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AlanReads: THE WATCHMAN by Robert Crais

Anyone familiar with the PI Elvis Cole novels of Robert Crais knows that Joe Pike, Cole's shadowy partner, is one of those fictional "Competent Men." You know tha type -- exhaustively trained, intensely experienced, and in any and all situations...competent (like Ian Fleming's James Bond or, more currently, Lee Child's Jack Reacher). So we know that a man like Joe Pike, ex-Marine, ex-L.A. police officer, ex-mercenary, is more than capable of getting out of any trouble he finds himself in.…


Added by Alan Cranis on May 10, 2007 at 12:30pm — No Comments


On June 1, I'll be signing copies of A Minor Case of Murder from 1:30 - 2:00 at the MWA booth at Book Expo America. If you're going to BEA, I hope you'll stop by and say hello.

Added by Jeff Markowitz on May 10, 2007 at 11:20am — No Comments

Interviews and Aida

Managed to squeeze in the first pass through my HagsHarlotsHeroines ( interview today, as well as having a good look through later on and sending it to Laura ( for comment. I hope she likes it – or most of it – I’ve tried to be as honest as possible, but am…


Added by Anne Brooke on May 10, 2007 at 4:26am — No Comments


I've had a sinus infection for a week. This has been very detrimental to my writing. I'm sitting at about 53,000 words and 25,000 snot balls. Going to take another crack at it today.

In other news, my check for the Teacher Miracles anthology arrived from Adams Media. $50 bucks. Now I feel like a pro! As Brian Thornton suggested, think I'll take a color copy of it and keep it my scrap book, or maybe frame it. Personally I'd like to place it next to first novel advance check... still…


Added by Dave Bara on May 10, 2007 at 3:40am — No Comments

Called Up

I got my call-up papers for my citizenship application, after much delay. So I'm now cramming for the civics exam. June 12th I'll either be a new American or on my way back home.

Added by Simon Wood on May 10, 2007 at 3:31am — 2 Comments

Hart, John – KING OF LIES

KING OF LIES (Suspense-Jackson Workman Pickens-North

Carolina-Cont) –NR

Hart, John – 1st book

Thomas Dunne Books, 2006, US Hardcover – ISBN: 031234161X

First Sentence: I’ve heard it said that jail stinks of despair.

Jackson Workman “Work” Pickens is a defense attorney, married to a beautiful woman, living in a big house.

His father, Ezra, had built a powerful legal practice and a…

Added by LJ Roberts on May 10, 2007 at 3:00am — No Comments

My interview is up!

Howdy crime friends,

I was interviewed over on Jaime's blog at Fiction Scribe last Friday. Check it out if you get the time. It's all about writing historical mysteries, inspiration and other hoo-hah and whatnot.

My Interview

I also write and maintain two blogs for, one on cats (surprise! LOL) and the other on gardening (another surprise!)

I also write a garden blog of my own,… Continue

Added by Bobbi A. Chukran on May 10, 2007 at 12:20am — No Comments

Listmaker am I!

posted by Doranna

I've been a listmaker since before I knew what listmaking was. Even as a child, I had a tiny little pocket notebook, and on it I made my endless notations in exacting Lilliputian print (hey, a kid's gotta do something during those endless homeroom announcements). You'd think a youngster just wouldn't have that much to stick on a list, but mine was never lacking for items.

Over the years the lists have varied in form--experimentation with…


Added by Writers Plot on May 9, 2007 at 10:36pm — No Comments

Cherry Pie, Leigh Redhead


Publisher: Allen & Unwin

Author: Leigh Redhead

Edition released: 2007

ISBN 978-1-74114-736-0

411 pages

Genre: Crime Fiction

Reviewed by: Karen Chisholm

CHERRY PIE is the third book in the Simone Kirsch series, which takes a slightly darker, more edgy direction than the first two.

Working to raise the cash for the gadgetry needed to start her own Private Investigator business, Simone is sidetracked by a desperate phone message… Continue

Added by Karen from AustCrime on May 9, 2007 at 4:34pm — No Comments

Where's The Love?

There is no sense of immediacy with books. Think about it. You can read a book tonight, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. This is the double-edged sword. The same thing that makes books so convenient for taking on holidays (or reading on a bus or in a waiting room) is what makes it easy to put them off forever. They aren’t bound by a sense of urgency.

Unless you participate in a book club, read listservs and forums that push a book to the point where you can’t stand it…


Added by Sandra Ruttan on May 9, 2007 at 5:50am — 1 Comment

Summer Schools and treasure hunts

Ruth was back at work today, which was great as I’d missed her last week. It was rather quiet. She brought with her tales of gorgeous weather in Mull, peculiar fishing trips and chocolate ginger biscuits. Hmm. Lovely. Good for my circulation and my hormones – what more could one want?

