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"A Fantastic Opportunity" my current novel I am marketing

The synopsis is all about a man in his late fifties. He has a wife and two teenage sons. His wife has had medical problems and the healthcare expenses are rising. Deep over his head in debt and wanting to find a better job as he has been working at a department store acting as the regional manager. However, he has hit the top with his earnings. With working sixty hour weeks, there is little hope that even a part-time job will dent his needs. One evening he is looking through the want ads.…


Added by Krystal Waters on July 26, 2007 at 11:29pm — 1 Comment

Another Five-Star Review Out of Nowhere

I am beginning to realize that your book has a life of its own.

You never know where it will wind up or who will be reading it -- or

exactly what prompted them to read it. I had never heard of but of course, now I love the site. This review

was posted on Amazon this week (below). In a word, thanks!

What a WOW of a first novel!, July…

Added by Mark Stevens on July 26, 2007 at 10:50pm — No Comments

Time's Wing'-ed Chariot

posted by Jeanne Munn Bracken

"But at my back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near."

"To his Coy Mistress", Andrew Marvell

I admit it. I'm a Boomer, and our generation ain't getting any younger. Clever marketers have noticed that. We are daily bombarded with the "opportunity" to purchase long-term care insurance, retirement property in warm (or foreign) climes, and cemetery plots.

Despite more than a few creaks and groans in the ole…


Added by Writers Plot on July 26, 2007 at 10:49pm — No Comments

Writing What You Like

I had lunch with a writer friend the other day and we got into a discussion about what we write. I'm about to be published in historical romance when I really love writing mysteries. She's published in cozies and wants to start a series with a paranormal detective. Conventional wisdom says to write what you know, but there's also the consideration of what will sell versus what you really love to write.

My friend's written two series, one she devised herself and one she was asked to…


Added by Peg Herring on July 26, 2007 at 9:40pm — No Comments

Miss Fortune

In 1947 there’s only one female P.I. in New York City and her name is Allie Fortune.

They call her the P.I. Princess. Allie Fortune is the only woman private…


Added by Sara Mills on July 26, 2007 at 5:12pm — 6 Comments

There's No Place Like Crimespace

My friend Jordan Dane has been recommending Crimespace for a while. Jordan is not only a wonderful author, she's nearly always right.

I finally set aside a bit of time, and--like Dorothy--just clicked my heels together three times. Bingo! Guns, booze and crime. So much better than Oz!

Speaking of fantasy, I finished Harry Potter 7. No worries, I won't spoil it. But the world, admittedly, seems a little dimmer without another HP book on the horizon. Rowling managed to cross a… Continue

Added by Kelli Stanley on July 26, 2007 at 11:24am — No Comments

a success

can't believe I finally figured out how to join crimespace and then minutes later lots
of friends came...welcome tout le monde

Added by Cara Black on July 26, 2007 at 9:16am — No Comments

Harrogate - A to Z

Friday 19th July - 7:50am

D Day. Or rather DdM day. Only a few hours and a disgusting British Rail cooked breakfast now stand between me and my du Maurier panel and professional humiliation.


Added by James Twining on July 26, 2007 at 4:57am — No Comments

When a picture changes

I'm trying to change this picture of myself to something not at all myself. I'm having trouble with this. I used the "change my profile photo" feature and uploaded the correct photo, but this fuzzy picture of me is still there. Oh well.

Still working on my book. It's still a skeleton, but the skeleton becomes more defined every day. That's encouraging. Imagine a pregnant woman having to create the child within her cell by cell, bone by bone, limb by limb, feature by feature, all on her… Continue

Added by Rosie Contreras on July 26, 2007 at 3:40am — No Comments

The Bronx Noir Launch

Were I a more prepared man, I'd have pictures, but, alas...

It was a blast. I probably signed my name to fifty books and probably missed out on many more. The store, Partners and Crime, has a big heart but a small floor and, if I counted correctly, there were thirteen authors from the anthology in person last night. Abraham Rodriguez flew in…


Added by Steven Torres on July 26, 2007 at 3:35am — No Comments

but I can't help expressing my morbid fascination with the scandal unfolding around Louisiana Senator David Vitter. By day he championed conservative moral values, by night he cavorted, diaper clad, …

but I can't help expressing my morbid fascination with the scandal unfolding around Louisiana Senator David Vitter. By day he championed conservative moral values, by night he cavorted, diaper clad, with the highly paid prostitutes of Deborah Jean Palfrey, the "DC… Continue

Added by Judy Nichols on July 26, 2007 at 3:01am — No Comments

Looking for Staten Island noir

I've been asked if I know of anyone who's written about Staten Island, or has a connection to Staten Island for a collection of short noir stories for an anthology.

