All Blog Posts (12,730)

Stranger Than Fiction

Is history repeating itself?

A few weeks before the US publication of The Double Eagle in 2005, the US Government made a sensational announcement. Ten 1933 Double Eagles, the same incredibly rare $20 coins that feature at the heart of my novel, had been seized from the family of one of the dealers implicated in the original 1940s enquiry. Given the plot of my novel (the recovery of five Double Eagle coins stolen from Fort Knox), it was an incredible coincidence that did not go… Continue

Added by James Twining on October 5, 2007 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

Thursday Thirteen #5

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thirteen Things From My Life That Begin with "C"
in no particular order

1. Curly hair. It's the bane of my existence. My hair is very thick and curly, and while I know some people…

Added by Sammi Carter on October 5, 2007 at 6:30am — No Comments

LIMCON 2008 Call for Panelists Now Open

We're ready! If you wish to be considered for a position as a panelist
or moderator at our 10th annual Love is Murder Conference/Convention,
please answer our 2008 Call for panelists ASAP--deadline is 1 November 2007!

Added by Love Is Murder Conference on October 5, 2007 at 6:06am — No Comments

Two New Mystery Stories in Amazon Shorts

Hello, friends and readers:

I would like to announce the availability of two new and original mystery short stories now live in the Amazon Shorts Program, featuring wonderful stories by great authors for 49 cents .

"The Jury Has Spoken" is a taut legal thriller inspired by my legal mysteries, STATE'S EVIDENCE, PERSUASIVE EVIDENCE, and JUSTICE SERVED.…


Added by R. Barri Flowers on October 5, 2007 at 5:29am — No Comments

Another Small Press Distributor Bites the Dust

BookWorld, headquartered in Florida, has shuttered its doors, reports Publishers Weekly. I'm not sure what publishers used BookWorld, but it's getting clearer that small presses either need to handle direct distribution themselves or get large enough so that Ingrams or Baker and Taylor will be willing to work with them.

Added by Naomi Hirahara on October 5, 2007 at 3:53am — No Comments

If Anyone Wonders Why I am Here...

This is just an interlude - longer posts will follow on my days in

Kalskag yesterday and Sleetmute today but two things happened today

which were so wonderful I had to share them.

First of all, I met a very bright and funny High Schooler called Vernon who is a real

character (he came out to meet me from the Bush plane, told me he was

my bodyguard, and that he could speak in a Scottish accent but he

wasn't going to because he would never be able to get his own… Continue

Added by Donna Moore on October 5, 2007 at 3:38am — 1 Comment

Reading Alaska

posted by jet-lagged Jeanne, home about six hours

Our three-week trip to Alaska, culminating in the wonderful Bouchercon event in Anchorage, has come to an end. A lot of feelings and thoughts are burbling in my mind and I'm not ready to write my final words on the Last Frontier.

Last week's hand-wringing post lamented my inability to capture the grandure, the characters, and the experience that is Alaska. In lieu of my deathless prose, I offer a selection of other…


Added by Writers Plot on October 4, 2007 at 10:29pm — No Comments

Which Part of Writing Is Work?

I have a glib answer: "None of it. It's all fun." But there's a more serious answer as well. It's all work: the writing, the editing, the shopping, the marketing. None of it is easy. There are times when it's smooth sailing. A story is going well and almost writes itself while I sit and watch. I get 100 pages edited at a sitting, and it feels like it has come together. An editor says nice things about my writing. People call to ask me to talk about my…


Added by Peg Herring on October 4, 2007 at 10:23pm — No Comments

Connie Willis & Me

I went to a book presentation last weekend by Connie Willis. Who?

Mystery writers and crime writers may not know her. I didn't know

her until the owners of the Denver Book Mall -- Nina and Ron Else --

told me I had to be there. I know a good recommendation when I

hear one. Nina and Ron know their stuff. Anything about books,

they know it. Connie Willis is a science fiction writer. And romance

(gasp) writer and "anything" writer. She stood there pleasantly… Continue

Added by Mark Stevens on October 4, 2007 at 2:00pm — No Comments

A couple of Boston area author events for "Bad Thoughts"

October 4, 2007, 7:30-9:00 pm, Needham Public Library, 1139 Highland Ave., Needham, MA. I'll be talking about my books Fast Lane and Bad Thoughts, as well as my three upcoming Serpent's Tail books, and signing copies.

