All Blog Posts (12,730)

Crimespree crimespace special offer

We've recently run a short piece about crimspace in Crimespree Magazine
and as an extention of that I wouls like to extend a offer to the folks

Anyone subscribing or renewing through the end of the month of June can
get 7 issues instead of 6. Just mention in a note or on the
message portion of payal "CRIMESPACE DEAL" and we'll give you an extra
issue with your subscription.

Our latest issue just shipped

Added by Jon Jordan on May 27, 2007 at 9:43pm — 1 Comment

UFC 71


Added by Christa Faust on May 27, 2007 at 5:49pm — No Comments

Eyebrows and operas

Had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine yesterday, who'd been to a Chinese healer and had had a face reading. Apparently, he'd spent one-and-a-half hours reading her eyebrows. One-and-a-half hours!!! I mean: weird, or what?? Especially as the friend in question has eyebrows that are barely visible, even though she doesn't pluck them. It appears that such eyebrows mean that you're the sort of person who only does one thing at a time and can't multi-task well. Bloody hell, I…


Added by Anne Brooke on May 26, 2007 at 11:08pm — No Comments

No Whine Zone: Writers Take Charge!

By Guest Blogger Roberta Isleib

There's an awful lot of griping going on among writers about the publishing industry lately, and I admit I've contributed my share. Did you see the recent New York Times article reporting that because no one knows how to predict what sells, the folks in charge guess madly (sometimes by attending to a sizzle in their spines) and pay enormous advances to a few lucky writers? And what about the decline of book review sections in newspapers? Or the sudden…


Added by Writers Plot on May 26, 2007 at 11:06pm — No Comments

Cover designs: whose vision is best?

I've always been baffled by the way that album covers are the same all over the world - because artists naturally want to project the same, consistent image - but book covers change in every territory, because publishers believe that only they know what works in their market.

I think that's nuts. Seems like an incredible waste of effort and it harms authors' ability to create their own personal brand. BUT ... it does have the advantage for a writer that tyou get to see how lots of… Continue

Added by Tom Cain on May 26, 2007 at 8:46pm — 4 Comments

Summer Time and the Living is anything but...

I will be taking a break from my intermittent comments for a while. My day job is about to take over my life. For the next few weeks I am prepping 45 summer workers for 8 to 10 week jobs. It is one of my favorite times of the year. All potential-no regrets, but it sucks the creative juices out of me. I hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend. As a slightly conflicted, liberal who has worked for the military-industrial complex, I leave you with Churchill's, "Never give in; never,…


Added by Karyn J. Powers on May 26, 2007 at 3:24pm — No Comments

Recently Read - THE NIGHT FERRY by Michael Robotham

This is a fascinating book even if you only look at it from the point of view of how it fits in with Robotham's other 2 books. His first was THE SUSPECT where the central character was psychologist Joseph O'Loughlin. In a sense the second book, LOST (also published as THE DROWNING MAN) was a sequel to SUSPECT, with the same two main characters, Vincent Ruiz and psychologist Joe O'Loughlin. Whereas SUSPECT focussed on O'Loughlin's predicament, LOST focusses on Ruiz.



Added by Kerrie on May 26, 2007 at 12:55pm — No Comments

Paul Newman done with acting.

I wrote about this on Crimespree Cinema, but am tossing out here as well.

On Good Morning America, Paul Newman said:

"I'm not able to work anymore as an actor at the level I would want to."

You start to lose your memory, your confidence, your invention. So that's pretty much a closed book for me."

This reduces me to a sniveling little boy.…


Added by Jeremy Lynch on May 26, 2007 at 11:22am — No Comments


As you may or may not know, I've got a real blog out there at, but for those of you who haven't wandered over to the THRILLING DETECTIVE BLOG, here's a recap of my latest message there:


My recent appearance in a Los Angeles Times profile by journalist Scott Timberg, where he grilled me on on LA crime writer Robert Crais, was evidently just a warm-up act.

This week, an interview I did… Continue

Added by Kevin Burton Smith on May 26, 2007 at 5:20am — 1 Comment

The Surrey woman ...

Today, I have been very "Surrey". Played golf this morning - much better than last week, thank the Lord (I couldn't have stood the shame ...) and I even sunk a hugely long putt to get four - hurrah! I know that won't mean anything if you don't play golf but, believe me, it's pretty hot! And I beat Marian, aha!, so honour has been satisfied. Not that I'm a competitive stressed-out bitch at all of course ...

