All Blog Posts (12,730)

LADYKILLER Book Tour and Sleuthfest

Meredith and I just got back from a book tour that took us all over Florida, ending up at Sleuthfest in Miami. We met lots of readers, book club members, booksellers, fellow authors, reviewers, and more. Let's not forget the bartenders!

The mystery/thriller community is a terrific one -- full of interesting, friendly and fun people. Our publishers, the folks at Oceanview, are just amazing. They are so supportive.

And the early reviews are mostly great!

Hope to see many…


Added by Lawrence Light on April 26, 2007 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

We're, Twelve

posted by Doranna

I was startled the other day when a friend defined me as competitive. I've always considered myself to be anything but. Indeed, the very antithesis of a competitive soul! I'll even opt out of activity rather than mess with a competitive board games, no gift exchange games, and no pretty much anything else where the only goal of the experience is to win something. I've been that way since I was a wee one.

On the other hand...I…


Added by Writers Plot on April 25, 2007 at 11:38pm — No Comments

What's in a Nametag?

As yesterday was so summer-like, I walked 2.3 miles to the train station

and headed west for Black Orchid Bookshop's annual Edgar party. With a

crowd covering half the block, I couldn't say hello to everyone I

wanted. Nametags were in short supply and as I haven't written a novel

yet, I didn't press for one. I did talk poetry with soon-to-debut

mystery author Liz Zelvin, and talked baseball with Lee Child and… Continue

Added by Gerald So on April 25, 2007 at 9:58pm — 1 Comment

Carrots and Sticks and Time Travel

In order to lure prospective new readers to my A World Ago blog ( I'd like to post here one entry...a letter written my parents on May 16, 1955, while I was a very young Naval Aviation Cadet learning to fly. If you like it, and I of course hope you do, perhaps you can check out the other more than 200 letters in the blog.

16 May 1955



Added by Dorien Grey on April 25, 2007 at 5:30pm — No Comments

My'best reads' for 2005

Bloodlines, Jan Burke

By a Spider's Thread, Laura Lippman

Calling Out For You!, Karin Fossum

Case Histories, Kate Atkinson

Dance for the Dead, Thomas Perry

Dissolution, C.J. Sansom

Don't Look Back, Karin Fossum

Entombed, Linda Fairstein

Lifeless, Mark Billingham

Missing, Karin Alvtegen

No Trace, Barry Maitland

One Last Breath, Stephen Booth

OUT, Natsuo Kirino

Scaredy Cat, Mark Billingham

Secret Smile, Nicci French

Shadow Woman, Thomas… Continue

Added by Kerrie on April 25, 2007 at 5:24pm — No Comments

Vonnegut, Propaganda, and Fox

As writers we know the power of words. We choose them carefully – rooting around sometimes for hours or days just to find the right verb or adjective. We respect the differences and shadings, however minute, that specific words connote. We understand that the right words create a mood or perception in which the whole is bigger than the sum of its parts.

We also recognize when others do it effectively. When novelists do it well, it’s called good fiction. But when the guardians of the… Continue

Added by Libby Hellmann on April 25, 2007 at 2:48pm — 6 Comments

Sneak Peeks

Fast on the heels of my current book is the next, Paying the Piper. It's finished and the publishing elves are now working on it to get it ready for November. But you don't have to wait until November to start reading it. Dorchester has inserted excerpts in a number of their upcoming titles. You can find them in:

The Concrete Maze by Steven Torres (August)

The Bone Man by Vicki…


Added by Simon Wood on April 25, 2007 at 9:54am — No Comments

Law enforcement code of ethics

What do you think? Is a code of ethics outdated? Superogatory, necessary, or just semantics. In working on my dissertation, I am coming full circle on this question. I would be interested to see what you all think on this topic........

What accounts for ethical breaches on the part of law enforcement, and is there anything or anyone capable of intervening prior to an officer’s…


Added by Adriane Reesey on April 25, 2007 at 7:50am — No Comments

Funny Trees

I took this photo myself. What do you suppose the landscapers were trying to say with it? Thoughts? Donna?