November 6, 2007, 7:00-8:30 pm, Barnes & Noble Bookstore at Boston University, 660…


Added by Dave Zeltserman on October 4, 2007 at 1:27pm — No Comments

I Will be a Guest Blogger on Killer Fiction, Sat., Oct. 6th

Hello, all:

I will be the guest blogger at Killer Fiction this Saturday, October 6th.

The site features a wonderful group of humorous romantic suspense writers, including Gemma Halliday, Kathleen Bacus, Christie Craig, Jana DeLeon, Leslie Langtry, and Bethany True.

As a literary criminologist, I will talk…


Added by R. Barri Flowers on October 4, 2007 at 8:41am — No Comments

Marketing to Niche Groups

On Monday night at the Schaumburg Twp. Library, we had the pleasure of hosting YA author John Green. John won the Michael L. Printz Award for his first book in 2005 then a Printz Honor for his second in 2006. John is very funny and clearly loves teens. Groups of teens came to the program, but not because of his books or awards, which is why several librarians were there. John and his brother Hank have a Video Blog called Brotherhood 2.0 at…


Added by Love Is Murder Conference on October 4, 2007 at 7:29am — 1 Comment

Lost Hours is Now Available

If you enjoy a good hard boiled mystery than look no further. My novel Lost Hours is now available in either electronic or trade paperback format. Lost Hours tells the story of a Detroit private investigator trying to solve a twenty-three year old murder, where he was the prime suspect.

If you're interested in purchasing Lost Hours, simply click the image. Enjoy.…


Added by D K Gaston on October 4, 2007 at 6:42am — No Comments

Word Nerd chats with Harry Hunsicker

CrimeSpace member Harry Hunsicker in the spotlight this week.

Read the interview here.

Added by Bethany K. Warner on October 4, 2007 at 2:50am — No Comments

Waqaa Cangacit

Which means 'Hello, how are you' in Yu'pik. More at

Since I was fogged in in Aniak, Emily took me to the elementary school which is Kindergarten to 6th Grade (so, ages 5-10 I guess. The school

was very accomodating and arranged for me to spend half an hour with

each of the 5 classes (I go back on Thursday to spend all day with

them). Needless to say, I was very nervous. I've never taught children

before. Before we left… Continue

Added by Donna Moore on October 4, 2007 at 2:26am — 1 Comment

A Rubber Hose Up Your Nose

posted by Doranna Durgin

Actually, in this case, a rubber hose might be more preferable. And I'm not talking about the recent photo of the record-breaking guy who threads a snake up his nose and down out his mouth. Oddly...even that would be more preferable.

I'm talking about the brain-eating amoeba.

Recently, a teen went swimming in Lake Havasu--not far from here, as distance is measured in…


Added by Writers Plot on October 3, 2007 at 10:37pm — No Comments


We went on a color tour yesterday. What a great way to recharge! It's ironic but true that being out and about, especially in a natural setting, makes my fingers itch to get back the computer and try to capture what I've seen.

I admire writers like Nevada Barr who create a sense of place with words. As a reader it's thrilling to feel like you've visited a place or to recall being there and think, "Yes, that's what it looks like."

I guess nature provides inspiration, but great…


Added by Peg Herring on October 3, 2007 at 9:58pm — No Comments

Check out my new music player!!

Yeah, right here on my homepage, I've added a player to give you the first 3 episodes of Jack Wakes Up AND the first episode of Jack Palms II: This Is Life. This is all free audiobook downloads that you can listen to on your computer, iPod, whatever. Why not give it a listen? If you like what you hear, you can get the rest of each book for free on my site


Added by Seth Harwood on October 3, 2007 at 7:08am — No Comments

Signed Audiobook Agreement

Today I recieved---and signed and reposted, with all due haste--the audiobook contracts for two of my novels. I'm pretty pumped. As we sometimes say down here, in moments of breath-taking exhuberance, hell yeah!

Added by Timothy C. Phillips on October 3, 2007 at 5:47am — No Comments

200,000 ARCs for Sale!

Publishers Weekly reports this morning that PMA, the independent book publishers group, is taking a strong stance against the online sale of galleys. It is encouraging its members to no longer do business with Internet outlets who sell galleys and is revoking an fee discount from its membership benefits. The story reports that 200,000 galleys are listed for sale just on! Ouch.

Added by Naomi Hirahara on October 3, 2007 at 3:05am — 2 Comments

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