Back home for my haircut, and Lynda arrived early, just as I was considering…


Added by Anne Brooke on May 26, 2007 at 12:50am — No Comments

Please allow me to introduce myself....

Yikes, this is almost as hard as writing the book was. I'm a first time writer, my book Pushing Up Daisies (St Martins 2008) is a funny (as in Carl Hiassen funny, she says modestly) mystery set in the suburbs. It's the first in a series with garden themes.

Gardeners have to be patient so I was well prepared for the publishing process. The writing took about 18 months, the publishing - going on 3 years. Finding an agent was the biggest hurdle. Advice to fledgling writers - don't give…


Added by Rosemary Harris on May 25, 2007 at 11:17pm — No Comments

Cormac McCarthy

Two of the last three books that I have read "The Road" and "No Country for Old Men." And they are probably THE two best books I have read in the last twenty years.

The style is unique, but well planned. The text conversational complete with some phonetic spelling,…


Added by JackBludis on May 25, 2007 at 11:00pm — 16 Comments

Summer Mystery Reading Challenge!

Everybody here should want to know that the Review By Liz web site - - has issued a Summer Mystery Reading Challenge! Site visitors are prompted to read six mysteries by authors whose works you haven't read before between June 1st and August 31st . This website provides a place to discuss them with other mystery readers. This is a great incentive to sample the works of new authors - and a great way for those of us who aren't on… Continue

Added by Austin S. Camacho on May 25, 2007 at 10:32pm — No Comments

Um, Officer, I Swear I Didn't Do Anything

Posted by Deann Dweeney

If you didn't notice yet, names in this blog have been changed to protect the innocent. That would be moi. Prior to this last Tuesday evening, my only enounters with the police have been to research my books ... oh, and I tend to drive my car like I just stole it. But let's not go there. Let's get right to the story.

I meet with my writing…


Added by Writers Plot on May 25, 2007 at 10:29pm — 1 Comment


Thanks for inviting me to crimespace.

I have accepted a lot of friend requests, and I will get around to visiting you all this weekend.

It's been a busy week, personally and professionally, and I have lots of catching up to do.

See you all soon!

Added by Beth Ann Allen on May 25, 2007 at 4:28pm — No Comments

Kumamoto and Hirahara

No that’s not a Japanese law firm, that was my lunch today. Naomi Hirahara and I got together to discuss our upcoming setting workshop for No Crime Unpublished over sushi. I had Kumamoto oysters (my favorite!) and caged various tasty bites off Naomi’s plate as well. By the time the coffee mochi came, we had managed to come up with something resembling a plan. I think it’s gonna be… Continue

Added by Christa Faust on May 25, 2007 at 3:34pm — No Comments

Forgotten Gems

The always informative and entertaining Rap Sheet has been running a brilliant week long list of answers to this simple question:

“What one crime, mystery, or thriller novel do you think has been most unjustly overlooked, criminally forgotten, or underappreciated over the years?”

Virtually everyone in crime fiction has posted their nominations (including your not-so-humble narrator) but be warned. After tomorrow, your to-be-read… Continue

Added by Christa Faust on May 25, 2007 at 3:34pm — No Comments

Links to my published stories online

The Safest Place on Earth

The Best Tip Ever



Added by Mark Best on May 25, 2007 at 2:39pm — No Comments


I'm wrestling with demons. This novel I'm working on has brought me to a very dark place that troubles me. The angry heroin addict with a thing for his sister, the childless woman whose grip on reality is tenuous at best, the twin succubi, the faded rock star who slides, effortlessly, into murderous madness: Where do they come from? Certainly they come from inside of me, yet they are not me. Or are they? I hate them and love them in the same way I alternately hate and…


Added by Laura Benedict on May 25, 2007 at 12:01pm — 2 Comments

Recently read - BABY SHARK by Robert Fate

Remarkably good for a debut novel. Robert Fate's own rich background of experience comes through. Baby Shark is "seventeen going on thirty" in her father's words. At a time when other girls her age are buying clothes and having their nails and hair done, Kristin van Dijk, aka Baby Shark, is pursuing killers and wreaking revenge. At seventeen Kristin sees her father killed in a Texas pool room by some bikies, and is then raped and beaten herself. She survives with incredible injuries, and is… Continue

Added by Kerrie on May 25, 2007 at 9:29am — No Comments

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