plane in Kalskag. I was staying with two teachers - Karen

and Dave - who had kindly invited this stranger into their home. It was

a lovely home and full of things from the local area, plus the Far East

where one of… Continue

Added by Donna Moore on October 6, 2007 at 11:06am — 1 Comment

MOON OVER MURDER on Amazon Shorts

My short story, MOON OVER MURDER, is live on Amazon Shorts. It is downloadable for only 49 cents at

Such a deal!

A teenage boy in the 1950s gets a dream summer job working in a restaurant beside a lake, owned by his aunt and uncle. It doesn't hurt that three pretty female…


Added by Alan Cook on October 6, 2007 at 11:00am — No Comments

Wisdom from a Middle-Grade Book Writer

Poor children's book author Lisa Yee. Her computer broke down, taking with it her latest manuscript. She bruised her face after sustaining a fall. And at a book festival this weekend, the bookseller made a mistake and ordered piles of books by Lisa See, the bestselling novelist for grownups.

Instead of being defeated, she directs her blog readers to a Wall Street Journal online piece about these "last lecture" series in which invited professors deliver a lecture as if it is their…


Added by Naomi Hirahara on October 6, 2007 at 2:30am — No Comments

Interview on

On Wednesday, I visited with host Megan Willingham. Megan is a truly wonderful interviewer. She has a warm, intime interviewing style, and asked many thought-provoking questions. I really enjoyed the hour. You can listen to the podcast this week (they keep them posted for one week) at:

(Click Writers).

Also, I'm blogging today at Killer Hobbies. Stop by for a…


Added by Kathryn Lilley on October 6, 2007 at 12:57am — No Comments

Half of Luck is Just Showing Up

posted by Leann Sweeney

I'm talking about my critique group today. They are a wise and wonderful bunch. I've heard stories about other writers having very bad experiences with critiquers. I've also heard this topic presented as a panel discussion at conferences, have listened to agents and editors warn new writers to be very careful about what others say about a work in progress. I guess this can be a problem, but I said "guess" because that has not been my…


Added by Writers Plot on October 5, 2007 at 10:40pm — No Comments

The Occasional Short Story

As a novelist you can benefit from writing a short story every once in a while, even if you don't intend to publish it. A short story hones your ability to say what must be said efficiently. Characters must be sketched in a few words. The plot must move along, with everything focused on a main event. Description, while minimal, must bring the story to life. It isn't easy, so it makes you a better writer.

Another nice thing about short stories is that they're useful both before and…


Added by Peg Herring on October 5, 2007 at 9:25pm — No Comments

The Muse and Other Stories of History, Mystery and Myth

Lillian Stewart Carl's latest anthology is a magical escape into the past, the past of history and literature.

If you have a familiarity with the basic bones of Carl's stories, they are even more enchanting. She covers literature, from Charles Dickens to Shakespeare to Johnson and Boswell. There's wonderful historical elements, from Ann…

Added by Lesa Holstine on October 5, 2007 at 12:51pm — No Comments

Face Time

It's not often that a mystery brings tears to your eyes, but Hank Phillippi Ryan's second book, Face Time, does just that. It takes a special character to make a reader care about their life.

Charlotte "Charlie" McNally is back, eight months after Prime Time, still working for Channel 3 in Boston as an investigative…

Added by Lesa Holstine on October 5, 2007 at 12:49pm — No Comments

West Hollywood Book Fair

The 6th annual West Hollywood Book Fair last

weekend was hit --especially the track of mystery panels organized by

local author John Morgan Wilson. There were a number of mystery fans

--and writers-- in attendance.

After the LA Times Festival of Books each

April, the WHBF has grown in a relatively short time to become the

second largest literary event in Southern California. It is no where as

crowded, however. Yes, people do read in Southern… Continue

Added by Mark Haile on October 5, 2007 at 10:27am — No Comments

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