I'm a little sketchy on details but I can put you in touch with the guy who's organizing it.

Added by Janet Reid on July 26, 2007 at 1:27am — No Comments

Word Nerd chats with Dave Zeltserman

Another CrimeSpace fellow is in the hot seat this week.

Dave Zeltserman chats about his new with Word Nerd here.

Added by Bethany K. Warner on July 26, 2007 at 1:17am — No Comments

DEAD CONNECTION tour - Day 10- July 25

Today I nearly had to throw down with the good folks at United Airlines in Denver. Long story. Involved me running two minutes behind the 45 minute cut off to check bags in Denver (b/c I spent 20 in the line to get to the nice lady who told me the only option was to travel tomorrow when I could show up 90 minutes in advance as required). Highlight was collapsing two bags into one bag in front of a small crowd to cheer me on, then sprinting to the gate in time to board. Human perseverance, 1.… Continue

Added by Alafair Burke on July 26, 2007 at 12:30am — No Comments

New venue and review

Many apologies for neglecting this page for the past week or so. I will try to reply to everyone's messages as soon as I can, before there get to be too many!

Fraterfamilias is now available on Fictionwise.

Also, it has been reviewed positively by GUD (Greatest Uncommon Denominator).

Added by Paula R. Stiles on July 25, 2007 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Mistakes Writers Make-con't

In addition to long asides that take the reader out of the story, there is another practice all too common in modern cozy writing that drives me crazy. Because of "themed" mysteries, we all have to learn about a craft, a job, or a hobby as we follow clues to whodunnit. That's not terrible, but authors should be careful not to let their theme overshadow the plot. There's a tendency to get so detailed that the text reads like an instruction manual rather than a story, and in the end I get the…


Added by Peg Herring on July 25, 2007 at 9:49pm — No Comments

DEAD CONNECTION tour - Day 9 -July 24

I swear, y'all. I leave town for a week and Lindsay Lohan gets popped again?! Seriously, what kind of entourage does she keep that allows her to engage in high speed SUV chases with a .12 BAC and coke in her pocket? BTW, if you haven't seen the clip of CNN's Jack Cafferty attempt to boycott the LiLo story, it's proof that the man might occasionally climb off his rocker but hasn't consumed the cable news koolaid yet.…


Added by Alafair Burke on July 25, 2007 at 1:03pm — No Comments

Me and My CPs

I meet every Tuesday with my critique partners, Judy Moresi and Donna Ross.

Today I brought along the first 10 pages of my newest book. I asked Donna, "How often have you read this starting chapter?"

She laughed. "What? Maybe, oh, five times?"

Yes, and that doesn't count all the times I've rewritten this without her knowledge.

Not long ago, someone asked, "How often do you rewrite a book?"

The answer: As often as necessary. Here's the deal: Those first ten…


Added by Joanna Campbell Slan on July 25, 2007 at 8:41am — 2 Comments


What a great time I had meeting new and old friends - and how thrilled (stop laughing) I was to have some of my favorite people and writers - P.J. Parrish (Kris & Kelly) , Joe Finder and Nick Stone take home that terrific looking award.

If you missed the convention this year - don't miss it next year! It's truly unique and before I forget - many kudos to all the volunteers who worked for months to put on such a great event.

There's tons more I could say - but hey - what…


Added by Elaine Flinn on July 25, 2007 at 8:34am — 1 Comment

Better Living Through Old Technology


I've been writing since I was 12; most of that writing has been done on computer. Now that I'm 32, I've come to believe that modern tools are not as good as the old tools.

On my desk right now sits a 1940s-vintage Royal typewriter. In the roller is a sheet of paper, the 17th such sheet, with a lot of words on it. Those words are part of my new novel, "Speak for the Dead." This is book #8. As with every book, this is THE ONE that will be the break-out. Period. But…


Added by Brian Drake on July 25, 2007 at 8:04am — 4 Comments

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