Added by Dave Bara on April 25, 2007 at 7:15am — No Comments

reunion day

Reunion Day, my second novel, has now passed 50,000 words. Peter Cochrane and the good crew of the USN Benfold have just jumped into the Callis system where they are about to discover something very bad; a biogenic virus created by the Sri. Can they find a cure before Valiant jumps into the system? How many of…

Added by Dave Bara on April 25, 2007 at 7:13am — No Comments

"Meeting" Dean Kootz

Last year I got a kick out of meeting Stephen King, well this year I 'met' Dean Koontz at The London Book Fair, which was a real thrill - read below



Added by Ali on April 25, 2007 at 6:09am — No Comments

New to this

New place for me. Checking it out. Seeing who's and what's here. If anyone actually reads this, at least wave.

You know, I've decided that there is a whole business in just keeping up blogs, personal webpages, crimespace page, myspace page, etc. How does everyone balance or better, how much time does a professional writer give to such endeavors? And is it really worth all the time, effort and expense?

Realistically, I KNOW that agents and publishers look for authors who are… Continue

Added by Arkansas Cyndi on April 25, 2007 at 4:50am — No Comments

Small flashes and larger words

Goodness, what a literary day today. The boss is back too, so we have to look super-professional and cutting-edge. Not that we don’t always look like that, of course – it’s just that we have to expunge that tell-tale trace of panic from our eyes …

Anyway, did a fair amount of website stuff, which I always enjoy, mainly on the Mentoring site, and we have plans for the Health Centre site too. Hurrah. About time it got updated. I’m sure we still have stuff about the Bubonic plague up…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 25, 2007 at 4:30am — No Comments

My book and how to get it

I've spent the last hour posting on various forums and on my own blog, and it occurred to me that if someone actually finds my posts interesting enough to click on this page, and maybe even buy my book, they may wonder how to get it. Easiest way is to order on Amazon, where I have four ***** reviews, or on Barnes & Noble. You can also go to my publisher at, then type in my name or Mood Swing in their online…


Added by Julie Lomoe on April 25, 2007 at 3:54am — No Comments

James Reasoner: DUST DEVILS

This is James Reasoner's first crime novel under his own name since his classic TEXAS WIND. The book is going to the printers this week.

Added by Point Blank Press on April 25, 2007 at 3:42am — No Comments

Psyched about Malice

Hooray, I finally booked my flight from Albany to Crystal City for Malice Domestic. My friend Marilyn Rothstein (aka M.E. Kemp) booked our room in the conference hotel months ago, and I'll be on my first national panel. All that remains is to figure out the logistics of getting my books there to sell, and getting my website up and running so that after I hand out my beautiful new postcards, people will be able to access the site printed on them.

I'd also been planning to attend the…


Added by Julie Lomoe on April 25, 2007 at 3:21am — No Comments

Insert clever title here

Ah, getting started on a cool and potentially rainy April morning. There is that old saying about April showers, but after the freeze earlier this month and the serious lack of April showers otherwise, I don't know what sort of flowers May's going to bring.

Well, a tiny bit about me. I'm 45, married, and have a teenage son. I've been writing pretty much all my life, not counting the break I took after my son was born. My first mystery story was written with a school friend when I was… Continue

Added by Pepper Smith on April 25, 2007 at 1:32am — No Comments


I've been worried about my rose bush. Not that I know jack--er--poop about roses.


Several years ago, Frank and I vacationed in Bar Harbor, Maine. Along the public walking trail (which rims the shore) were these huge, old-fashioned roses. I mentioned how much I liked them and Frank, ever thoughtful, bought me a little pink beauty.

I've been pleased with this little bush for the past 3-4 years, but Frank wasn't sure it made it through this year's harsh…


Added by Lorna Barrett on April 25, 2007 at 12:43am — No Comments

The Unanswered Question

After a full weekend of book events I think I heard just about every question ever asked about our wonderful language. And I heard answers for them all too, except those age old conundrums like: Would a fly without wings be called a walk?

Added by Austin S. Camacho on April 24, 2007 at 10:44pm — No Comments

Commercial Break?

Can anyone explain the newspaper book-pages to me? I just can't figure them out. While page after page is devoted to non-fiction and supposedly "literary" novels, the best that more "commercial" works can hope for is a dismissive mention on a roundup page or, more often than not, being ignored altogether. This despite the fact that commercial fiction in general (and crime and thrillers in particular), accounts for the vast… Continue

Added by James Twining on April 24, 2007 at 8:30pm — No Comments

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