This morning, I have made more phone calls from work than I normally do in a year. I rang Marian (golfing partner) to give her the name of the new National Trust property that Lord H and I visited last…


Added by Anne Brooke on May 9, 2007 at 5:43am — No Comments

Housewright, David – DEAD BOYFRIENDS

DEAD BOYFRIENDS (Unlicensed Investigator, Rushmore McKenzie, Twin Cities, MN, Cont) –


Housewright, David – 5th in series

St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2007, US Hardcover – ISBN: 9780312348304

First Sentence: The dream came back to haunt me the night they threw me in jail.

Former policeman…


Added by LJ Roberts on May 9, 2007 at 3:00am — No Comments

Check out Mystery Net

Are you all regular visitors to Mystery Net already? For more than a dozen years, Mystery Net has been the place to go for online mysteries and mystery games. Every Month the site features puzzles with names like See-n-Solve, Solve-it, Twist and Flash mysteries. Members post Get-a-Clue mini-mysteries and teasers every day.

The web site is also a resource for mystery books, TV shows and games. There's a marvelous mystery time line tracing the history of the…

Added by Austin S. Camacho on May 9, 2007 at 2:47am — No Comments

About Elena...

There are a couple of things that I found interesting about this story (if I do say so myself…). First, it came out of me pretty much the way you see it. I think I may have changed a couple of words here or there, but really it was one of the easiest stories to write that I’ve done. I figured out later that it was in the second person, present tense.

The title, took more time. This story is about Elena Kojcic, Viktor Petrenko’s wife. It didn’t start out that way. It was written before…


Added by Steven Torres on May 9, 2007 at 12:33am — No Comments

Books as Decor

Posted by Lorraine

I have a lot of books. I'm talking a REAL LOT of books. Many, many, many books. Fiction and non-fiction. Mysteries, cookbooks, how-to books, travel books, women's fiction, and even a few romances. I love books. I have books in just about every room in my house. (Okay, not the bathrooms. We're just not bathroom readers.) When we moved in 14 years ago, our movers cursed all our book boxes (and us), and we've accumulated at least triple what we had since then.



Added by Writers Plot on May 8, 2007 at 10:16pm — No Comments

Glad He Ate Her - A Roman Mystery

I've always wanted to write a historical...

It was 124 BC, and I was on my fourth dead body of the week. The first three were routine Christians thrown to the lions, but this one was different - the death of a young man wearing the purple robes of a senator would need to be investigated carefully and the obvious solution of…


Added by Donna Moore on May 8, 2007 at 6:54pm — 4 Comments

Weird Coincidences...

Today, I have received not one, not two, but, three nudges to get writing!

1. This morning in a non-writing related email, I read about a

historical incident in Scotland that I'd previously researched on the

web as a part of a potential storyline. It was something of a surprise

to see the topic pop up on the screen without having done a search.

2. A published writer took the time to add an encouraging post on my spot over at BookPlace. Thanks,… Continue

Added by Beth Walker on May 8, 2007 at 12:19pm — No Comments

Ask! Tell!

Almost every writer I know works his/her tail off trying to court new readers (and to keep current readers interested and coming back for more). Most writers have websites, and I've always thought the fact that "web" is part of the word is, albeit unintentional, prophetic. While it may be an unflattering image, writers spin their websites with the sole intention of catching readers.

My webmaster and I are always trying to come up with new ways to have vistors come by, and as a…


Added by Dorien Grey on May 8, 2007 at 11:38am — No Comments

No Malice but Very Domestic

I certainly made a number of unexpected friends during the weekend. Despite their focus on amateur sleuths, the folks at Malice Domestic were very welcoming and gracious to this private eye writer. The overwhelming majority of attendees were women, but they didn't make me feel weird being there. Well, maybe a little at the end during a formal tea and the best hat contest.

The Agatha Awards banquet is the major draw of course, but I have to admit that I had the most fun at the start of… Continue

Added by Austin S. Camacho on May 8, 2007 at 10:32am — No Comments

I have been to the mountaintop

Or thereabouts. Actually, on a recent business trip to London I dropped by the "residence" of a fairly well-known detective. It's something of a pilgrimage for mystery writers. You can see the pictures by clicking the "Side Trips" link off of the home page of storytellerroad, or go here.


Added by Novelist's Boot Camp on May 8, 2007 at 10:03am — 1 Comment

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